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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!

Is this over thinking or what?

I get having a smoke detector beeping in the background when you tie, and even Rusty Spinner having to guide with the Orvis Fly Fishing Guide stapled to his forearm, but this to me is these guys either have too much time on their hands or they want us to know how advanced they are compared to us minions......what do you think?

They are more advanced than the rest of us, advanced stages of something, not quite sure what though.
I get having a smoke detector beeping in the background when you tie, and even Rusty Spinner having to guide with the Orvis Fly Fishing Guide stapled to his forearm, but this to me is these guys either have too much time on their hands or they want us to know how advanced they are compared to us minions......what do you think?


As the editor of a fly fishing magazine myself, I understand the stress of not having enough quality content.

GB Mag was basically the best fly fishing mag on the market, so it didn’t seem like we were struggling for content, but I can relate, one editor to another, to gink and gasoline.