Shad Reports on the Delaware


New member
Does anyone have a report on shad in the Delaware. I am determined to catch one on a fly rod this year! I have gone fishing with a spinning rod and had a blast. I would like to go the next step with a fly rod. I am in Morris County looking for good shore locations on the Delaware.
Shad fishing has been excellent this year...on the fly! Fish worthington state forest above the gap ez access and parking all along the river all the way up to peters valley flatbrook area.

Need to find spot where u can wade out and have enough room for a back cast...ther are plenty of spots....just have to get out and are there....

Fishing with a 6 weight and number 4 sink shooting head..some guys teeny type lines, others use sink tips...very simple nymph type flies to look like shad darts tied on 2, 4, 6size hooks...hurry up or u'll miss it the run isn't going to last much longer
We were catching shad over at worthington since April. Haven't been since first week of May. My dad and his friends had 40 fish evenings back in April.

We see the fly fishing guys do pretty well at the Worthington Camp ground and up river to the next island. Follow biloutback's advice and you should be fine.

Check out Woofish's website as it is by far the best shad reports for our neck of the woods, hands down.


Good luck!
Thanks for all the advice. I am familiar with Worthington state park. Parking is plenty and there appears to be easy access to the Delaware. I was going to use an 8 weight. Is a 6 weight a better option? I have heard that Shad are leader shy. Is this correct so I go very light on the leader? Again thanks for all the advise. It sounds as though I need to get out this weekend. I am free on Sunday.
I use clear mono testing 10 pounds, u r not sight fishing these fish on the surface...u need a leader this heavy to protect against the chaffing that occurs,,,casting, debris, and it turns over better than lighter tests....was going to go today but stuck with the trout on the south branch.....
FYI, I was fishing the lower East Branch yesterday at Fish's Eddy and noticed many shad swimming about.
Looks like I am free on Sunday since my wife and daughter will be at a baby shower. I think I will follow many of your advice and head up to Worthington State Park on Sunday. I will bring my 6 and 8 weight. I have sinking line on my 8 weight. I am looking forward to it. I will let you know how I do. Thanks to all. Much obliged.
Floated from Hancock down to Lordville Bridge NY and they were almost everywhere...not the game of the day....actually a nuissance---sipping our cahill emergers....and getting in the way of the bows...never saw so many the slow stretches between riffs ...u could have caught them till you couldn't cast any more
They say the run is way down in numbers. I only got out once to fish for Shad and I caught the most I ever did in one trip. Down here by the gap the river is full of dead and dying Shad.
They say the run is way down in numbers. I only got out once to fish for Shad and I caught the most I ever did in one trip. Down here by the gap the river is full of dead and dying Shad.

The same group has been saying that every year for almost two decades now. I think there is validity in the fact that historically speaking, #s have definitely been down. The Lewis family's commercial operation has certainly seen a a large drop in catch each year. However, there are still a good # of shad coming up to satisfy many recreational anglers.