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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!

Fishing in the coming weeks


New member
What are everyone's plans for the next few weeks? It seems like everyone is actually worried winter will not end this year. Will anyone actually try to get out on opening day here in NJ? What about the Catskill waters?

I've never been less interested in fishing NJ's stocked streams as I am this year. I won't be fishing this weekend. I had a pretty gnarly ski crash 10 days ago that left me with a broken wrist, 2 broken ribs and a concussion. I'm hoping to be well enough to get up to the SR to get my first steelhead next weekend but it all depends. If I am well enough I might just end up in VT for one last ski trip.

Does anyone plan on doing some spring steelhead fishing this year? What's the timeframe usually look like for decent spring fishing up there?
I hope you feel better. That sucks that this happened just before the start of the fishing season. What is the condition of the tree?:). I stopped fishing on opening day years ago. This weekend I will be down in VA, I might be able to get out for a few hours but with all the issues with my wives father down there, it will be a stretch to get out. I will let all the guys on the site know if I do get out how I the fishing is.
I hope you feel better as well Moose....BUT.....
You had a gnarly skiing accident, from the sound of it there was possibly blood, but definitely pain and suffering........
I for one, and I am sure not the only one, am disappointed in you for not posting a report of this crash WITH PICTURES on this forum.......:)

PS, my plan for opening day is the same...fill my passenger seat with medium sized rocks.....do a few drive byes and toss rocks in the river as I go....
That sucks...

Was it your casting wrist?

I'm no doctor, but that sounds like the worst on your list of injuries, unless you have a history of concussions...
To me the fishing season starts with the official Pa opener. In my area and that would be April 18th this year. I will not reveal where I will be as many on this site are jealous of my success and try to follow me around on the stream in hopes of learning something.
It was my casting wrist but the good news all the bones stayed aligned. The doctor who treated me at the mountain was a fly dude himself and said I should be good to go in 3 weeks(from the accident).

LU sorry to disappoint. My buddy with the camera decided the trail was too sketchy for him so I was alone. It actually happened as I was coming out of the trees onto a trail with a 6 ft wall I tried to jump off unsuccessfully. I hit the ground so hard my friggin gloves came off!

Anyone been up to the SR yet this spring?
3 weeks is really fast for a bone to heal, usually it is 6 weeks. but wish you the best. Next time, listen to your buddy with the camera
It was my casting wrist but the good news all the bones stayed aligned. The doctor who treated me at the mountain was a fly dude himself and said I should be good to go in 3 weeks(from the accident).

LU sorry to disappoint. My buddy with the camera decided the trail was too sketchy for him so I was alone. It actually happened as I was coming out of the trees onto a trail with a 6 ft wall I tried to jump off unsuccessfully. I hit the ground so hard my friggin gloves came off!

Anyone been up to the SR yet this spring?

Did this happen up at Jay? Friend of mines son just broke his leg up in Stowe skiing the trees (I guess thats what he gets for skiing the WRONG side of the Notch). Did you try to huck 6ft to a flat landing? You need that transition (or 2ft of powder) to land without breaking yourself, especially if you're carrying some speed.
Sorry to hear about the bad crash, e-moose. NJ will get blown out bad for the opener on Saturday which means plenty of stocked bows sticking around for a bit. Lots of rain on top of already saturated ground should see flows in the 1,000 cfs range by Saturday is my guess. If the rains miss us for some reason, fishing will be decent given the temps. But the forecast is not looking good for the opening weekend crowds.
Did this happen up at Jay? Friend of mines son just broke his leg up in Stowe skiing the trees (I guess thats what he gets for skiing the WRONG side of the Notch). Did you try to huck 6ft to a flat landing? You need that transition (or 2ft of powder) to land without breaking yourself, especially if you're carrying some speed.

Yep, Jay. It was flat and I was hauling ass. I misjudged the height as well. Lesson learned. How's the snow at Stowe? How long do they plan on staying open? I heard they stay open pretty late but shut down most of the lifts in mid April.

WBDluver I dont think it will be completely healed in 3 weeks but enough to hold a fly rod or ski as long as I keep my skis on the ground and dont pole plant too hard. That was the doctor's recommendation.

I'm not upset about missing opening day here. It just sucks to not be able to do anything active on weekends. I'll be out there soon enough. Seems like everyone is still hibernating though!