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Delaware Aquaduct Shutdown


New member
Delaware Aquaduct Shutdown
I caught the last half of the Zoom presentation last night on plans for the Aquaduct repair planned for this year, beginning in the Fall. I conclude that, for 2023, it will result in either:
1. More water in the WB. or 2. Less water in the WB. or 3. No change relative to an average year.
The plan is to draw down reservoir storage to minimize the chance of major flooding during the ~ 6 months of repair time, when there will be no diversion flows.
Not clear to me was whether the draw down will be from additional diversion (up to the allowed max of 800 mg/day) or increased flows in the river itself.
Does anyone have a better understanding of the present plan??
The additional drawdowns are planned to begin in mid June, just in time for the peak sulphur hatches.