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Shannon's Fly and Tackle Fall Fishing Contest


Shannon's Fly
Shannon’s Fly and Tackle and GBW Insurance presents:

Bubba is Back! Join us for our Fall Fishing Contest on the South Branch starting Saturday September 15, 2007! We have two tagged fish swimming out there. Catch and release either of the two fish and win a prize. Grand Prize is a Scott E2 fly rod from our store inventory. Second prize is a TFO Project Healing Waters fly Rod and Ross International reel with line. We will be stocking up to 300 trout in and around Califon. Good Luck!-JH
Shannon’s Fly and Tackle and GBW Insurance presents:

Bubba is Back! Join us for our Fall Fishing Contest on the South Branch starting Saturday September 15, 2007! We have two tagged fish swimming out there. Catch and release either of the two fish and win a prize. Grand Prize is a Scott E2 fly rod from our store inventory. Second prize is a TFO Project Healing Waters fly Rod and Ross International reel with line. We will be stocking up to 300 trout in and around Califon. Good Luck!-JH

Sounds promissing! Your area is perfect for other things like a craft fair too. This way while 1 parent takes the kids fishing, the other might have something to do for a few hours.

Anyhow, if todays weather is a sign of things to come, the contest you're hosting should be perfect. This might be a great photo op.
We put the fish in today and it was alot of fun! Califon is having a Harvest Fest next month and I think Tewkesbury is doing something "crafty" tomorrow. There is a tag sale in Califon too and Melick's is a great place to pick some apples. It really is all about the whole package out here. Look for fishing in the Gorge to be very good in October...-JH
How was it today? Details!


The original thread was an advertisement for the shop...

If you wish to read about results, you may have to go over to the dark side....

So this thread in reality should be moved from the NJ Fishing Forum over to a streaming banner with "Advertisement" and "Site Supporter" logos affixed in the proper locations.

As always, just waiting for the next free-be to appear.

AK Skim
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I'm going to bust your stones a little bit here.This is both a fun spirited jab and some food for thought.

You are saying that the Shannon's Fly and Tackle Fall Fishing Contest thread is an advertising freebie.The first thing I would like to point out is that Jim spent $ on stocking fish for everyone to enjoy. The second thing is Jim spent his time on getting prizes and sponsors to give away fish and product. He did not try and slip in any info on sales, deals or new products in the shop, or even direct people to go to Shannon's. Of course any business owner who does something like this is trying to generate some $$$. However, I do think the post was germane and above board because this was good information about an opportunity for the board members to catch some trout and maybe get some free gear.

I am not sure if you noticed some of the ADVERTISING CONTENT that has been showing up in your Salmon River Thread.

Check out our "Beat The Crowds" special for lodging and guiding. Give us a shout at 315-298-6253 or 2466.
This was taken from http://www.njflyfishing.com/vBullet...137-salmon-river-report-2007-a.html#post92993

I am not calling you a hypocrite. I do enjoy that thread and more than a few of your posts. All I am saying is that people in glass waders should not throw weighted flies. :)

Always glad to educate those who are not aware of what they are doing (and give them a good natured ribbing),

Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to my latest post.
However, when it comes to food for thought, the sole requirement that I have is I need some meat. I was still starving after reading your questioner.
The issue is not that the owner of the establishment purchased the fish, sought gifts for the contestants, handed out cigars, and kissed every baby in a stroller that passed by…. That doesn’t matter one iota. Other than a hardy Hi-Oh Silver!
As far as directing unsuspecting people to his establishment, or web site wasn’t done? Hummm… let me roll back to the top and read the title of this thread is………….. Fishing Contest, hummm… (the sounds of pondering) why does an establishment hold any contest.. TO DRAW PEOPLE IN… Whoa…a revolutionary idea in marketing! (for more please see my 2006 post “sell the sizzle not the stake”)
Now, I am very happy that you brought up my postings in the <ST1:pSalmon River </ST1:pthread. I just want to make this very clear from the start, so for you I will type very slowly.
I have no relationship with any of the fly shops that I post. I don’t even hang out in any of the shops.
I have no relationship with the Douglaston Salmon River organization.
I have no relationship with any guides up there.
You also have to look at the reasons that I put them in and so far the administrator hasn’t scrubbed or locked the thread. The vast majority of the people that fish the <ST1:pSalmon River </ST1:ptravel 2-3-4-5 and 6 hours to get there. So it is safe to say the sole reason I put them in (some I do edit) and the thread hasn’t been locked… is that I have no connection, friendship, association, financial interest (not even the 10% military discount I am eligible for because it is for Active duty and not retirees) in any of the fly shops reports that I post.
Lastly, when was the last time the vast majority of the people who fish Ken Lockwood Gorge traveled 2-6 hours to fish there? Hint… just before the wheel was invented.
As always, leading the way for others in the darkness.
AK Skim, Phd. Thinkology

Winner of the NEFF 2007 Most Prestigious Award, and my early entry for a repeat in 2008.<O:p</O:p
AK Skim: Who won the Boobie Award Grand Prize?
McA: Oh a close friend of one of the establishments guides that he fishes with all the time. He also helped him net Boobie...
AK Skim: who one the Second Boobie Award?
McA: Oh a very good customer of the establishment, who just happened to out that day with another of our other guides
AK Skim: Oh…

Hi-Ho Silver…. Awayyyyyyy
I have no relationship with the Douglaston Salmon River organization. I have no relationship with any guides up there.

