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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!

Scientists predict mini ice age coming

Boston's snow pile has melted. I guess the mini Ice age is over.
Nothing that either of you geezers is blabbering on about through your toothless gums will help me sleep tonight, especially the part about exchanging "nudie" pics. That's what PMs are for you weirdos.

Seriously though you should both look into low T treatment. Maybe one of the other guys here who have too much T would donate some... Trout Nazi and his testosterone powered douche-lamp seems like he might have some to spare. Moosekid built a tipi in the woods out of chicks he has banged. Or something. And then there's Joe T. The name says it all.

I personally have so much testosterone I have to take massive doses of estrogen just to behave like a normal functioning member of society. It's not working.

Moosekids dog has enough "T" for all of us.....
now go take an estrogen pill, and change your tampon......:)