Ramapo River restoration is back on for Oakland

With the exception of a pipeline, Bear Swamp Brook is pretty well preserved. Surrounded by Camp YawPaw, Ringwood State Park, a County Park, and some preserved farmland. It's been designated a "Wild Trout Stream". The only problem, is no legal parking, but you can hike in from Ramapo Reservation Park.
I don't know the timetable, but there's a rumor that TU has convinced the State to drain Bear Swamp Lake.

The Glen Gray Camp is now a County Park. As I understand it, former Scouts are running it Camp Glen Gray
With the exception of a pipeline, Bear Swamp Brook is pretty well preserved. Surrounded by Camp YawPaw, Ringwood State Park, a County Park, and some preserved farmland. It's been designated a "Wild Trout Stream". The only problem, is no legal parking, but you can hike in from Ramapo Reservation Park.
I don't know the timetable, but there's a rumor that TU has convinced the State to drain Bear Swamp Lake.

The Glen Gray Camp is now a County Park. As I understand it, former Scouts are running it Camp Glen Gray
Thanks. Good on the brook.
This is somewhat off topic but mention of that area brings back memories for me. When I was a teenager, about 70years ago I often fished I think was Bear Swamp brook which paralelled the road leading to Camp Yaw Paw. At that time there was a healthy population of brookies there. I also spent several Summers at the Glen Gray boy scout camp but never fished the brook that ran next to the road to Glen Gray. Wondering how all that has changed over the years. I believe both boy scout camps have long since closed.
Bear Swamp is still a brookie stream and TU and Native Fish Coalition are working together to remove the dam on it which is in very rough shape. That summer camp was closed for decades and the land is part of the NJ State Park system. I can't speak to the other tributary. Both would be located in Mahwah and not in Oakland although I don't know the Glen Gray Road trib at all and that is the dividing line between the two towns.
Re: The Glen Gray Road tributary "Fox Brook" received C-1 protection in 2020.

I've never fished it... I always assumed that the top release dam at Lake Vreeland, made it a warm water stream, but it's possible that it's headwaters (upstream from the lake), and it's tributaries produce isolated populations of trout.

I fished Lake Vreeland once. The bass were so easy that it wasn't a challenge. Unless you rent a boat, there are too many restrictions on where you may fish. I never went back.
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Re: The Glen Gray Road tributary "Fox Brook" received C-1 protection in 2020.

I've never fished it... I always assumed that the top release dam at Lake Vreeland, made it a warm water stream, but it's possible that it's headwaters (upstream from the lake), and it's tributaries produce isolated populations of trout.

I fished Lake Vreeland once. The bass were so easy that it wasn't a challenge. Unless you rent a boat, there are too many restrictions on where you may fish. I never went back.
Item on the agenda for the Oakland Borough Council meeting on 11/26/2024:

Award Contract- Permitting for the Ramapo River Restoration Project

Resolution No: 24-331
WHEREAS, there is a need for Permitting Services for the Ramapo River Restoration Project; and
WHEREAS, Dresdner Robin has submitted a proposal dated November 11, 2024 for services required at a total cost not to exceed cost of $26,000.00 and;
WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified funds are available in Account #C-04-56-690-502 in the amount of $7,178.00 and Account #C-04-56-691-401 for $18,822.00; and
WHEREAS, this contract is being awarded under a non-fair and open process in compliance with the New Jersey Local Unit Pay-to-Play Law (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq.) and;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Oakland, in
the County of Bergen, and State of New Jersey, hereby authorize Dresdner Robin to perform the flood
hazard permitting services for the Ramapo River Restoration Project at a cost not to exceed $26,000.00;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Borough Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the
agreement on behalf of the Borough.
Item on the agenda for the Oakland Borough Council meeting on 11/26/2024:
We are also a part of this phase, working with Dresdner Robin Engineering. Once we get to the drawing piece, I will share them here if allowed. I think it will be 7 sites, give or take. Could be more and likely not less.
We are also a part of this phase, working with Dresdner Robin Engineering. Once we get to the drawing piece, I will share them here if allowed. I think it will be 7 sites, give or take. Could be more and likely not less.
Let us know when you can. It would be great to see the Ramapo river in better shape.
Let us know when you can. It would be great to see the Ramapo river in better shape.
Will do. Right now due to a variety of issues, it will begin at Lenape Lane bridge with a deep river right pool and end downstream at the RR crossing bridge by the USGS gauge station there. Our conceptual design calls for 7-8 pools and several riffle enhancements over that length with some long, deep habitat creation for those pools.
Will do. Right now due to a variety of issues, it will begin at Lenape Lane bridge with a deep river right pool and end downstream at the RR crossing bridge by the USGS gauge station there. Our conceptual design calls for 7-8 pools and several riffle enhancements over that length with some long, deep habitat creation for those pools.
Tomorrow we begin the formal survey of the river for our permit ready design. Should be nice and warm in my waders......🥶