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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!

New Government to affect fishing


Official NEFF pot stirrer
Right now these laws are before the House and designed to make our world a better place for all especially the less fortunate.

House Bill #961. Stream Disturbance. All fisherman entering the stream are required to notify all those living 5 miles or less down stream of intended stream bed disturance, and obtain a federal permit to enter said stream. A report is to be filed at the end of each week identifying the number of rocks disturbed during the wading process.

House Bill #1958. Fly Line Environmental Impact Law. All Fly fisherman and (women) are required to obtain a permit to use polymer fly lines and to provide proof via a government certified laboratory that the plastisizers are not leeching from the fly line when in the water so as to cause stream pollution. Faliure to do so is a violation of the Federal Clean Stream Act and subject to $25,000 fine and 5 years in prison.

House Bill #4158 Give a fish law. All fisherman will not be allowed to land a fish until they have hooked two fish prior and handed the rod to those less fortunate who have never experienced catching a fish.

House Bill #909 Endangered Grass Act. Bamboo is to be put on the endangered Grass list by the end of 2013.

Just saw this on CNN and thought I would pass it along