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  • hi Ryan. Did you get my reply from Garden State Trout about Tricos? I'm having trouble with sending PM's on that site. When I send the message it tells me it was sent, but it looks like it just sits in the outbox . Please let me know if you got the message
    wanna fish the pohat and roaring rock again? i could use a guide...i'm a transplant in one of the houses overlooking the pohat (above Bowerstown). we're having a kegger next sat., and i predict there will be cold beer avail sunday. pohat is walking distance. roaring rock is a long, long walk...
    That's one of the best area for smallies. Use black or white woolly buggers and clousers and other streamers (white mimics the shad fry in the river all summer.) I prefer a 6wt on the Delaware.
    Hi Ryan,
    I read your posts on flyfishing the Delaware River upstream from Easton. I just purchased a home on the river on 611north in Easton and will be moving there on August 1st. Im an avid Trout and Saltwater flyfisherman and now interested in getting into smallmouth flyfishing at the new place. The section behind my home looks like prime flyfishing water....any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated....hope to hear back from you soon.
    OK, cool. I'm dying for a proper small stream rod. I really wanted the 7' 4 weight Orvis Surperfine (I should have posted for that rod). The Trout Bum rod. But I don't want to spend the $575 on it right now. I heard some nice things about the Cortland Brook rods and it's much cheaper.
    Ryan - before you buy a 3 weight wait 'til Sunday and take a look and try my 6 foot 3 weight St Croix. I think it's a gem.
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