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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!

Pacu bite is HOT right now!

"There is one issue with the pacus' affinity for nuts, though. They have occasionally confused nuts for a men's testicles, the report said."

I think we know what the author is trying to say but I'm not so sure he worded it correctly.

This was addressed in an episode of River Monsters, which is where the author probably got his information. Wade was catching these things in Papua New Guinea I think, where they are an invasive species. He was investigating cases of genital mutilation. Very dramatic. Not anywhere as good as the Goonch episode.
For all you wanna' be carp fishermen, this guy caught 892 carp in Hughes Lake last year. Looks like plenty of fly casting room on the NW section of the lake, sort of looks like those UK lawn fishing deals.