The One that Rules the South Branch!!!

Just a wild guess but I predict the SBR will see a slight uptic in the. Number of fisherman this coming weekend:)

But they still won't be likely to fish where Aaron caught that beast:)

All I can say is that he caught this fish in general regs waters where few ever bother to fish. 'Nuff said on that as I'm sworn to secrecy :shutup2:

I would also make that fish a wall hanger with a fiberglass replica. There are some rivers where that is not the king of the tribe, but for a NJ caught fish, it's the best there is.
And now, we sit back and wait. Who will be the first know-it-all to respond to this and provide us with the cautionary lecture on fishing when it's too warm?

The water temp is 80 degrees already. I better bring my bath salts
The pectorals on that brown are way too big to be a freshly stocked fish IMHO. Some argue that the giant browns in streams with good fins are only wild because stocked fish never become the efficient predators required to get and stay that big. I'm not sure stockies never turn the corner, but that doesn't look like one of the 8 lbs browns stocked 4 weeks ago, and browns aren't stocked (on purpose) by the state above Califon.

I'm embarrassed to say this but I caught a 19" wild brown Sunday evening on a dry fly on the upper SBR - at a spot in general regs water you need to walk to (screw the TCAs). I thought it was a good fish. Cool thing about big wild browns is that the fly disappeared into the tiniest of dimples and I thought it was a dink at first. Only when I set to hook and it jumped and streaked to the far end of the pool did I know it was a good fish. Those big wild browns are efficient feeders and often sip bugs with only a tiny disturbance.

BTW, my biggest browns up there were back in my bait days when the biggest brown in a pool could rarely resist a shedder crayfish. Getting the big guys on flies is tough.
But they still won't be likely to fish where Aaron caught that beast:)

All I can say is that he caught this fish in general regs waters where few ever bother to fish. 'Nuff said on that as I'm sworn to secrecy :shutup2:

I would also make that fish a wall hanger with a fiberglass replica. There are some rivers where that is not the king of the tribe, but for a NJ caught fish, it's the best there is.

As with you Brian -- Im also sworn to secrecy -- I can be there in 15 mins from my door -- I'll let that fish rest a while -- then I will nail him on a Experimental Chub Pattern I have -- He will be returned to the stream Unharmed for me to catch again

That fish I'd wild is near the end of his life expectancy. If you and Brian are the only ones who know the spot (not) I expect this fish will be dead within a week:)
As with you Brian -- Im also sworn to secrecy -- I can be there in 15 mins from my door -- I'll let that fish rest a while -- then I will nail him on a Experimental Chub Pattern I have -- He will be returned to the stream Unharmed for me to catch again

That fish I'd wild is near the end of his life expectancy. If you and Brian are the only ones who know the spot (not) I expect this fish will be dead within a week:)

Little do you know Mac
It is already in the pan
I havent killed a trout in 30 years -- so Why would I now Mac????

That fish I'd wild is near the end of his life expectancy. If you and Brian are the only ones who know the spot (not) I expect this fish will be dead within a week:)
Go to page 21 of the current NJ Freshwater Fishing Digest (if you've even chossen to get one AND read it),..?...Read and anilazilze the part about the Year Round TCA's,..(Claremont Stretch),..think reel hard and than re-reed AJ's and Rustys,..posts,..Oh there are BIG tout in there just hard to get and "stealth" is a big factor,..GO GET SUM!,..:thankyou:
I need to get to a normal computer. I can't see this beast on my gubberment computer.

WTH 650 billion n defense spending and you can't view a picture embedded in a web Page. Call colonel Klink I want some answers.
Go to page 21 of the current NJ Freshwater Fishing Digest (if you've even chossen to get one AND read it),..?...Read and anilazilze the part about the Year Round TCA's,..(Claremont Stretch),..think reel hard and than re-reed AJ's and Rustys,..posts,..Oh there are BIG tout in there just hard to get and "stealth" is a big factor,..GO GET SUM!,..:thankyou:

You're off by miles. And Anglers Anonymous stocks bows, not browns. Aaron messed with you all when he wrote "public club" fish:)
You're off by miles. And Anglers Anonymous stocks bows, not browns. Aaron messed with you all when he wrote "public club" fish:)

That is correct AA stocked rainbows. Some as big as the fish AJ caught. The fish I noted in my previous post was a rainbow caught in September at the wall. That pool used to hold s number of very large trout.
WTH 650 billion n defense spending and you can't view a picture embedded in a web Page. Call colonel Klink I want some answers.

