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  • Damn dude

    Love that post on the Picket Pin -- Your a SMART MAN -- Keep it up
    The problem with Indian Grove Brook is that it is pretty much private land that can be seen from the road. I haven't fished it. A little bit goes through NPS land, but it would be a long walk to get there since parking isn't good and I am not sure it would be worth the walk.

    I've been spending alot of fishing time on India brook, near roxiticus road in Mendham. I noticed you seem pretty knowledgable about WTS. I love the opportunity to catch wild brown trout - I got my first one a week ago. Most people on here might give me crap, I'm still using an ultra light pole with joe fly spinners. Still, its fun and I've been C&R 100% so far. Anyway, I caught 2 very large rainbows (2-3 lbs each) on the north branch of the raritan, just south of india brook but north of ravine lake. I'm trying to get some more info about this area - can you help?
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