

Dry Flies Only
Maybe we can discuss one mayfly at a time say one a month ?It can be a fun way to learns entomology?
That would be very good for someone like me. I am very new to fly fishing and any knowledge is helpful, especially about what the flies imitate. I would try to provide input, but it would probably be more question oriented. Great idea-
Trout Stream Insects

I've been reading "Trout Stream Insects" -'An Orvis Streamside Guide' for the past few weeks. (note:found at an auction for a $1)
It's taken me at least 4 or 5 readings and lots of reading on the net to understand everything in there. Its not a big book, but learning entomology as it applies to fishing and fly tying as taken some work to understand. In fact, just the other day I saw my first "little yellow stone" fly! My suggestion is that we use the hatch chart to determine which fly to study... Whadda ya think?
Entomology does take time.I practiced it for many years and than bough the book hatches 11 and took an entomology class with al caucci for three days.FROM that point on it took about three years of constant studying and most important actual observations that i collected.The most important thing that i was taught 1.learn to identify the species nymph dun and spinner 2. learn the habbitat in which that specific species dwells. 3. what causes emergence and when( water temps etc)4. THIS IS DEFINITLEY THE MOST IMPORTANT how do the trout feed on each individual species. ex.pseudos(small olives 20-26)the wild trout of the delaware often feed on the nymphs in the film and not the adults. many anglers present the adults with frustration, when tying on a small pheasnat tail 20/22 as a dropper that will often do the trick.5.How to break down multiple hatches quickly.ANYHOO I REALLY ENJOY THE study of entomology.I guess whatever you guys want to start with the hatch chart sounds great and of course lets see what dennis want to do with it.
New Fly every month

Hi guys... I went mid afternoon on Friday and returned Late yesterday.

Joe, Your idea is a great one. Where would you like to start. I think getting a group together to discus insects here will help everyone.

I won my bid on my "Hatches II" book on E-bay, I should receive it by the end of the week. It's a first print book.

Also, I signed up for the first week of October with the DRC! I can't wait to take that class.
Anywere you guys want to start.Thats great about the delaware river club!It,s a lot of fun and what a great time of the year to be there.
How about starting off with...

The Pseudo's? They appear to be what's happening at night time on the Delaware.
the hatch guide I'm using is the one linked to on the front page of this website - "NJ Hatch Info"

I'm a little partial to the drake or BWO. It appears the BWO is out of season for everything except the south branch, but hey! living next to the south branch has its responsibilities! :D

edit: Ok.. I'm a nutcase... the BWO and the Pseudo (pseudocloeon anoka) is the same thing... happy to know they're on the delaware this time of year as well!!! (now if only my buddy in PA would call me)
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Psuedo,s sound great.Dennis just let us know how and when you want to start this.I know you mentioned a forum.THANKS JOE.T P.S Hey sqerl, the psuedos last until Nov on the delaware which presents some great fall fishing up there not to many people and beuatiful scenery whith the change to fall.
Joe - great article on the OLIVES. Very interesting and very helpful. I appreciate you taking the time and effort to share your extensive knowledge.