It's blocked by the gubberment. They think offensive things can be seen. Yet they let you view everything on facebook.
One thing for sure the SBR can produce some very big fish. Further downstream behind what was once welsh farms I saw 20 inch plus browns spawning every year. I also hooked a ginormous brown one summer evening on a hellgrammite pattern just after a rainstorm a bit further downstream. Fishing the whole Claremont stretch always produced large fish as well as plenty of smaller wild fish year round. and little pressure.
NEVER said or wrote about stocked fish did I?, you and others have written, wild browns ARE known to roam these waters, just REEL hard 2 get,.. thats all,..:nose-picking:
I can't help myself.....A.J. should have posted this under the fish porn thread....I keep looking at it, I can't stop, I'm addicted....That is one god damn big fish..........:smokelots:
I can't help myself.....A.J. should have posted this under the fish porn thread....I keep looking at it, I can't stop, I'm addicted....That is one god damn big fish..........:smokelots:

That Much I will agree ,..F-in NICE no matter where "but IN JERSEY!!!!!!"> yeah toxic waste and golf course run off,..:bootyshak
NEVER said or wrote about stocked fish did I?, you and others have written, wild browns ARE known to roam these waters, just REEL hard 2 get,.. thats all,..:nose-picking:

My post wasn't directed at you. More importantly why are you posting in a semi normal and intelligible language. Did you break your bong?
HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF PEARLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT THING IS HUGE!

No way in hell that thing is a stocker. That fish is way to clean to be stocked and too damn pretty.
I was just humbled when that thing was put in my net! I was just in awe....

You've got one more river on your fishing list later this year that just may give you your 3rd wild brown over 28" of the year. You know which river I'm referring to. That's insane! I'll email you some GPS coordinates because there are fish in that river that haunt my dreams to this day. I want to see someone catch one of the brutes that lives and hunts in the "frog" water off the main channel. I didn't learn how to hike into that backwater while I was there (couldn't wade across anywhere near where that action was happening the 2 days I was there), but I figured it out on Google Earth once I got home. And one day I'll get back there myself and slay some of the beasts that eat 14" fish like they were PEZ candies.

Good fishing with you this evening. Nice chub and sunfish - with those fish and the tri-fecta of trout, you landed the Musky Super Slam :):):):)

That fish was having a picnic alright... on wild trout...

That was surely not "bubba." You might want to call him that, but it is not Jim's fish for the umpteenth time :) He is VERY far from where that fish went in the water. Just look at the fins.

It was a rare occurrence. I hope he makes it this year. Can you say 30 inches??? He didn't look long and lean with a big head like some of the large Delaware fish that I have gotten. If no one kills that fish he can still grow or you hope! I don't even care if I get it. It would be awesome to see a fish like that get caught in NJ waters! People always dump on NJ but the fish will calm them down a little!
I do have one major question. For a fish to become that large it obviously has trained itself to feed efficiently in its environment most likely feeding on smaller trout and other bait fish. Given your fishing techniques ( i have watched your videos and there are instances where in my opinion you snag or lasso the fish then quickly turn away from the camera and net the fish. You are a highly skilled angler but the chances of snagging using that method are much higher) I do not see how a 30 inch wild brown would exert any energy to go feed on a size 16 nymph which makes me ask myself the question, where did he hook that fish?
The way aaron reels in fish depicted in his videos, nautilus must have had to put in some special kind of drag system for him to get that fucker in reel BILL DANCE STYLE> YEEEEHAWWWWWW skip that mother fuck accross the water!!!!!