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RRTU: do you like it when....

Re: Brokeback McCarthy!

before the SAT's became 2400 score instead of 1600 i got 1325. one of the highest for the males in my class so i dont know why you keep calling me retarded?

not only am I intelligent in history/biology (and most of science) im going to school to become a forest ranger, when the time is right. Which is obv not now cause of YOUR RETARDED PRESIDENT. So when we battle in the gorge on sunday, i will be waiting for you at the katrina falls parking lot, after I spit on your broken body I'm going to sit and tell you of the glorious back and forth battles between the Babylonians and Assyrians and how the ruler to ruler conflict LITERALLY made the final ending.

Did you know Assyria invented the chariot?

Great post...

I worked for Princeton Review on SAT prep.

And back in the day, you're right, the SAT was scored on a 1600 scale.

And now it is on a 2400 scale...

You scored a 1325?


You scored a 132.5.

You name the scale.

You're still retarded.
Re: Brokeback McCarthy!

Great post...

I worked for Princeton Review on SAT prep.

And back in the day, you're right, the SAT was scored on a 1600 scale.

And now it is on a 2400 scale...

You scored a 1325?


You scored a 132.5.

You name the scale.

You're still retarded.

I am sure you were a failure at that as well.
Three topics, on essentially the same subject, started by the same author, were merged.

Since replies appear in the order of the time they were posted, some may appear to be out of context.
Re: G Lech tries to leave RRTU!

I love these personal interent attacks!!
Really I do! But I have trouble taking someone serious who has my number and sent me a few texts in the past few days that were friendly and "normal" . Either your bi-polar or your still very bitter and torn up about quitting RRTU. Either way it's cool.

You trying to smear my name for being conservation chair at RRTU doesn't effect me one bit and I still don't give a fuck! Like I have told others I wouldn't be caught dead on a Saturday morning picking up PBR cans along the rahway!
I joined RRTU for one reason to have fun, not "clean-up" the rahway or make the Rahway some sort of stellar fishery and I have zero intentions of doing so. I took the position and joined RRTU to shut you up. If I held out a little longer maybe you would of paid for my membership? Cleaning up the Rahway is kinda like being a teacher in the Bronx.. You can try like hell and do everything possible but at the end of the day it's still a piece of shit.
If the chapter wants to help some other chapter out on some projects on a river like the SBR or Musky than fuckin' A I'll likely be there to help.

So yes

I am FAT
I am a lame member of RRTU
No I haven't done shit
No I don't care.

Does this answer your question?

Re: G Lech tries to leave RRTU!

Gee, I thought the Rahway was worth saving, lol

Well I don't know if it needs to be saved it seems to be ok at the moment.

People rent canoes there.

People picnic there.

People enjoy it for what it is.

The golden boner got me join this chapter and now it's my fault nothing has been done?

Yeah, I don't think so.
Re: G Lech tries to leave RRTU!

If the chapter wants to help some other chapter out on some projects on a river like the SBR or Musky than fuckin' A I'll likely be there to help.

How many riparian buffer plantings did you participate in last year?

Spinner? Answer for the pink ninja!
Beetle please contradict yourself As much as you like , although I dont think your character could take much more of a hit here . You do realize you look a bit needy , lonely , just sad . We all know the Rahway is not a trout river , we did participate in a river long clean up . We posted that when everybody's friend was here , I liked everybody's friend better .
Beetle please contradict yourself As much as you like , although I dont think your character could take much more of a hit here . You do realize you look a bit needy , lonely , just sad . We all know the Rahway is not a trout river , we did participate in a river long clean up . We posted that when everybody's friend was here , I liked everybody's friend better .

You did a clean up, I know.

But what's the point?

You need to do riparian buffer plantings.

And none have been done, have they?
Yea I'm losing power on my IPad , it's tuff . But at some point you cannot reason with everybody's friend . I like to think his history on this site speaks for itself .

You are another RRTU loser.

And you wear the same shirt every day.

How do I know that?

I got the INTEL from G Lech.
Not sure if I've ever publicly mentioned this but let's keep it private for now, I'd really hate for the wrong people to know what I'm about to tell all of you...

Off the record (or on... whichever you prefer), I never supported RRTU as a Trout Unlimited. It's really a trout club, and that's cool. The members I've met seem to be friendly and somewhat intelligent. Ok, maybe not all of them but most of them. Well now come to think of it, maybe not really most of them, just a handful of them. Ohhh jeez, there are only a handful of members. Ok, let me try this again. Out of the existing RRTU members, if we dig deep enough, we can find at least a few that are... ohhh nevermind.

Hey, I'm just busting your balls a little, I know none of you are intelligent, well, ... not intelligent like CatskillMountainMan intelligent.

All kidding aside (really this time), I have a proposal for RRTU. Since I'm still technically a member, I think I'm entitled. Who cares who paid for me, my name is on the membership card! My suggestion is to lose the TU title from the name and replace with TC (Trout Club).

The new name:

Rahway River Trout Club, Lodge No. 26.

Everyone will be required to wear the new headgear. I'd speak with the Grand Poobah of the currently named RRTU regarding the hats.


Now we will need something to distinguish members from non-members. Ahhh, I got it!!! See that little thing Barney Rubble is doing with his fingers? This is how we will be able to distinguish true RRTU members from the phoneys. When you come to the door, knock then immediately assume the position of Barney and you will be let in.

Who's buying (you) tonight?
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Wasn't it originally named the Cranford Trout Fishing Club when MR MCR et al founded it?
Hurry before the wife gets home...

She is on her way back there now.

I am done with the stank tonight.

Stewart had to get a mutt to love since he found out that bastard kid is actually mine.

Oh yeah.. I have a couple of paper bags to put up for for sale on this board.

Used of course.