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Mid winter nymphinh


Well-known member
I got all my NJFW eagle observing done on Saturday and headed to the Poconos for some nymphing on Sunday. Air temp was a little chilly on arrival but it warmed up to a pleasant 48 degrees midday. Water was cold all day but there were a good number of black caddis and little black stones on the shore rocks.
Fish were feeding quite well for as cold as the water was and the to net numbers were about as good as you could ask for. Good numbers in the 12-14 inch size and three really nice fish 18-20.

There is a new Eagles nest in Clinton, right off RTE. 31, next to the SBR. It is at the old dead man's corner, across the highway from the new Marriot...it is small still, I think this is it's first year, but I have seen the Eagles hanging out...
Looks like you had a nice day. Today should be more of the same! Just curious, where in the poconos are you fishing? It seems that since my son is at PSU right now, I might have to stop for a few minutes here and there on my way. :)
DC, it would be out of your way heading to State Collage.
LU, some statistics from the 2022 NJ Eagle Project Summary. 267 nest were monitored of which 250 were active (with eggs). The active nests produced 335 young.
How many stocked trout do es each Eagle consume weekly? NJ needs to up production of fish to feed all the new Eagles!!!;)
Well if they have 2 or 3 young in the nest, plus the two adults, they probably go through a limit a day. Top that with it takes about 80 days to fledge (adults feeding them till then and beyond), and from about 40 days the eaglets are about the same size as the adults, you can see how the jingle of the metal stringer can get pretty loud feeding the whole bunch.