Trouser Trout
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  • lots of tiny cricks in vermont with small fish in them but solid meat and full of fight.

    the creeks in aiken wilderness area, yaw brook, is all full of specks and chubs, kill the chubs and bank them, it feeds the mink and coon, and keep some of the brookies, makes room for the little ones. Keep all the stockies, those damned things wreck a stream.

    what great weather, and fishing is fantastic. I hope you are getting out.
    Thanks TT. I am attending william paterson. Have about 2 maybe 3 semesters studying mgmt/mkt. No clue what I want to do. Have been in the golf business all my life and just left a job at Baltusrol. Next semester I will keep you in mind. Did you do the corporate grind or self employed?

    anyway, just got back from the flatbrook. Temps were down and water up. One nice rainbow. Do you fish it regularly?
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