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Fracking Fluids Used on Roads

Will the good man who posted the link that allows you to post your opinion on the proposed drilling plans please re-post the link?
You should cut the guy a break. The nonsense that he posts has convinced me (and hopefully others) to oppose drilling in the Catskills no matter what. I was somewhat on the fence when I first heard about the drilling. Now I would oppose drilling in the Catskills even if they were drilling for marshmallows and using hot fudge for fracking fluid.

Hey, CD, why no response to post 29? I asked for some clarification...
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Will the good man who posted the link that allows you to post your opinion on the proposed drilling plans please re-post the link?

Uncrowded posted this in another thread:

"Thanks for the reminder. First of all, for everyone who hasn’t sent in comments, now would be a good time. Go to The Delaware Riverkeeper Network or Catskill Mountainkeeper | WORKING TOGETHER TO PROTECT THE CATSKILLS to learn how. It’s easy. "

The Delaware Riverkeeper Network
MR Fanatic. I've reviewed this wonderful thread and don't see any open questions for me. If you'd like to know something from my POV, please ask or ask again. I'd be happy to oblige.

On another note, I am not trying to be condescending regarding your community. I'd move in a heart beat if I did not think is was net reduction in opportunities for the kiddies.

No, in post 31 I responded to the questions you asked and whose answers you thought would be informative. What did you learn?

For parents who care as much as you seem to, there are plenty of opportunities for kids up here. And again, Mother Nature provides plenty of opportunities for active young sponges (as well as older ones,too).
You should cut the guy a break. The nonsense that he posts has convinced me (and hopefully others) to oppose drilling in the Catskills no matter what. I was somewhat on the fence when I first heard about the drilling. Now I would oppose drilling in the Catskills even if they were drilling for marshmallows and using hot fudge for fracking fluid.
Oh stop.... You've been against drilling from the start. Stop trying to delude people into believing I had anything to do with it.

Your seventh post here at NEFF back in July: (doesn't sound as if you are sitting on any fence... Yeah, tell us all that it was my nonsense posts BEFORE July that turned you....) ;)

I agree. Fracing fluid is great - I put it in my cereal every morning. I can't wait until they start pumping it into the ground where my drinking water comes from so that I can have it every day.

The only thing that would be better would be if they start paying the landowners with drilling leases to take some of the PCB's that they are dredging out of the Hudson. All of those landowners could make a few bucks and I could have delicious PCBs in my drinking water.

Kilgour - when you are ready to drink a nice big glass of fracing fluid I will stop sending letters and e-mails opposing dewatering/drilling. .
Solid thought process there, CD.
What other important decisions do you leave to it?

I often find that your follow up questions are not worthy of a response. I view them as attempts to get in the last word and/or correct some incredibly stupid argument that you made. However, you requested a response so, here goes.

I find that the thought process that you asked about is helpful when assessing the value of information that is offered up by an idiot with an agenda. For example, prior to the second Bush administration's invasion of Iraq we were assured that Iraq had WMD. Now, George W. Bush is an idiot and he had an agenda (i.e., he wanted to finish the job that his daddy started). Based on the foregoing, I concluded that Iraq probably did not have WMD. In the present case, you are an idiot that wants to make money from your dirt farm at all costs (i.e., you have an agenda). Therefore, I have concluded that the information that you offer up cannot, and should not, be assigned any value (and it is probably a good idea to oppose anything that you favor).

I expect that you will post some type of follow up to this post (perhaps noting that I am also an idiot or pointing out some error/inconsistency in my prior postings). If you expect a response to that post please refer to the first sentence of this post.
AHHH Yes, the Mountainkeeper, the authority on the GEIS, so you think.. Do yourself a favor and read the GEIS yourself rather than taking the word of a group with a specific agenda. Draw your own conclusions and think for yourself after you have all the facts.

Don't use someone elses sound bites to promote half-truths and incomplete conslutions of the facts.

The science is and has been proven to be safe. We need more oversight to protect against human error.

Thank god the DEC and State use science instead of emotions to protect the environment.


Catskill Mountainkeeper’s “agenda” from their mission statement on their website:

“By promoting economic revitalization, environmental protection and education, the Catskill Mountainkeeper serves as a strong advocate for the protection and enhancement of the Catskill Mountains. Through a network of concerned citizens, we work to promote sustainable economic growth and the protection of natural resources essential to healthy communities.”

Wow! What a radical bunch of tree-hugging wackos! How dare they work to promote sustainable economic growth (as opposed to rape, pillage, and plundering the landscape [see: Dimock, PA]). How dare they oppose the draft EIS because they believe it will harm the Catskills! (see Dimock, PA).

Speaking of that 800-page roll of toilet paper also known as the draft EIS, someone asked how you can comment on it, here's the link: Urgent Help Needed

Lastly, I think it’s very telling to understand the more radical elements of the pro-drilling mindset on this issue. Here’s a sample from the from the Pennsylvania Gas Lease Forum for Landowners, commenting specifically on the Mountainkeeper’s “15 reasons” list... here's the link: you wouldn't believe it..........................but here it is.................
Scroll down after all the usual name calling and read the part from a particular poster who says it would be OK to drill on lands that have been declared “Forever Wild” by the state or on existing conservation easements. Perhaps you will recognize this poster's name. Again, it’s all very telling... not to mention very scary.

