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Sands Creek Stream Restoration Update

glad to see this is being done,with shehawken creek being a tough one for fish to enter in low flow years, this trib is essential for ensuring reproduction rates remain at a healthy level, especially the bows. That said, it would be nice to see some attention turned towards shehawken creek as its a great stream for spawning once past the rocky entry that worsened after the past few floods. Sands creek enters the wb pretty nicely as is, and once the fish are in there they are going to find acceptable spawning habitat, the same cant be said about shehawken. I've seen big delaware bows trapped in there the past few spring seasons and I think numbers would be higher running up if the mouth wasn't so boney.
Sands Creek gave us the most cooperation from landowners and as such became the first restoration project. Though the mouth of the creek looks good, the upstream devastation that was caused by the '06 flood was pretty severe. In the end, these projects all come down to funding and the more members & support that the Friends of the Upper Delaware River can garner the more projects like this that can be accomplished.

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maybe Im wrong, but I believe Sands Creek was also channelized by the Army Corp after that flood. So it is not in its natural state.