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Should Corzine go to Prison?

Should Corzine go to Prison?

  • He deserves to be a cell mate with Bernie Madoff.

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • No he already stated he does not know where the money went.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It does not matter he is wealthy enough to weasel his way out of it.

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters


The only thing left should be foot prints.
Do you think Ex-Senator and former NJ governor Jon Corzine deserves to go to jail for misappropriation of client funds totaling 1.4 billion dollars.
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Jail is much to good for Corzine and about 100 other of our elected officials! Politicians in this country are nothing more than whores available to the highest bidder. :give-the-finger:
as far as im concerned he an all the politicoans that have been an are screwing us, should hang from a rope till stiff as aq board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read Peter Schweizers book:

Throw Them All Out: How politicians and their friends get rich off insider stock tips, Land deals and Cronyismthat would send the rest of us to jail

Kinda sums it all up
The problem is this. All these politicians work for special interest groups. Republican or democrat, it doesn't matter and never really has. They are all in bed with eachother.Jail for these guys is penthouse luxury suite. They don't go to the places we send rapists and murderers. Personally I think all these politicians should be held accountable for their actions. The question is, who's going to make it happen and send them to jail? Why isn't Eric Holder in jail for perjury, murder, and treason? Because as far as I'm concerned if he knew about "fast and furious" and let it go through he has blood on his hands.Anyways, that's a different topic. Back to the discussion at hand.Until we (Americans) start holding these politicians and elected officials accountable for their actions they will just keep treating us like second class citizens. They don't care about us and most of them never will. I know how to change things for the better, and it doesn't start with shitting in the middle of a street and walking hand in hand with people in Zucotti park.If you guys want real change in 2012 don't fall for the flip flop of Newt Gingrich who gladly accepted tax payer dollars from Fannie and Freddie or that moron Romney or Perry. Ron Paul 2012!!!And yes, Corzine and the rest of those insider trading criminals should go to jail.
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I think Bernie & John should be made to drink fraq water for the rest of their days


Only problem is Paul is a fossil- Tobias- for president ... Kick asss & take names. Foget the names deal----- just go kick ass.

on second thought,

AK for president!
Tobias- we are going to appoint you the Secretary of Defense & Homeland Security
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Only problem is Paul is a fossil- Tobias- for president ... Kick asss & take names. Foget the names deal----- just go kick ass.on second thought,AK for president!Tobias- we are going to appoint you the Secretary of Defense & Homeland Security
Ron Paul may be old, but his foundation is strong and I know he can make a difference.I'm too young to be President and AK is too old. Haha.As much as I appreciate the enthusiasm to have me be in a public office or appointed public position, I could never accept thr DHS position because the DHS is a bunch of constitution stomping criminals. I wouldn't mind being defense secretary, but I probably wouldn't get much done with all the fishing I'd be doing.
Alright here's the skinny...i happen to know an immense about how the securities business is run...i also happen to agree with most of you and your anger.... Reality is the securities biz is policed by the NASD and the SEC... And the SEC and NASD like other government agencies make up their own rules much like the DEP...... Their chosen method for enforcing their policies is via a fine, contingent upon further employment in the scurities industry..... which is complete and total bullshit..... IE. if i steal 50K from a bank with a gun I go to jail for a long time... if I lie to your grandmother and have her invest 100k in a risky scheme that pays me a fat commission i get a slap on the wrist.. Corzine does 100% belong in jail, he will never see it...If anyone who reads this ever has any finance or wall st. questions please email me.... been there done that....
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Too soon to say if Whorezine is looking at jail time, but just the public humiliation of a liberal darling is good enough for me right now. First he loses the Governorship which is nearly impossible to do for a lib in NJ, then he sits before Congress lying through his teeth about not knowing where more than a $billion went. You can't make that stuff up. And to think that Obama wanted him for Treasury Secretary.
Great posts guys, about Obama well.who is he where did he come from is he american?Geee lets see for a Harvard grad, where did he learn to hire the appropriate personel? Timothy Geithner ran the Bank of New york into the ground..so you hire him to be a treasury sec retary... even before that what about Paulson..fgreakin crook, let alone Cheney who should have recused himself from office being at the top of the Halliburton heap.......
Trouble is a two party system doesn't work for us as a nation any longer,an if you aren't a participant in either party you dont get your foot in the door.The republocrats have taken over the Tea party movement, the Democans just suck.
Whats a fella to do?
As for the future of this country id love to think the glass iss half full but unfortunately i feel that our glass is broken an all leaked out,
Need some interesting reading pick up a copy of "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" by Gibbons, it should be required reading for all American citizens. We have been a complacent nation letting Corporate ideology decide our fate and our direction.China owns a hell of a lot of our debt,money being printed isnt backed by anything.USed to be for god and country we threw out god now we are throwing out our country,used to be the bill of rights an the constitution were for "American Citizens" now the illegals get all the benfits while we drag the load.its time to get a new bearing on thnings an get with the program.
As for Obama i think he had his chance ..time to send him along packing an get back to making the United States of America great again.
We have protected an fed an given medical help to the world for far long enough...time to say if you don't like us ..ok next time theres a famine...starve,you don't like us ..next time a Religious Fanatic wrestles your govt away ..you fightem alone.remeber America doesn't do anything for the world.
Last i checked or believed we were the greatest nation on earth an we had the right to be cocky about it..we fought damn hard #1 for religous freedom..ask the pilgrims why the left england
we also fought to be free from Monacracy ..ask ol King George what we did, we fought enslavement of fellow human beings by fighting a nasty civil war so that all men in our counrty would recognized as created equal.
time for the middle class or whats left of it to take back our nation an throw all the politicians out on their asses.
new rules....

