I was just teasing Macfly about this last week, now I can't find!
Where'd the chat window go?
must be a windows issue
I think it only shows up for Democrats, dude. They're using it to finalize the Public Option.
No access for Conservatives, Libertarians, TeaBaggers...RINO's are questionable...
I thought they were lowering the cone of silence for that negotiation. Fear not we will be able to watch it all on C-SPAN![]()
It's been hit or miss on my browser (Firefox) lately and I use it sometimes. Maybe I'm one of the DBs coolkyle mentioned?![]()
No, C-span has already said they won't be covering it.
Latest intel points to Nicklelodian, w/ Dora the Explorer hosting, and color commentary from SpongeBobSquarePants.
We have to come up with a better word than tweets though..something fishing related![]()
How about rises? :victory:
I miss the chat feature; I could get instant weather and stream reports from locals who live closer to the rivers than I do.
Also a few months ago I was watching the Discovery Channel series "how it's made" when Tom Dorsey of Thomas and Thomas was demonstrating how to build bamboo rods. Using the chat I could get the message out quickly allowing forum member's to turn on the tube and see how its done.
I also chatted about another documentary on the NYC reservoir system and all the connecting tunnels.
This feature is already here (or something like it).That would be a step up
On a serious note. I think instead of a chat window Dennis should implement a micro-blogging feature. That might go over better then folks could subscribe to different peoples blogs. We have to come up with a better word than tweets though..something fishing related![]()
This feature is already here (or something like it).
You can create your own groups and grant access by inviting only the members you want to have access or you can make your groups public. You can post to these groups so only the members have access... So if you have a group of people who you share wild trout streams with but don't want everyone on the site to know about it, create a group and invite only who you want.