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Questions about CDC?


The Bamboo Guy!
Just starting to tie up CDC emergers and wondering what type(brand name) you guys are using? I'm using Spirit rRver and don't think the feathers are all that great. Also how many feathers do you tie in at a time?( I use 3-4) I also use the tufts but have to use too many. Jim if you read this you had an emerger(published in FF mag)? you tie that is similiar to Dennis''s "Skarla emerger". Is there a place I can get step by step instructions for it? I don't tie all that much but figure what the hell. Thanks in advance. Andre
Andre, I use CDC that I got from Badger Creek fly tying, which is called Genetic CDC. They have all the colors you would want and the feathers are very full, mite I add ,at a modest price. The Oiler Puffs (tufts) that they sell are very dense and I only have to use one when I tye my Loop Wing Emerger.
Hi Andre,

I call the fly the secret weapon.

On a curved hook, Tiemco 2487 size 14.

Tie in tan poly (I use zlon) as a trailing shuck.

Use brownish-red or grayish beaver dubbing and dub forward about two thirds up the hook. I try to taper the body as I go forward.

The great part about this fly is you can use all the junk cdc left over from other flies. Stems, butts, loose stuff, it does not matter, because you are going to hide it under the deer hair wing.

Just grab whatever you can and line it up, even if stems stick up, it is okay, and tie it in slanted back above and over the hook.

Tie in a deer hair over wing. If you use a comb to take out the under hair it works much better. Cover the cdc and slant this back as well.

Probably the first couple you will not have left enough room for the head. Just tie in a head and whip it.

I will be at Cabin Fever Days tomorrow along with Karl if you want to see a live demonstration.

Hope this helps,

Joe, tried your method and it seems to work great. I'll let you know what the fishes think. thanks.
Trout Hunter has great CDC - I think that is Rene Harrops outfit. They are at the Somerset Show each year and have good CDC flies as well. They have natural shades in a variety of useful colors, and the larger bags are a pretty good value - www.trouthunt.com
Shane Stallcup had the best cdc I have ever seen.All the feathers where hand picked and then bagged.He no longer sells cdc direct :(

I switched to Trout Hunter which is good,however the last bag of natural dun I got last month was pretty crappy.Maybe just a bad batch?

If you could get your hands on goose (cdc) thats the best you can use.Larger,and very dense.

I have been using white cdc feathers from canadian snow geese. :)
Testimony time:

Joe's CDC emerger works. Well, I don't know if it's Joe's or not, but
he gave it to me a while back. It's a simple tie, floats like a cork
and wild brown trout on the Penns and SBRR both love it! Oh yeah,
the big D as well.

I don't know if he posted the method anywhere, I'll leave that to him!

The pattern was originated by Jimmy Charron who passed away about a year ago.He was an expert guide on the Delaware and known among his "peers" as one of the best anglers that ever fished the Delaware.

Ill post the recipe later.

Glad to hear it is working well for you! :)

I've had great success with CDC from English Trappings, in Pawling NY. Nice long feathers, the stuff is a joy to work with!
