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NEFF Steelhead Bash 2012

I will be fishing the Smokies hard this Fall. Maybe you can get down there a weekend or we can meet up in your neck of the woods since you didn't make it down to the Smokies.

For you... I'll make a trip down this fall maybe late September.

We'll get our friend to join us.

It'll be fun.
Less than 6 months away! Hope everyone has marked the dates in their calendars!!

Weekend of the 10th! Well at least that's when Veteran's Day weekend is.
looks like what I thought I
posted sometheing and it was not "cupa" with" the owner,..NO wonder I never posted anything to per sonal on this site as the owner is UNTRUST-Worthey as is will sell out your info and show you private stuff,..FUCKIN! LAME DUDE!>?>???

Hay,..I aint trying 2 start NO=thing dar Eye cud Knot fish-kesn,...BUTT,..if U =R-=Showing and Sharing PERSONAL INFORMATION OF BOARD MEMBERS<.....

WEE gots a problem./..prove me WRONG!<>>DUDE>>

Debbie Harry - Liar Liar (LP Version) - YouTube
My b-day is on Veterans Day and the old man and I were thinking of going for steelies that weekend anyway. Where do you guys set up shop for the bash? Rentals?
Great weekend for all. We'll have a central meet-up spot to be announced with great food & lot's of beer. Everybody is requested (required if you don't want to be a leech) to bring something to contribute to the event. All-hands in on maintaining the hosts sponsored gathering area. Simm's will soon be posting details and making a list of who's coming & bringing what. If you haven't been to the Pulaski area before there are lot's of rooms to be had at local lodges. Tobias will be arranging the raffle with lot's of cool items to date.

YOH! minute man!,..!!! not disrpecting the milatary,..BUTT + HOLE,.. what R U in charge of that U can BEE on a fishinging site day in and day out,...???...CHANGING the garbage bags in the latrines>//?? OAR -R- U- Sum HIGH class Brass ASS dats plays wits dems selfs while udders goo out annn getts blown UP!?.>..:finger:

FULL METAL JACKET Training the Recruits - YouTube

You touch yourself too much don't you? It's 2012 my friend. The internet is every where.

If I told you what I did I would have to kill you. Besides, what I do is too much for your simple mind to grasp.

Sorry I wasn't able to join you at the last occupy rally. I'm sure I missed a lot.
im working on a steel head set up hopefully i get the funds together... in time to get up there i missed out last year because my son was born week earlier this year there is no excuselol being she wont let me near it!!

im working on a steel head set up hopefully i get the funds together... in time to get up there i missed out last year because my son was born week earlier this year there is no excuselol being she wont let me near it!!


I have spare gear and I'm sure others do as well. If you can't get what you need let me know and I'll be more than happy to let you use a setup for the weekend.

It's July! (where I am at least) One month closer and only 132 days until the Steelhead Bash. Before you know it half of you will be scrambling around trying to get the truck loaded to head out to the bash!

This post has over 3,000 views! And it's not even salmon season yet!