The Hat


Well-known member
I again traveled to my favorite Pocono stream on Saturday, not getting started before 11 am as I got a late start and getting stuck in ahalf hour traffic delay due to road repairs.
The skies were overcast for much of the day and the lightbreeze began to gust around 12:30 that was the cause for a leaf problem for ashort period that abated as the wind subsided a short time later.<o:p </o
The day was exclusively nymph fishing that produced about adozen browns that averaged twelve to fourteen inches. All of the fish weretaken on my point fly, a purple pearl quill ribbed copper bead head with anorange hot spot collar.<o:p </o
I did hook one very heavy fish that I’m glad there was nobody around to see me look like I had a bee in my waders. Upon hooking the fish, it ran at me and as I tried to strip line and back up to keep the line tight, I tripped over a rock in the river that caused me to do a 360, almost going to my knees. As I tried to regain my footing, the fish ran down river and try as I might, I was unable to give chase as I was still off balance. The tight line went slack and the fish was gone, with me thinking how much of a klutz I must have looked in those last few seconds. I stripped in my line to check if I had just dropped the fish or broken it off. Well as luck would have it, what had happened was that I had straightened the hook on the fish. A fitting end for the little ballet dance I had just performed.<o:p </o

This was my third trip wearing my “new” fishing hat, andeach outing has been very productive. Each trip has yielded numerous browns with a good bunch being what I would consider very nice fish.<o:p </o

<o:p A little over a month ago my brother-in-law Rod, suddenly passed away from SCA. He was a great guy who enjoyed every aspect of the outdoors from hunting to hiking. He also was probably one of the smartest people I have known, working for many years at PPPL and most recently Battelle Labs.<o:p </o
The evening of his funeral, I was leaving my sister’s house and on the back table lay a hat that belonged to Rod. My sister remarked that she had planned to buy him a new one to replace that old and soiled cap. I asked her if I could have it as my current fishing hat was more holes than hat. And with that she handed me the hat and said it’s yours.<o:p </o
Well I don’t know if there is such a thing as a lucky hat, but so far, wearing it has been nothing but productive on the river.<o:p </o
I expect that I’ll be wearing this cap until it too is more hole than hat, all the while remembering a man who loved the outdoors.
Good story honoring what sounds like a very good man. There is much mojo in special hats, and that one still looks like it has plenty of fishing life left in it.
Great story...I am a hat collector and have many, but none like that....

I guess you could say, your brother in law was a "fishin' Rod".....;)