Couple of days ago TKHour had to tell me the Salmon River has a flow rate of 1,000 cfs...
I have to go up there and try my luck for some Summer Steelhead - Samania this weekend.
Today it is down to 500 cfs, but the plans are set, there is no turning back.
Have plans to fish my buddy's private club waters in PA this coming Tuesday - Wednesday, when he called yestreday afternoon to confirm.. I told him I was heading up to Pineville Saturday through Monday... "wanta come along?" I know.. I know.. dumb question...
So the two of us will be fishing from Saturday through Wednesday...
<TABLE class=dataTable cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><THEAD><TR><TD class=taC style="WIDTH: 20%">Friday</TD><TD class=taC style="WIDTH: 20%">Saturday</TD><TD class=taC style="WIDTH: 20%">Sunday</TD><TD class=taC style="WIDTH: 20%">Monday</TD><TD class=taC style="WIDTH: 20%">Tuesday</TD></TR></THEAD><TBODY><TR class="wHover noBorder"><TD class=taC>
77° F | 52° F
25° C | 11° C
</TD><TD class=taC>
77° F | 56° F
25° C | 13° C
</TD><TD class=taC>
81° F | 61° F
27° C | 16° C
</TD><TD class=taC>
83° F | 63° F
28° C | 17° C
</TD><TD class=taC>
81° F | 63° F
27° C | 17° C
</TD></TR><TR class="wHover noBorder"><TD class=taC>Partly Cloudy </TD><TD class=taC>Clear </TD><TD class=taC>Partly Cloudy </TD><TD class=taC>Chance of T-storms 20% chance of precipitation
</TD><TD class=taC>Chance of T-storms 40% chance of precipitation
So this year the SR reports have started in July v. August.
I have my notebook puter, so I will try to post nightly reports with photos.
Fishing the Salmon River is like baseball, the season isn't decided in the first few games, but what it's like over the course of an entire season. The next 5 to 9 months (weather depending) will tell the story of the 2008 season.
Hope to meet many of you on the river this year.
AK Skim
I have to go up there and try my luck for some Summer Steelhead - Samania this weekend.
Today it is down to 500 cfs, but the plans are set, there is no turning back.
Have plans to fish my buddy's private club waters in PA this coming Tuesday - Wednesday, when he called yestreday afternoon to confirm.. I told him I was heading up to Pineville Saturday through Monday... "wanta come along?" I know.. I know.. dumb question...
So the two of us will be fishing from Saturday through Wednesday...
<TABLE class=dataTable cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><THEAD><TR><TD class=taC style="WIDTH: 20%">Friday</TD><TD class=taC style="WIDTH: 20%">Saturday</TD><TD class=taC style="WIDTH: 20%">Sunday</TD><TD class=taC style="WIDTH: 20%">Monday</TD><TD class=taC style="WIDTH: 20%">Tuesday</TD></TR></THEAD><TBODY><TR class="wHover noBorder"><TD class=taC>

77° F | 52° F
25° C | 11° C
</TD><TD class=taC>

77° F | 56° F
25° C | 13° C
</TD><TD class=taC>

81° F | 61° F
27° C | 16° C
</TD><TD class=taC>

83° F | 63° F
28° C | 17° C
</TD><TD class=taC>

81° F | 63° F
27° C | 17° C
</TD></TR><TR class="wHover noBorder"><TD class=taC>Partly Cloudy </TD><TD class=taC>Clear </TD><TD class=taC>Partly Cloudy </TD><TD class=taC>Chance of T-storms 20% chance of precipitation
</TD><TD class=taC>Chance of T-storms 40% chance of precipitation
So this year the SR reports have started in July v. August.
I have my notebook puter, so I will try to post nightly reports with photos.
Fishing the Salmon River is like baseball, the season isn't decided in the first few games, but what it's like over the course of an entire season. The next 5 to 9 months (weather depending) will tell the story of the 2008 season.
Hope to meet many of you on the river this year.
AK Skim