The One that Rules the South Branch!!!

i see youre fishing in the winter. yes a midge during that season would be an acceptable food source because of the food scarcity or rather lack of bug activity, but late may in warmer temps. I understand your point and even last week I got a 22'' on a tiny emerger, but that was the west branch and not the sb of the raritan.
I do hear what you are saying. A fish like that or any large trout will eat anything small or large. Big brown trout do not forget that insects were abhor part of their diet. If the hatch is intense enough they will feed on insects. That's a fact. It might not be daily, but they will do it. 90 percent of that trout's diet is most likely, crawfish, brown and brook trout, chubs and other minnows. However, that day he "messed" up and ate insects. The sulphur hatch was amazing that day and he probably ate thousands of nymphs. Also, about the rig I use one to two flies, with as little weight as possible. I do agree that set up could be a snagging machine with three heavy flies.
whats the difference between a fish eating a small fly on the Wb or the SB of the raritan? Obviously a fish of this size in a stream the size of the SB has to eat more than just insects, but its in no way unbelievable that this fish would take a nymph in his lane. The energy required for the fish to open its mouth and eat the fly is zero. Stop trying to discredit someone from what this is, a hell of a catch that most will never enjoy throughout the course of their fishing experiences
whats the difference between a fish eating a small fly on the Wb or the SB of the raritan? Obviously a fish of this size in a stream the size of the SB has to eat more than just insects, but its in no way unbelievable that this fish would take a nymph in his lane. The energy required for the fish to open its mouth and eat the fly is zero. Stop trying to discredit someone from what this is, a hell of a catch that most will never enjoy throughout the course of their fishing experiences

an excellent fish indeed. There have been numerous occasions where I have been fishing the south branch highsticking and I hook a nice fish only soon to find out I have him right in the anus. I was only asking the question because the south branch is a smaller river where fishing heavily weighted flies in the glides would and does result in snagged fish and that fish, being as large as it, has a bit more surface area for the hook to connect with. You typically cannot fish 10 feet in front of you on the wb and catch fish, and if you can I would like to hire you for the day because my arm hurts after last week. In no way am I trying to discredit the guy, he knows his shit. Its just the question I asked myself after reading the report and given his techniques.
Elephants eat peanuts -- so BIG TROUT will eat small flies

I do not see how a 30 inch wild brown would exert any energy to go feed on a size 16 nymph which makes me ask myself the question, where did he hook that fish?
If you really tried it, you would not call it high sticking, but I am glad that you do think it is, more fish for the people who really take in the information and understand it.

You shouldn't be snagging fish notated what method you choose to use. That means that something is wrong, the flies are too heavy etc. I like one or two flies because the less you have on your line the better. If you watch the videos you'll understand. If you listen to opinions, you'll miss the concept completely.
Aaron's DVDs are great , well worth it , it's not high sticking . Ok commercial over . Except for , RRTU FTN tomorrow night
Aaron - go on NJHunter in the fall deer season and you'll see some posts with pix of a nice buck and the comments like "there's NO WAY that deer came from New Jersey!!!". Some people can't bring themselves to believe a nice fish or a nice animal can be had here in NJ. No sense wasting any more time trying the convince them, haters got to hate is all.
i called it high sticking because I know it is called czech nymphing which i do not do. i typically fish two flies with an indicator if im going to nymph. I must be the only guy who has snagged a fish.

i guess i just cant wrap my head around the baffling concept of bottom bouncing flies. i enjoy fishing an array of flies and different styles of fishing rather than looking in my box and going "hmmmm what do i want to fish today? purple, green, orange or blue scuds." might as well fish beads. that'll really improve your catch rate and reduce the mortality rate along with it.

to each their own right? sometimes i like to bang my girlfriend doggy style and sometimes i like to bang my dog girlfriend style. which do you prefer?
great analogy btw. nail on the head. monkeys eat their own feces which is why i occasionally enjoy eating a shit sandwich, no bread.

Elephants eat peanuts -- so BIG TROUT will eat small flies
If you really tried it, you would not call it high sticking, but I am glad that you do think it is, more fish for the people who really take in the information and understand it.

You shouldn't be snagging fish notated what method you choose to use. That means that something is wrong, the flies are too heavy etc. I like one or two flies because the less you have on your line the better. If you watch the videos you'll understand. If you listen to opinions, you'll miss the concept completely.

Let's get this back on topic.