Isn't it not true that you are not so uncovertly hawking the services of a not so often unnamed guide whose philosophy of marketing is "any mention is good advertising"?


Is there not truth to the rumor that I haven't started yet that your season pass up at Douglaston has been not so much comped but subject to a decrease of 50% under, what you would have paid if you bought two of them?

YEAH. I knew it.
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You missed the point! It was a joke and I busting your balls! Relax my man. We have been getting along so nice on the board. I was not accusing you of anything. I read that thread everyday and think it is a great service you are providing.

I was just pointing out that if you are going to call out someone for free advertising, you should edit the content of your own postings to remove any content that may also contain advertising. I was in no way saying you of profiting from your posts, nor do I care.

However, when the gauntlet is thrown down, I have to respond!

Judging from your response, you have been living in NJ, or holding office here, for too long. Just like our politicians you avoided my main point and misdirected your response to topics that were not even relevant.

I will follow your lead and type slowly. It was germane to the board because it was providing information to the board members where they can go to catch some fish. There was no mention about going to the shop for any reason.

By the same logic...
Should we no longer provide information about state stockings because it would be advertising for NJF&W? I think not.

I also know for a fact that there is a large group of anglers who regularly travel over an hour to fish the KLG. Time is money no matter what the distance. Gas prices suck. When has geography ever been a factor for who deservers good information anyway?

Who cares about any relationship anyone has. May you all be rich and get free gear and too many days on the water.

I done with this typing thing/fish to be caught.

Thanks for the good mini debate. In the future please note when I say things like good natured ribbing. I know you have a sense of humor somewhere behind your stalwart facade...

Tight Lines My Man,

All I'm going to say is, FF and AK... I love your poetry and always enjoy reading all of your posts. They're so well crafted. You two make me laugh more than anyone. Well... that's only partly true... Then there's Ralph, but I'm always laughing at him, not with him! :) just kidding Ralph!
Well...since everyone is busting on AK...I've got a gripe too. LOL

AK, Stop calling it Douglaston Salmon River!!! It's Douglaston Salmon Run!!! I'm sure the x-senator would love to own and control the whole river, but he doesn't. And this is not an advertisment for the DSR, Trust me. Thanks and keep the SR thread going. I read it every day.

McAwful, When I saw the fishing contest thread, my first two thoughts were; this is an advertisement and as a newby I thought it was alowed here, and second, I hope they never have a contest like this on the BFB. Even if a contest is CNR the river still gets raped, littered, and trampled.

DC, who's ralph?

McAwful, When I saw the fishing contest thread, my first two thoughts were; this is an advertisement and as a newby I thought it was alowed here, and second, I hope they never have a contest like this on the BFB. Even if a contest is CNR the river still gets raped, littered, and trampled.

DC, who's ralph?


As someone who fishes the SBR alot and was there on the day of the contest, I can assure you there was no raping or pillaging of the river.

The fish were stocked along River Rd in Califon. That area sees alot of human activity (which greatly discourages poachers and pillagers) as opposed to the BFB, and is usually cleaner than the gorge.

And you don't want to know who Ralph is. ;)
Troutenomics are at work here.

Several years ago, when the Shannon’s gang started the private water and the Derby program I was worried that these stocked fish may effect the wild populations of trout in the SBR.

Then I thought about it. There are umpteen private clubs stocking the river, the state stocks almost 50,000 trout in there, how are a few more thousand trout going to hurt the wild fish.

In fact the only reason the wild fish are there is because of the stocking.

And until the day comes that the state decides to declare the SBR a "Wild Trout River" and imposes regulations to protect the river, then my worries were moot and I should shut up and go fishing.

What I believe Shannon’s is accomplishing by its Derby program is a lot more than just enhancing the local fishery. They have corralled in the local business owners to participate. By doing that they have created an economic vested interest in the river by more than just the "Trouties". In turn this creates an entire new set of "Stakeholders" who’s' best interest are served by seeing to the overall best environmental practices being upheld and enforced on the river.

And that’s all good!

Now as far as the contest being an advertisement for Shannon’s and the local business community. Who cares? This is a Fly Fishing board and it is a relevant post to announce that there are “New Fishing Opportunities" regardless of the source of the fish. If the economics trickle down to the community, that’s good for everyone. It’s not like if you are fishing somewhere else, that you’re not going to spend money, so you might as well spend it in Califon while fishing. Perhaps other river proximity communities in NJ will see the Value in this program and adopt similar programs.

So to the gang at Shannon’s, thanks.

However I have two pieces of advice.

