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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!
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  • Hey bro, did you manage to get out on Saturday? Hope it went well. Sent from 39,000 ft. above sea level, somewhere over Middle America.
    shes aight bro

    Ill tell you what she aint no 20 inch brown trout on a size 16 sulpher hahahahaha
    yup...gonna suck taking pictures of this girl...
    Liz Lord Images - (Cape Gallery powered)
    Just got this IM from CoolKyle-

    What's up Jay! Yo I saw some huge fish cruising around the pier in Red Hook today. I think they were blues, and I think they were 6-10 pounds. My heaviest rod is a 6, but I might string it up with a 20lb maxima leader and get to work at 5:30 friday for some fishing.
    got back sunday night bud. working on my report - didn't get to fish as much as I would have liked and the rain we got down there seemed to mess up the fishing a bit. we should get together soon for some fishing if you're down for a trip - I might try to do a half day this weekend somewhere.
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