Nice sunday out on the water


Fishizzle, I use worms but I'm looking to upgrade!
I had planned on making this weekend a fishing weekend ,but as last week went on saturday looked colder and colder so the maiden voyage for the boat had to wait until sunday. Being early in the season, I decided to take a shot somewhere I had never fished, which was very low on the delaware down where its mostly small mouth with some trout mixed in a little bit above port jervis. Put in around 11 and had bugs with the occasional riser from the start. As expected however, the wind was a killer and would kick up every time we got into position and had a shot at a fish. We continued throwing streamers and moved/hooked some fish, and then we finally caught a break with the wind. The bugs came out in force and trout began to show themselves in some of the transitional areas of the section we floated. You had to hit them quick as gusts would still come out of no where when the fish would get into a grove, but we got the timing right and made it work. The fish were more selective than I would have thought for early season dry fly action at the flows the river was running this sunday. We changed flies a few times and ended up finding a tandem dry rig with one brown stone/ 1 black stone being the best option. Sometimes a spent wing worked best/others a grizzly hackled stone worked better because I think the hackle gave off the impression the fly was fluttering on the water. It was nice not seeing anyone on the water, and with the way this season is going it wont be long til there won't be many trout to catch down there at all so overall a nice day for a maiden voyage on a new section of river, caught some nice fish and the weather was beautiful. Here's a few pics




My dad loving life


the boat was in great shape when we got it Mac, I def owe you one for that gem of a find so we'll have to get out and float this season once the mayflies get going.
We were torn yesterday on one thing, the boat's name. There are letters on each side of the front saying "Grizbug" and my dad and I weren't quite sure how we felt about it. Half of us felt it was a decent name ,but thought everyone would be asking what the hell does Griz Bug mean, then we also thought Griz bug sounds like it could be the middle name of some thickburger you might naturally run into while having a few late night beers in the town of Craig Montana. For those of you who haven't been to Craig, lets just say Simms would like the talent thats walking around those parts
There's always time for the big guy, its always a good time. I actually tried to convince him to take on the fishing name of the "Griz Bug" ,but sadly he refused.
A couple years ago we nick named him "The Big Cat", which popped into our heads as he (250lb 6ft' 3 man) tried to climb into the boat chest deep after standing in 43 degree water for a few hrs. His gracefulness naturally led to "the Big Cat". Fits him perfectly
Awesome JC

Glad you are back on the river. Wondering where you put in and took out yesterday.
the boat was in great shape when we got it Mac, I def owe you one for that gem of a find so we'll have to get out and float this season once the mayflies get going.
We were torn yesterday on one thing, the boat's name. There are letters on each side of the front saying "Grizbug" and my dad and I weren't quite sure how we felt about it. Half of us felt it was a decent name ,but thought everyone would be asking what the hell does Griz Bug mean, then we also thought Griz bug sounds like it could be the middle name of some thickburger you might naturally run into while having a few late night beers in the town of Craig Montana. For those of you who haven't been to Craig, lets just say Simms would like the talent thats walking around those parts
seeing those fb pics I think I would rather go drinking in the city with you and your "friends" :hubbahubba:..... actually thats a really bad idea!! I'll stick with the early morning no sleep hungover streamer fishing, my odds of hooking up are much better, and the fish don't ask if I am your perverted uncle :burp:
Lets see some pics of the new boat!! What did you get? Being a sailor, as far as renaming goes, just share a beer with her and give her lots of tlc she will let you call her anything you like.
I assume you will be up for Hell or High Water?
I had planned on making this weekend a fishing weekend ,but as last week went on saturday looked colder and colder so the maiden voyage for the boat had to wait until sunday. Being early in the season, I decided to take a shot somewhere I had never fished, which was very low on the delaware down where its mostly small mouth with some trout mixed in a little bit above port jervis....

Great report! Congrats on your boat.


Please repeat after me.

There are NO trout south of Callicoon.

There are NO trout south of Callicoon...

Kindest regards from Narrowsburg (which is south of Callicoon),

Boomer you better be sticking with the early Am trips, your the only one who doesn't flake on me when I roll up to the door ready to roll at 5am. I'll be up for hell or high water, should be a a hell of a lot better than last year that was the coldest I've ever been on a trout stream.( We literally kept lying to each other that we were getting strikes to keep each other mentally in the game lol)

Half of me thought this was borderline spot burning , but the other half thought few would be willing to roll the dice on this tough to hit right section anyway, and its pretty big water that can accomodate the few that decide to go....also pretty out of the way for the average catskill guy.

fly how dare you venture on my home waters so close with out a call... where did you put in?not many accesses that low pm i have another spot that you will love..... but you gotta take me with you !!!