---------- Post added at 07:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 PM ----------

no more lifetime benefits for politicians..you get benefits only for as long as you hold office,an then theres a matter of term limits...you can only serve 3 terms.No more Welfare for illegals, No more Healthcare for Illegals, no drivers licenses for illegals,absolutely no more rights that belong to "American Citizens" for illegals..you want rights ..ok time to shit or get off the pot as they say..learn the language{ It Is English},Learn the Pledge of Allegiance..know it say it live it,also assimilate to our culture...remember you came here to live and have a better life.you must earn it an work to maintain it.secpondly mandatory 6 year service to this country,if you get caught at any time committing a crime in this country.you get branded an a big tattooo across your forehead that says what you were convicted off. ie: Theif,Rapist,Liar,Cheat,ect.
If you dont like that stay out go somewhere else an live we don't need you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great posts guys, about Obama well.who is he where did he come from is he american?Geee lets see for a Harvard grad, where did he learn to hire the appropriate personel? Timothy Geithner ran the Bank of New york into the ground..so you hire him to be a treasury sec retary... even before that what about Paulson..fgreakin crook, let alone Cheney who should have recused himself from office being at the top of the Halliburton heap.......
Trouble is a two party system doesn't work for us as a nation any longer,an if you aren't a participant in either party you dont get your foot in the door.The republocrats have taken over the Tea party movement, the Democans just suck.
Whats a fella to do?
As for the future of this country id love to think the glass iss half full but unfortunately i feel that our glass is broken an all leaked out,
Need some interesting reading pick up a copy of "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" by Gibbons, it should be required reading for all American citizens. We have been a complacent nation letting Corporate ideology decide our fate and our direction.China owns a hell of a lot of our debt,money being printed isnt backed by anything.USed to be for god and country we threw out god now we are throwing out our country,used to be the bill of rights an the constitution were for "American Citizens" now the illegals get all the benfits while we drag the load.its time to get a new bearing on thnings an get with the program.
As for Obama i think he had his chance ..time to send him along packing an get back to making the United States of America great again.
We have protected an fed an given medical help to the world for far long enough...time to say if you don't like us ..ok next time theres a famine...starve,you don't like us ..next time a Religious Fanatic wrestles your govt away ..you fightem alone.remeber America doesn't do anything for the world.
Last i checked or believed we were the greatest nation on earth an we had the right to be cocky about it..we fought damn hard #1 for religous freedom..ask the pilgrims why the left england
we also fought to be free from Monacracy ..ask ol King George what we did, we fought enslavement of fellow human beings by fighting a nasty civil war so that all men in our counrty would recognized as created equal.
time for the middle class or whats left of it to take back our nation an throw all the politicians out on their asses.
new rules....

---------- Post added at 07:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 PM ----------

no more lifetime benefits for politicians..you get benefits only for as long as you hold office,an then theres a matter of term limits...you can only serve 3 terms.No more Welfare for illegals, No more Healthcare for Illegals, no drivers licenses for illegals,absolutely no more rights that belong to "American Citizens" for illegals..you want rights ..ok time to shit or get off the pot as they say..learn the language{ It Is English},Learn the Pledge of Allegiance..know it say it live it,also assimilate to our culture...remember you came here to live and have a better life.you must earn it an work to maintain it.secpondly mandatory 6 year service to this country,if you get caught at any time committing a crime in this country.you get branded an a big tattooo across your forehead that says what you were convicted off. ie: Theif,Rapist,Liar,Cheat,ect.
If you dont like that stay out go somewhere else an live we don't need you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heil Utah

You F-N little Nazi
no nazi here at all, I am half American Indian my mother is fullblooded of two nations Cherokee & Blackfeet i speak both her languages an can write them fluently i am also of Scotch/Irish/Pa dutch descent.I have been to Germany have been thru the Dachau Camp while i was on a class tour during high school,also served in Bosnia among other places too i know all too well about ethnic bs.that is not what i am talking about..i am talking borders language an culture as well as bringing our troops home an taking care of us instead of those who dont want us.
there is a old saying you cant have a farm if you dont take care of the farmer..
I don't have a problem with drinking..just bull shit, but hey if you got some nice single malt or some good honey mead im there bud
no biggie, any how i think its appalling what corporate leaders an politicians have done to this country of ours.
well either is bad juju..standing in it or sitting in it,anyhow lets get us some rope an hang it from a tall oak tree
Alright here's the skinny...i happen to know an immense about how the securities business is run...i also happen to agree with most of you and your anger.... Reality is the securities biz is policed by the NASD and the SEC... And the SEC and NASD like other government agencies make up their own rules much like the DEP...... Their chosen method for enforcing their policies is via a fine, contingent upon further employment in the scurities industry..... which is complete and total bullshit..... IE. if i steal 50K from a bank with a gun I go to jail for a long time... if I lie to your grandmother and have her invest 100k in a risky scheme that pays me a fat commission i get a slap on the wrist.. Corzine does 100% belong in jail, he will never see it...If anyone who reads this ever has any finance or wall st. questions please email me.... been there done that....

I'm invested in a pigs feet farm in the ozarks..wonder if I should diversify:)