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Ramapo River rock rolling project Saturday (Aug. 10th)

Rusty Spinner

Well-known member
Come on out and help our East Jersey TU chapter with the removal of a stone weir just upstream of the Glen Gray Road bridge at the Oakland/Mahwah border off route 202.

View attachment 9568View attachment 9568View attachment 9568I would show you pictures, but they are not uploading for some reason(?). We will be lowering this stone weir using pry bars, strong backs and a come a long if needed. In its place (actually upstream about 10 yards or so) we will be building 2 rock deflector weirs to redirect flows off the banks. Work begins at 9 am on Saturday the 10th. Parking is on county park land immediately east of the bridge over the river there and along Glen Gray Road. You can use 55 Glen Gray Road, Mahwah, NJ if using GPS. We will park just beyond that home on the county park property. If you can, please bring gloves, pry bars and double-wheeled wheel barrows. Or just come as you are and we'll put you to work. This "shoaling" of the river over the last decade or so increases, especially as you head downstream into Oakland. Oakland is strongly considering using my river restoration guru, Urbani Fisheries, to restore sections of the river throughout their nearly 5 miles lying within the Borough of Oakland and have requested a formal proposal from them just recently. This river might finally be getting the attention it deserves!

Come help on Saturday, but please PM me if you plan to help as East Jersey TU is buying lunch and wants to have ample water for the volunteers. We can help the river in Mahwah just upstream of where Urbani Fisheries may one day be doing significant river channel restoration work to remove the shoals of larger cobble that have built up and covered much of the pool habitat from recent storm events, all of which is due to excessive development within the watershed.
I'll be around if you still need volunteers - tried sending a PM but it may not have worked - the whole site is acting funny lately..

What is the end goal of this project? I know you said to redirect the water flows away from the bank, but why? Is it a flood control project or a habitat improvement project?
I'll be around if you still need volunteers - tried sending a PM but it may not have worked - the whole site is acting funny lately..

What is the end goal of this project? I know you said to redirect the water flows away from the bank, but why? Is it a flood control project or a habitat improvement project?

Habitat improvement. This river like so many suffers from excessive development throughout its entire length and each home or business that now gets built only adds to the flooding issues and the flashy runoff issues. So it "shoals" material in the form of downstream facing weirs. Those weirs then redirect flows towards the banks instead of scouring the thalweg (you asked:)). That only further widens the river and adds more sediment, covering up trout and insect habitat. It goes downhill from there. The good news is that we can reverse much of this through certain channel restoration techniques. Saturday will be a minor help with great human effort which we hole will one day lead to towns in the watershed like Oakland doing some major in-channel restoration work.
At this point in the day, we are still a "go" for tomorrow. It it rains too much, we'll postpone for Sunday the 11th or Saturday the 17th. Thanks to all that have PMed me or sent me a text about helping out. Stay tuned here for more details in case flows come up too high.
Sorry for the late breaking news, but today's project has been POSTPONED until Sunday (11th), same bat time, same bat channel. Flows were just too high for the chapter to be comfortable with to do today's work.
I've been quoting some of Brian's posts on an "Oakland" message board...
By 8:30, neither of the "nonfishers" who had showed interest had logged in.
I began to feel a little guilty, and decided to go there and break the news to anyone who didn't get the word.

A couple of the EJTU guys came to do the same thing.
Both of my recruits showed up (I also met TomPG).
I referred to Gina, as "our next councilperson". One of the TU guys (Rich ?) took her for a guided tour, (and full indoctrination :) ).
I've been quoting some of Brian's posts on an "Oakland" message board...
By 8:30, neither of the "nonfishers" who had showed interest had logged in.
I began to feel a little guilty, and decided to go there and break the news to anyone who didn't get the word.

A couple of the EJTU guys came to do the same thing.
Both of my recruits showed up (I also met TomPG).
I referred to Gina, as "our next councilperson". One of the TU guys (Rich ?) took her for a guided tour, (and full indoctrination :) ).