1. If you are going to post announcements on boards like this one, and then you are going to post a follow up, you need to afford all boards the same timely follow up, that you did NOT do on this board and did on another board. Don't assume everyone is reading all the Boards.

2. If you are going to sell Chota Boots (I love them) please carry and ample supply of those Nifty easy lace ups!

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Although I was in a few as a kid, I do not support fishing contests/derbies. Sure they may be fun, but we all know they draw the in the riffraff. Sure, they draw good anglers as well and it's a good way for kids to learn to fish, but does it balance out in the end. Is the waterway improved by having the contest? Not from what I've seen. If you don't want bears in your yard, then don't entice them in by leaving your garbage outside.

I don't fish the SBR, so I can't speak for that particular waterway, but anytime there's a fishing contest, there's garbage, dead fish (stocked or not, their still dead fish), and many more undesirable things left for the local fishermen to deal with. I wouldn't wish that on any stream or local fisherman's home waters.

Question: Since the local businesses gain the most from this activity, do they do the cleanup afterwards? Do they really care about the environment, or just their bottom line?

I'd like to hear from a local fisherman, one who lives there and fishes it daily. Do you mind seeing all the garbage left behind after a contest like this? Do the dead fish in the bottom of the pools, make you shake your head or are you okay with that?

It's no different than opening day trout here in NJ, the rivers are strewn with styrofoam bait containers, soda/bear cans, etc.


You make many a good point.

To answer your questions, Yes maybe and No, in no particular order.

On the business front. I am evil. I dont really care if they really care or not.
I care however that there masquarade of careing may get them to a meeting or to sign a petetion or whatever that may help the river. Since I am not an MD, I can not see into there soul or do Grinchectemy to see if there heart has grown three times larger,and once again I dont care. And yes I guess that could extrapolate to them also signing a future petetion to approve a mythological but not so improbable 1000 unit townhouse complex " Riverside Acres " someday and backfire as the greedy bastards sell out on me.

As far as the derby, derbies are for kids , and thats good, and hopefullt those that organize it clean it up. I see remnants of fisherman derby or no derby on unfortunetly every river I fish.
Last week, I picked up several tippet spools, leader packages and other crap on the Mainstem near Hancock. Not one Worm container! So the blame is on the individual scumbag, not the style of fishing they pick or an event.

Glass is half full ( as is my garbage bag )!

Troutenomics are at work here.

Several years ago, when the Shannon’s gang started the private water and the Derby program I was worried that these stocked fish may effect the wild populations of trout in the SBR.

Then I thought about it. There are umpteen private clubs stocking the river, the state stocks almost 50,000 trout in there, how are a few more thousand trout going to hurt the wild fish.

In fact the only reason the wild fish are there is because of the stocking.

And until the day comes that the state decides to declare the SBR a "Wild Trout River" and imposes regulations to protect the river, then my worries were moot and I should shut up and go fishing.

What I believe Shannon’s is accomplishing by its Derby program is a lot more than just enhancing the local fishery. They have corralled in the local business owners to participate. By doing that they have created an economic vested interest in the river by more than just the "Trouties". In turn this creates an entire new set of "Stakeholders" who’s' best interest are served by seeing to the overall best environmental practices being upheld and enforced on the river.

And that’s all good!

Now as far as the contest being an advertisement for Shannon’s and the local business community. Who cares? This is a Fly Fishing board and it is a relevant post to announce that there are “New Fishing Opportunities" regardless of the source of the fish. If the economics trickle down to the community, that’s good for everyone. It’s not like if you are fishing somewhere else, that you’re not going to spend money, so you might as well spend it in Califon while fishing. Perhaps other river proximity communities in NJ will see the Value in this program and adopt similar programs.

So to the gang at Shannon’s, thanks.

However I have two pieces of advice.

1. If you are going to post announcements on boards like this one, and then you are going to post a follow up, you need to afford all boards the same timely follow up, that you did NOT do on this board and did on another board. Don't assume everyone is reading all the Boards.

2. If you are going to sell Chota Boots (I love them) please carry and ample supply of those Nifty easy lace ups!



Make sure you carry size 14 extra wide. I heard Rford has insanely big feet.
and it's a good way for kids to learn to fish, but does it balance out in the end. Is the waterway improved by having the contest? Not from what I've seen. If you don't want bears in your yard, then don't entice them in by leaving your garbage outside.

Man - we flyfishermen are a bunch of whiners.

We should be thankful that someone is doing something to encourage kids - as we all know fishing license sales are on the decline. Already, the Div. of Fish & Wildlife is not financially independent. How much longer before the State pulls the plug and stocking is eliminated? Then how much longer after that before fishing is banned altogether in NJ?

Geez, lighten up guys! It's always easier to complain than to try and do something that you think is positive. Give Jimmy an "A" for trying, whether you agree with his methods or not.

1. I teach fly fishing to kids and conduct fly fishing seminars. What are you doing to help?

2. Whiners...There's no whining in my posts, take another look. Just facts. Learn to read! I just don't appreciate the aftermath. Do you?

3. NJ fish and Wildlife and never been self-sufficient. Did you know this?
