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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!



Small stream, wild trout flyfisher
This is the pattern that Barleywine mentioned to me. I love the histories of these old flies.

Brk Trt
Exceptional-looking Cinbergs BRK TRT!

You did a great job with the collars, which is always a pain to get to 360 around the fly since the wood duck isn't wrapped. I tye mine with a shaggier dubbed body using red fox squirrel fur, but yours are more in the tradition of the original pattern as passed down from Doc Cinberg to Phil Chase as I understand it. Catskill John who occasionally posts here is a real expert on this fly.

As you've said, this fly has quite a history, and anyone who enjoys fishing the Neversink River owes a debt of gratitude to Doc Cinbgerg, who was instrumental in getting much better minimum flows established. Used to be that NYC only had to run 15 cfs out of the reservoir. So when you catch your first trout on one of those bad boys...and you certainly will...look up and give a wink to the good doctor.