AJ just caught perhaps one of the most impressive fish in the history of New Jersey.

That would make him one of tthe greatest anglers in the history of tthe area.


Well done, AJ.
Aaron - go on NJHunter in the fall deer season and you'll see some posts with pix of a nice buck and the comments like "there's NO WAY that deer came from New Jersey!!!". Some people can't bring themselves to believe a nice fish or a nice animal can be had here in NJ. No sense wasting any more time trying the convince them, haters got to hate is all.

Let’s keep it that way Rusty. I don’t know about you, but We have enough ignorant Jamokes walking around the woods with guns . We don’t need anymore.
whats the difference between a fish eating a small fly on the Wb or the SB of the raritan? Obviously a fish of this size in a stream the size of the SB has to eat more than just insects, but its in no way unbelievable that this fish would take a nymph in his lane. The energy required for the fish to open its mouth and eat the fly is zero. Stop trying to discredit someone from what this is, a hell of a catch that most will never enjoy throughout the course of their fishing experiences

Look at it this way. If the Blue Wale can grow to its enormous size with just a diet of plankton and krill, it’s safe to believe a trout could reach its size potential on a diet of invertebrates.
Look at it this way. If the Blue Wale can grow to its enormous size with just a diet of plankton and krill, it’s safe to believe a trout could reach its size potential on a diet of invertebrates.

Or it could have done 95 percent of its growing and feeding in the the nice comfy confines of a fishing hatchery.
Ok lets put this in perspective!!! Not taking anything away from Aaron Jasper and his ability to produce fish. He is one of the finest fly fishers of his generation. I truely hope that his name goes into the Journals Of Flick, Schwiebert, Jorgensen, Wulf, etc. etc -- All those Great fishermen were on the brink of discovery. Just as is Aaron with his Euro-Nymphing. Athough Aaron didnt create it he did however Improve it and made it a reality in the U.S.

Enough of that I think you guys get the idea and respect I have for Aaron.

Now about this Ginormous Brown Trout.. In reality do you really think the the South Branch of the Raritan has the BIO-MASS to produce a WILD FISH from an egg to that size?? Think about this -- It takes 3 yrs for a trout to achieve 9-12 inches from a fry -- another 2 to reach the 16-20 inch range (NOW THIS IS IN PERFECT CONDITIONS) Take into account that the average trout lives from 5-7 yrs only. In order for that fish to achieve that size and still live in reality now It would have had to eat massive amounts of protein 24-7 for at least 5 yrs. Sorry guys to say this but there isnt enough BIO MASS (FOOD) in the south branch to Grow a trout to that size before it's life expectancy is up. Yes the fins are nice the color is great -- But IMOVHO that trout was stocked by Some Club and has been in the river for a yr or 2 --- The color that has been achieved (SPECULATING OF COURSE) is due to the natural Copper Sulfate in the Natural food that that fish has been eating since stocked. Crayfish -- Helgramites -- RIver Chubs and Yes other trout. They would all have trace amount of Copper Sulfate in their system -- Just like we as humans have natural Iron in our systems. You see Copper Sulfate is what gives a Trout its VIBRANT COLOR -- All or maybe most food for that trout have trace amount of copper sulfate in them -- It's like taking Vitamins for us. Pellet food lacks the trace amount of copper sulfate. That is why Stocked Trout look the way they do -- Keep them in a river long enough they will "LOOK" WILD in color

Just Food for thought but do you really think that the South Branch has that much food or BIO- MASS in it to produce a 8-9 lb trout knowing what we really know??

Its a great fish -- Its an awesome catch and I am in no way taking anything away or diminishing from Aaron Jasper on this catch. It is the BIGGEST TROUT I have ever seem in NJ and it should be well noted in the annals of history in this state for Fly Fishing.

Now about this Ginormous Brown Trout.. In reality do you really think the the South Branch of the Raritan has the BIO-MASS to produce a WILD FISH from an egg to that size?? Think about this -- It takes 3 yrs for a trout to achieve 9-12 inches from a fry -- another 2 to reach the 16-20 inch range (NOW THIS IS IN PERFECT CONDITIONS) Take into account that the average trout lives from 5-7 yrs only. In order for that fish to achieve that size and still live in reality now It would have had to eat massive amounts of protein 24-7 for at least 5 yrs. Sorry guys to say this but there isnt enough BIO MASS (FOOD) in the south branch to Grow a trout to that size before it's life expectancy is up.