Rich is heading this project. Glad he got to give her the tour. Roy, Oakland's Riverkeeper and emergency management coordinator was also planning to help us this morning. Hopefully the flows drop by tomorrow morning.
Rich is heading this project. Glad he got to give her the tour. Roy, Oakland's Riverkeeper and emergency management coordinator was also planning to help us this morning. Hopefully the flows drop by tomorrow morning.
She's running against an incumbent, who's a TU member. He's already "indoctrinated".
In case she wins, it would help to have her on "the side of the angels".

As an occasional flood victim, she should be receptive to "river health", but as a nonfisher, she hadn't been indoctrinated/brainwashed.... until today.... and she didn't even need to get all wet and dirty.

An "emergency management" vehicle showed up just as I was leaving. I didn't notice if it was Roy.

Rich wasn't too optimistic about the flow dropping enough by tomorrow.
He collected e-mail addresses so he could keep us updated.
POSTPONED: Until Saturday, August 17th at 9 am. Flows just aren't dropping enough for the chapter to feel it will be worth it tomorrow.
Rich is heading this project......

Someone who knows Rich well enough to do it without offending him...
Should have a talk with him about email security, and the use of "BCC" when sending a mass mailing to a bunch of people who don't necessarily know each other.

The guy who sends out the EJTU newsletter, already knows this.
Is there any problem using child labor?

I just gave Rich's contact info to Gina. She's wants to ask him if she should try to recruit some Boy Scouts.
Is there any problem using child labor?

I just gave Rich's contact info to Gina. She's wants to ask him if she should try to recruit some Boy Scouts.

We should be covered as the chapter got an insurance rider to cover the event/project. Flows looking good for Saturday.

Pete - I addressed the email thing as well ;)
Good turn-out from EJTU, and a Mahwah environmental youth group (MEVO ?). Oakland's Emergency Management Coordinator, was there, I'm told he is a new TU member.

I didn't see either of the other Oaklanders that came last week, but Rich told me Gina was there, getting wet and moving rocks.
Rich "passed" on the Boy Scouts. The kids from MEVO appear to be an older group. (HS & College aged)

I started early, but was having physical "old phart" issues by a little after 10, so I left early.
I'm glad I brought a pry bar. If I'd been doing some of the hand work, I wouldn't have lasted ten minutes.

After many years as "online" acquaintances, I finally met Brian...
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Good turn-out from EJTU, and a Mahwah environmental youth group (MEVO ?). Oakland's Emergency Management Coordinator, was there, I'm told he is a new TU member.

I didn't see either of the other Oaklanders that came last week, but Rich told me Gina was there, getting wet and moving rocks.
Rich "passed" on the Boy Scouts. The kids from MEVO appear to be an older group. (HS & College aged)

I started early, but was having physical "old phart" issues by a little after 10, so I left early.
I'm glad I brought a pry bar. If I'd been doing some of the hand work, I wouldn't have lasted ten minutes.

After many years as "online" acquaintances, I finally met Brian...

I met the world famous Pete! It was great to put a face to a name. More importantly, he DOES own those Red Ball waders circa 1782:)
I met the world famous Pete! It was great to put a face to a name. More importantly, he DOES own those Red Ball waders circa 1782:)
And they haven't leaked yet....

Did you stay till it was over?
Did it happen at the work site?
Since I only met him a week ago, and left early, I was waiting for you or a more active EJTU member to comment.
http://www.eastjerseytu.org/ said:
ED Sikorski
Ed Sikorski passed away this afternoon, August 17, 2013. Ed was attending the rock rolling on the Ramapo River of which he was an unofficial steward. He loved the Ramapo and fished it more than anyone. Ed will be remembered as a sportsman, outdoorsman and true gentleman.

Details about funeral arrangements will be forthcoming when finalized.
I met a lot of people that morning so names are a blur, but based on the picture, if Ed was the guy helping Rich organize, I think I was working right alongside him.

