A fan of Boobery
Don't remember. If our working poor were not so poor, it would go a long way to providing the incentive for people to work. I have no problem with less money for lazy people who won't work. Just think there should be more money for those that do.
OK last, my last post on the subject....we obviously will never agree on this subject, but it is a nice debate...
I come from poor....I worked my way up...
I see lazy all around me, poor or not...more pay is not an incentive, hard work and the ability to get promoted to a better job, with better pay is an incentive for hard work, and this process also opens up the entry level position for the next entry level employee....If you are going to pay me more in the same job, why would I try harder?
So respond of you like, if it is titillating enough I may rejoin....