Guys, time to write the DEC and put the brakes on this before it's too late.
I often find that your follow up questions are not worthy of a response. I view them as attempts to get in the last word and/or correct some incredibly stupid argument that you made. However, you requested a response so, here goes.

I find that the thought process that you asked about is helpful when assessing the value of information that is offered up by an idiot with an agenda. In the present case, you are an idiot that wants to make money from your dirt farm at all costs (i.e., you have an agenda). Therefore, I have concluded that the information that you offer up cannot, and should not, be assigned any value (and it is probably a good idea to oppose anything that you favor).

I expect that you will post some type of follow up to this post (perhaps noting that I am also an idiot or pointing out some error/inconsistency in my prior postings). If you expect a response to that post please refer to the first sentence of this post.

This statement shows ignorance. So what your saying is that anybody who signs a lease is greedy and an idiot, profound.

Who has the agenda? I see anti-drilling groups using half truths and misinformation to further their agenda. I see some of the info posted here(Riverkeeper), as distorted and agenda driven almost to point of causing hysteria. You say landowners have an agenda, I call it economic opportuinity. I call what you advocate as driving an agenda based on misinformation and fear not science.

Good luck with that.
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I often find that your follow up questions are not worthy of a response. I view them as attempts to get in the last word and/or correct some incredibly stupid argument that you made. However, you requested a response so, here goes.

I find that the thought process that you asked about is helpful when assessing the value of information that is offered up by an idiot with an agenda. For example, prior to the second Bush administration's invasion of Iraq we were assured that Iraq had WMD. Now, George W. Bush is an idiot and he had an agenda (i.e., he wanted to finish the job that his daddy started). Based on the foregoing, I concluded that Iraq probably did not have WMD. In the present case, you are an idiot that wants to make money from your dirt farm at all costs (i.e., you have an agenda). Therefore, I have concluded that the information that you offer up cannot, and should not, be assigned any value (and it is probably a good idea to oppose anything that you favor).

I expect that you will post some type of follow up to this post (perhaps noting that I am also an idiot or pointing out some error/inconsistency in my prior postings). If you expect a response to that post please refer to the first sentence of this post.

Said the man on the fence who may be confused about his true nature

. I find the argument that FF and KF cant participate in the discussion and offer some valid points ridiculous. The large majority of folks if they owned their own land and could develop it in some way would jump at the opportunity ( dont even bother denying). Why not...personal property is the very result and intention of life, liberty and the pursuit of happyness.Now the point is can this be done responsibly. The answer is it can be done responsibly but its likely to take much longer than necessary. There will be folks opposed at all costs and folks who want no restrictions placed on drilling. The truth and the answer lies somewhere in the middle. For folks that dont want any drilling its the same old thing. Not in my backyard, not where i live, not where i work, not where I fish...not not not. For the folks that want little to no regulations..you need only look at history to see the result of that thought process. At the end of the day we need the energy and gas is the most viable alternative at this point.
I often find that your follow up questions are not worthy of a response. I view them as attempts to get in the last word and/or correct some incredibly stupid argument that you made. However, you requested a response so, here goes.

I find that the thought process that you asked about is helpful when assessing the value of information that is offered up by an idiot with an agenda. For example, prior to the second Bush administration's invasion of Iraq we were assured that Iraq had WMD. Now, George W. Bush is an idiot and he had an agenda (i.e., he wanted to finish the job that his daddy started). Based on the foregoing, I concluded that Iraq probably did not have WMD. In the present case, you are an idiot that wants to make money from your dirt farm at all costs (i.e., you have an agenda). Therefore, I have concluded that the information that you offer up cannot, and should not, be assigned any value (and it is probably a good idea to oppose anything that you favor).

I expect that you will post some type of follow up to this post (perhaps noting that I am also an idiot or pointing out some error/inconsistency in my prior postings). If you expect a response to that post please refer to the first sentence of this post.

So, your logic(though I hesitate to use the word) is predicated upon this, "you are an idiot that wants to make money from your dirt farm at all costs"?!?
1.My being an idiot is based upon your OPINION, not fact.
2.I don't farm dirt AND/OR technically I'm not engaged in "Dirt Farming", so this is false.
3.AND The statement that I want to make money "at all costs" is a lie, based on MANY statements I've made to the contrary calling for regulation based on science and the need for more DEC Staff to enforce the regulations.

So given your untruth about ME turning you against drilling, ;) the falsehood about my "dirt farm" and the lie that I'm out for money at all costs, I would be correct in stating that you are a liar who will use falsehoods to attack people who you don't agree with?

Is this how all the Anti-drillers come to their conclusions?

I wouldn't respond to this either...
So, your logic(though I hesitate to use the word) is predicated upon this, "you are an idiot that wants to make money from your dirt farm at all costs"?!?
1.My being an idiot is based upon your OPINION, not fact.
2.I don't farm dirt AND/OR technically I'm not engaged in "Dirt Farming", so this is false.
3.AND The statement that I want to make money "at all costs" is a lie, based on MANY statements I've made to the contrary calling for regulation based on science and the need for more DEC Staff to enforce the regulations.

So given your untruth about ME turning you against drilling, ;) the falsehood about my "dirt farm" and the lie that I'm out for money at all costs, I would be correct in stating that you are a liar who will use falsehoods to attack people who you don't agree with?

Is this how all the Anti-drillers come to their conclusions?

I wouldn't respond to this either...

Who is on first????:)