It's been quite a while since I've updated the software on this site. If there is any interest in updating the software, I will do so but, we'll need a few donations to purchase the new software.
I know visiting this site is somewhat of a challenge. This is what happens when old software is not 100% compatible with the newer server side software.
It's just an idea. I posted a few new threads and it was nice to see some old faces reply! One thing you get with a site like this is that unlike facebook, this has a more belonging feel to it, I think.
Let me know what you think.
I know visiting this site is somewhat of a challenge. This is what happens when old software is not 100% compatible with the newer server side software.
It's just an idea. I posted a few new threads and it was nice to see some old faces reply! One thing you get with a site like this is that unlike facebook, this has a more belonging feel to it, I think.
Let me know what you think.