The upper half of the SBR has a very high amount of wild brookies and browns, not to mention dace, chubs, darters, etc. Plenty of food for a hungry trout. The Claremont stretch routinely electro fishes with the highest # of trout/mile in the state, and all wild.

Based on your statements no trout can reach 28" because it doesn't have enough growing time. You're dead wrong on that...
No rusty/Brian -- That is not what I said -- I said BIO MASS from a fry -- If in fact this fish or any trout for that matter could eat 24-7 with little or no energy being exerted like Westen RIvers --Or Michigan rivers than YES it is extremely possible for a fish to attain that size -- I do not believe the South Branch Has enough BIO MASS to grow a fish to that size -- 20 yes 21 yes before its useful life is up -- It woud have to HUNT for its food -- Mostly Crustacians on the bottom when it achieved that 16 inch mark If it had to expend any energy -- CALORIES --- It would be very very hard to achieve that size in the SBR --- Yes Brian the SBR is a great river -- It just doesn't have enough of a food source year round 24-7 to produce a fish that size. The mere fact that the river gets 75-80 degrees in the summer months is enough reason to say that the trout in general go off feed and will not EXPEND ENERGY due to Lack of O2 in the water. They wait for the food to come to them -- The hunt rarely when its that warm

Mostly Crustacians on the bottom when it achieved that 16 inch mark If it had to expend any energy -- CALORIES --- It would be very very hard to achieve that size in the SBR

While I agree that it is very hard to achieve this size on the SBR or most any river, it does happen. To prove that, all you need to see is a few of our TIC tanks where we sometimes get a brookie that will eat his brothers and sisters in his first year to the point where he attains the size of 6" - 8" in 6 months while his fellow brothers and sisters from the same egg source (in the same tank) may only get released at 2" in length. Some fish learn early to eat other fish, and those that do will grow much more quickly than others. Aaron said this fish had numerous other fish inside its belly. That's where his protein came from, not from insects.
Lets continue the perspective. Good scientific explanation (finally). I've caught browns that big from a pond that was stocked (no big accomplishment) that were almost that pretty. While this is a great fish, no disputing that, I agree that its not a stream-bred fish. Biomass aside, I don't believe that the SB has the year round ideal habitat to grow a fish that size. By habitat I mean flows and temperature required to keep a fish in its metabolic optimum for the 5-7 years required to grow it that size.
Ok lets put this in perspective!!! Not taking anything away from Aaron Jasper and his ability to produce fish. He is one of the finest fly fishers of his generation. I truely hope that his name goes into the Journals Of Flick, Schwiebert, Jorgensen, Wulf, etc. etc

Come on now, Aaron is a great fisherman, no one is disputing this, but lets not get carried away, he ain't planting a flag anywhere. Have you seen any of those guys from Eastern Europe that actually pioneered this? And he pisses way too many people off with douche baggery also.
Ladies and gentlemen, Aaron's head just went from blimp size, to the size of a small african nation after this catch....he doesn't need anymore of an ego boost....

So let me pop it.

Aaron's keeping cool about this whole debate..give it a few more days of trash talk...Douche baggery will be at its finest....I dont dare tell anyone he uses beads on the WB...
Come on now, Aaron is a great fisherman, no one is disputing this, but lets not get carried away, he ain't planting a flag anywhere. Have you seen any of those guys from Eastern Europe that actually pioneered this? And he pisses way too many people off with douche baggery also.

^This is why he will never become idolized or appreciated as a famous fly fisherman. You have to remember that people believe in why you do something and not what you do. Those other guys become famous because of their intense passion for the art, and not because of the attention and recognition they wanted. The recognition comes later. His condescending attitude, self marketing and lack of appreciation of others is what hinders his image. I spit out my coffee and I wasnt even drinking any when I read the headline "fear no space" or something like that and you see him in water up to his shoulders followed by his staged fall for footage. its like fat girls in high school that try just a little too hard.

