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How to raise money for this site

golden beetle

Active member
Ok, so people are concerned about how to raise money for this website.

The key is advertising. It is soooo fn simple I can hardly believe that cabarle doesn't do it.

Get a table at somerset, carble, and go table to table handing out your card, especially to the labrdor, Alaska and Montana fly fishing vacation vendors.

Dozens of nJeffers will be at your table all day long establishing the credibility of your website to potential advertisers. Just do it.
I'm not too concerned about raising money. I don't think anyone has seen me complain about money. I might on occasion mention what I put into the site but it's certainly not a cry for any monetary help.

Every few years I'll get a thanks here and there. A non-contributing member sent me a PM a few days ago and at the end he thanked me for the site. That was nice. What I really hate is when someone says, "The check is in the mail" and they lie about it. It's possible they meant to send a check but I'd prefer if they simply said "Thanks for the site" rather than telling me they were going to send a check but never do. Donations are nice, they help to pay for the software/hosting/domain name, and other stuff. If you only knew how much time I dedicate to this site in the end I never ask any of you for anything really. To hear a thank you every so often goes a long way with me. Kinda gives me a sense that people are actually benefitting from the site.

Some people think this site is free. Usually this type of person is looking to advertise for free! Assholes.

Anyhow, donations are always nice but I like to hear a thank you and how wonderfull I am for providing this place, etc... I like it to go right to my head. Hey Carble, great fucking site man, what the hell would I do without you!

Ok, that's all partly true. Something that makes me happier than anything is PARTICIPATION. When people participate on this site, it really makes me think that my work here was more than just to fill an empty void.

So there you have it. By the way, if you have no money or have no intention of ever donating, that's fine. You can help out by clicking on the google ads or by simply participating in the forums.

This website gets more traffic than people think. On vimeo we can check the views of the trailer and where they come from. NEFF accounts for about 7 percent of the views. When you think about all of the link backs from all of the other fly fishing websites 7 percent is an awful lot.

I know personally how tough running a forum can be, and I don't even do the computer programming ;)


This website gets more traffic than people think. On vimeo we can check the views of the trailer and where they come from. NEFF accounts for about 7 percent of the views.


That means that younshould also target the local fly fishing guides, especially those at the somerset show that have websites and guide the Delaware system.

Your site is extremely valuable to these foks.

Come on carble, I would commit 20 bucks to the cost of a table, and I bet tt and macfly would gladly contribute their time to help you canvas the place with your card, which should be customized to shown that neff is now actively a site for advertisers.
If you have something that you no longer use, donate it to the site and let Dennis auction it off, proceeds to the site. I did it a while back and I think it worked out OK.
I migrated over to this site from a few others that went dry or shut down. I know a few posters here but am pretty sure I'm a newbee to most. This seems to be the most level headed group of posters. You allow cursing and yet people still manage to talk to each other without getting crazy! Although, you don't know how much it pains me to have to type in "NJ" on the address bar!

If I'm missing your donations link, put it front and center on the home page. If you have Paypal, I'll send you $20 right now. People should consider how much information is shared on this site compared to a full year subscription to a magazine that tends to repeat the same old generic stuff.

Correction! I found your donate link at the top. Make it bigger!
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it pains me to have to type in "NJ" on the address bar!

Then don't type njflyfishing.com. Try one of these.


I've got a handful of others but currently these will bring you right back here.