Hi All,
Mostly useful discussions the last few days over the current condition of the Delaware and releases from the NYC reservoirs. It still troubles me that there is so much incorrect information out there after all of these years. It is obvious that some have not even taken the time to read the FFMP.
It is not an easy read, but it is not long:
As always, respectful questions will be answered.
It has been asked: Do I think we are better off now on the system? No question in my mind that we are much better off.
Many years ago when I sat on a committee to help develop an new operating plan for the Delaware River Basin Commission someone spoke up and said they felt that "Education is the most important aspect of what we can do". At the time I thought about it for a bit and decided that it was a good idea, but certainly not the most important thing that we could do.
I have since changed my mind! Education a public and a core group of caring fishermen is the most important thing we can do to move forward to improve releases and the FFMP.
You have all read about OASIS and DSS, come and see a demonstration!
How much do you all care? I am going to host a seminar/question/answer meeting on Friday, May 22nd from 7-9 pm. The venue in Hancock to be determined. Please give me a show of hands if you are interested. I think the best way to change something is to completely understand how it works, both fundamentally and politically. It may cost you a night of fishing, but refreshments will be served.
Some highlights and lowlights:
The good:
All is not lost: On June 1st the releases should restore to Table F or G and summer releases will be 500 cfs on the WB, 140 cfs on the EB and 110 cfs on the Neversink. (Compare those numbers to June 1st releases under Rev 1, Cannonsville 45 cfs, Rev ? 160 cfs, Rev 7 225 flow minimum at Hale Eddy) How can this be?? Come and find out.
FFMP fundamentally changed the concept of NYC water management. The idea that when there is more water in the system FFMP would allow for more releases is the core idea behind the FFMP. I think it is working.
The Bad:
The EB is particularly suffering under FFMP Table A today. Rev 7 had a minimum flow at Harvard of 175 on the EB, today the flow is less than 90.
There is no Thermal Protection Plan built into the system, even though a proposal has been on the table for 2 years.
How can we improve:
Thermal Protection should be implemented
Get Trout Unlimited back involved in the process, in my opinion they have lost their way.
Require more transparency and eliminate or at least reduce the NYC DEP black box that they are allowed to operate under.
Require NYC to produce the OST Summary on a weekly basis. This will help reduce the "black box"
There are new and updated OASIS and DSS models, the more they get used the more we can all gain.
So, what do you think, is it worth the effort, or am I wasting my time?