Special Reg. C&R


Well-known member
Fished a Class A C&R stream this morning and it was quite the delight. Literally, it was a catch fest of browns and a few brookies. Most of the fish were in the 8-10 inch size and a few nice fish up to 18 inches.
The bug life is picking up also. Plenty of stick caddis on the rocks, small caddis and olives coming off along with the usual midges. Didn't see any noses yet, all fish were nymphed.
On a serious note, I haven't fished this water in about 5 or 6 years and it never fished as well as it did yesterday. Not even close.
Where was that again? I had forgotten from when you told me...😉
On a serious note, good to hear a stream improving, around my parts it seems to be the other way around.

I am a bit confused...

There are still trout left in PA. with all that fracking going on?

I thought we were told it would be a wasteland...


Just got back from the FFZ (fracking free zone). I beat them up again on the same Class A, this time about two miles downstream from my last trip. The wind was a mother f'er and it was burrrr 30 deg. when I got there this morning. It warmed up nicely but the wind never let up. Didn't see much for bugs today, some midges and a couple caddis.

Nice mess of trouts. No fishing for me yet, but soon. Can't keep my hands warm at those temps, good for you.
I need to get my '24 PA license yet, but knowing I'll be there some 60 days working this year, I know I'll get out at least a few times after work. Nice catching.