of course this is my wild opinion after meeting him once, some may already view him as a god.
I got no Gods , and I don't idolize anyone , my experience is this . Aaron is really passionate , has strong opinions , and might come off a little high strung . But in my own experience he is a good guy and shares his knowledge with anyone . I know few older guys who fished through the 70s, 80s 90s even , who remember the days when flyfisherman kept everything a secret , and watched other guys struggle without even giving a hint . Theses guys love Aaron cause he is the exact opposite and shares his passion . I think people who know and disagree with him sometimes would even tell you he is good guy .
^This is why he will never become idolized or appreciated as a famous fly fisherman. You have to remember that people believe in why you do something and not what you do. Those other guys become famous because of their intense passion for the art, and not because of the attention and recognition they wanted. The recognition comes later. His condescending attitude, self marketing and lack of appreciation of others is what hinders his image. I spit out my coffee and I wasnt even drinking any when I read the headline "fear no space" or something like that and you see him in water up to his shoulders followed by his staged fall for footage. its like fat girls in high school that try just a little too hard.

of course this is my wild opinion after meeting him once, some may already view him as a god.

Good points, Shane.

Attitude is everything, and explains why Aaron Jasper will never be a fishing legend like NEFF's own, and everyone's favorite, Trout Beaver.
A comment made by Aaron at last year two fly event:

"I scoped out an area below the wilmington dam, and good thing I wasn't in the competition, I only got 40 or so fish down there."

1. I was the jerk off who told him about that area
2. His comment was made to again reinforce his blimp size head...

People say those comments all the time in a joking manner. Unfortunately, Aaron makes those comments as a self booster. I was talking with a few NEFF members at this years Two fly event and everyone was thoroughyl dissapointed at the way Aaron conduct seminars. He talks to his audience like his second grade kids...Or may he just lacks people skills...

You two are the most jellies hypocrites I have ever seen. Simms you put up pos stocked fish pictures and brag like no other. Steelhead season you put up fish pictures to brag. To boot you are a spoiled little bitch. You're the one who trips over yourself. BTW who gives a shit about the Ausable and the hatchery rats?

Shane you're another pos. you brag as well. What you can't handle that someone gets one bigger than the twinkles you used to post daily from Montana.

Both of you are a great fit for each other jealous slimeballs. At least one of you isn't a spoiled little rich bitch. Maybe simms can be your sugar daddy.

Instead of shit talking the guy, do better.... Wait you can't. You guys must be perfect to be coming off as I'm better than you. You are both two arrogant pricks.... That's all I have to say... You would never say this to his face you cowards...

Mike, do you enjoy licking Aaron's ball sack? Does he pay you to come on here and defend him? You two are about as gay as elton john at a fire and ice concert...

Haha I put up pics to show what my trips consisted of...FUCK, I didn't even write a report hahaha WHo cares about the Ausable? Obviously not you but its a time I get to spend with my father and friends, enjoying the great outdoors...You should try it sometime...Must be all stinky and SHIT (pun intended) up Aaron's ass all the time...

And talk about someone who brags? HAHAAHAHAHAHAAHHA Do I need to post the text messages I have from you over the course of the last year? HAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAH! You fucking peice of shit Mike. hahahahaha Did China beat your ass to hard last night? Or is this little man syndrome coming out?

Hope to see you on the WB one of these days :) Ill be the guy in a balloon boat with the hot bitches watching your wife on WWF via my portable TV...Wave when you go by!

Also, unless im missing something and you and Shane were playing hide the bologna out in MT, Shane has never been to MT, thus his inability to post fish pictures from there lol

PS> whats a twinkle? Is that what Aaron gets in his eye after you hit him in the shitter? HIT HIM IN THE SHITTER AND MAKE HIS EYES GLITTER!
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You two are the most jealous hypocrites I have ever seen. Simms you put up posts of stocked fish pictures and brag like no other. Steelhead season you put up fish pictures to brag. To boot you are a spoiled little bitch. You're the one who trips over yourself. BTW who gives a shit about the Ausable and the hatchery rats?

Shane you're another pos. you brag as well. What you can't handle that someone gets one bigger than the twinkles you used to post daily from Montana.

Both of you are a great fit for each other jealous slimeballs. At least one of you isn't a spoiled little rich bitch. Maybe simms can be your sugar daddy.

Instead of shit talking the guy, do better.... Wait, you can't. You guys must be perfect to be coming off as I'm better than you. You are both two arrogant pricks.... That's all I have to say... You would never say any of this to his face you cowards...

1) yes a little jealous, but i will learn over time.
2) never been to montana, those are from NJ WTS. Montana trip comes august.
3) what do i have to brag about?
4) let me buy you a beer, im not that bad.
5) Aaron talked to me like child when I was just trying to be friendly.