When I decided it was time to "act my age", and admit I'd reached physical limits, I felt a little "wimpy" because he appeared to be from my age group, was working harder, and (seemed to) be holding up much better.
And they haven't leaked yet....

Did you stay till it was over?
Did it happen at the work site?
Since I only met him a week ago, and left early, I was waiting for you or a more active EJTU member to comment.
I met a lot of people that morning so names are a blur, but based on the picture, if Ed was the guy helping Rich organize, I think I was working right alongside him.

When I decided it was time to "act my age", and admit I'd reached physical limits, I felt a little "wimpy" because he appeared to be from my age group, was working harder, and (seemed to) be holding up much better.

It happened after lunch. We all went back to work in the river and he must have known he wasn't feeling well because he sat down near his truck and at some point took 2 aspirin, but didn't tell anyone he wasn't feeling well. The chapter president stayed behind (he also has some physical limitations) and heard someone gasping to get air. He and another volunteer still in the grove called 911 and when the police arrived with oxygen Ed was hanging in there. Same for the EMTs when the ambulance quickly arrived, but we were told he never made the hospital. He apparently had past heart issues and he probably should have known better. We were happy to have volunteers bring us bottled water a few times during the day and didn't need everyone lifting heavy rocks. I feel bad for his family.
You guys are working people so hard their hearts are giving out?!?!

At least he went out doing what he enjoyed.
You guys are working people so hard their hearts are giving out?!?! ......

I........ We were happy to have volunteers bring us bottled water a few times during the day and didn't need everyone lifting heavy rocks. ........
Don't believe it...
The aspiring politician, that I recruited for him, is a former bartender.

Did he ask her to serve drinks? ... NO !
He put her in the deepest part of the River, and made her work with the heaviest rocks. :)
More pictures were posted:

East Jersey Trout Unlimited :: Weir Repair 8-17-2013
East Jersey Trout Unlimited :: Weir Repair 8-17-2013
East Jersey Trout Unlimited :: Weir Repair 8-17-2013

Images numbered with three digits, were posted last week.
Images numbered with one digit or just a descriptive title, were posted over the week-end.
Images numbered with "IMGP" followed by four digits, were posted yesterday.

MEVO also posted a few pictures (more "college girl" wet T-shirts, and cleavage than in the TU photos).

~~~~~~~~~EDIT 8/29/13~~~~~
EJTU added another picture to the third page, and a fourth page of photos
East Jersey Trout Unlimited :: Weir Repair 8-17-2013

How I spent my 70th birthday...
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For future reference:

At the "myoaklandnj" message board where I recruited a couple of locals, we got into a friendly debate about whether or not it would have been more efficient & safer to use machinery. My position was that, for a one day project, without an access road, it would have involved too much preparatory time.

A local septic contractor interrupted....
len5713 said:
I just want to put this out there, in the future, I would gladly volunteer my time and machine power to help on any project like this or anything that would be a benifit to the community. All I need is a little advance notice and if I can do it I will.
I'm not familiar with Len's equipment inventory, but septic contractors usually have at least one backhoe.
For future reference:

At the "myoaklandnj" message board where I recruited a couple of locals, we got into a friendly debate about whether or not it would have been more efficient & safer to use machinery. My position was that, for a one day project, without an access road, it would have involved too much preparatory time.

A local septic contractor interrupted....
I'm not familiar with Len's equipment inventory, but septic contractors usually have at least one backhoe.

That also would have required a DEP permit which hand removal did not.
Who's that guy, Brian Cowden? He sounds a bit sketchy to me..........
The only guy that got mentioned by name.... must be some kind of glory hound.

If you go to the pictures posted by MEVO, you can see a shot of him "pointing".
For the record, I did not write or contribute to the article. I was surprised to read my name, lol. Don't know who at East Jersey submitted it (?). But good to see a NJ chapter getting the recognition it deserves. Add the dam removal on Cresskill Brook and East Jersey TU is on fire with conservation projects. Next will be (hopefully) a 2 1/2 mile river channel restoration on the Ramapo!