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Black bear kills a man in NJ

Rusty Spinner

Well-known member
I know these woods intimately, having grown up hunting, fishing and trapping them and even helping preserve them back in the '70s. What the story doesn't say is that the county of Passaic owns the land and does not allow hunting of any kind, including for black bears. This is "ground zero" for NJ's black bear population. What a shame for this young man and his loved ones.

Police: Man found dead in West Milford woods following bear attack - News - NorthJersey.com
I found out this morning. I live directly north in warwick. There has been ALOT of bear activity in my town alone. Lots of people hitting bears.

I'm going to attribute it to the dry summer, a harsh winter and the quickly setting in cold.

Poor guy.
"They became frightened and attempted to flee the area," said West Milford police Lt. Keith Ricciardi in the release. "During the confusion the group became separated as they ran in different directions."

Just backs up the old saying... You don't have to outrun the bear...

Those five should have stuck together.
"They became frightened and attempted to flee the area," said West Milford police Lt. Keith Ricciardi in the release. "During the confusion the group became separated as they ran in different directions."

Just backs up the old saying... You don't have to outrun the bear...

Those five should have stuck together.

It wouldn't surprise me if the authorities find out that food was being carried by one or more of the hikers. That's purely speculation by me right now, but it explains the following behavior the survivors spoke of. Then once they ran, that triggered a predatory response from what is now being described as a 300 (299) lb. 4 year old boar.
Studies have shown bears are angered by the smell of curry. Fearing it will smell it again, the bear lashed out in a fit of anger. I would have done the same.

It is recommended to do all cooking using ADOBO products.
I found out this morning. I live directly north in warwick. There has been ALOT of bear activity in my town alone. Lots of people hitting bears.

I'm going to attribute it to the dry summer, a harsh winter and the quickly setting in cold.

Poor guy.

Where's my damn beer? Been waiting for you to deliver it.
I found out this morning. I live directly north in warwick. There has been ALOT of bear activity in my town alone. Lots of people hitting bears.

I'm going to attribute it to the dry summer, a harsh winter and the quickly setting in cold.

Poor guy.

I wish your mother could have a retroactive abortion.

Btw, how were your grades in science class? Your hypothesis are great and if confuses me as to why Al Gore hasn't reached out to you to head his marketing campaign.
I found out this morning. I live directly north in warwick. There has been ALOT of bear activity in my town alone. Lots of people hitting bears.

I'm going to attribute it to the dry summer, a harsh winter and the quickly setting in cold.

Poor guy.

This bear attack happened nowhere near Warwick.
I found out this morning. I live directly north in warwick. There has been ALOT of bear activity in my town alone. Lots of people hitting bears.

I'm going to attribute it to the dry summer, a harsh winter and the quickly setting in cold.

Poor guy.

Im going to attribute it to too many bears for the land to support due to the "all animals are cuddly and cute" population crying out in anguish not to hunt them.
I'm pretty shocked by this. I've spent alot of time in that preserve myself, hiking and fishing a little wts that runs through it. Many times alone and into sunset. There are definitely a ton of bears in the area but I never really believed they were a threat to a grown man. Definitely a wake up call.

Why run? No bear is attacking a group of 5 guys..

If I didn't drink a half a bottle of whiskey on Saturday night I would of been hiking the apshawa reserve yesterday afternoon. My friend even came over and tried to get me off my ass to go hiking. Instead, I convinced him to go to the bar, eat fried food and get drunk again. My alcohol binge may of saved my life!!
The other possible factor of said flea's death could be attributed to the remnants of slurpie juice on his fingers from 7-11.... IM JUST SPECULATING THOUGH
This bear attack happened nowhere near Warwick.

Correct. West Milford is 80 square miles and does abut Warwick, NY on the northern border, but this was all the way down on the southern border near Kinnelon and Butler.

Right now all the classic black bear attack features have come into play with this attack. Hikers with food on them. Young male bear in a high density bear area. Panicked hikers who are being followed flee in different directions triggering the apex predator reaction to kill. There are several lessons here, but all too late for the young 22 year old man, unfortunately.

Also, there are no trout in that stream nearby. Nothing but dace and chubs.
I would also assume the group of 5 males, who pulled up in the LX450, wearing neon colored track shorts and unfamiliar language also triggered from confusion on the bear's part too...It is not the bear's fault.

I was forced one time to go to a Mary Kay event, I had the same reaction.
I would also assume the group of 5 males, who pulled up in the LX450, wearing neon colored track shorts and unfamiliar language also triggered from confusion on the bear's part too...It is not the bear's fault.

I was forced one time to go to a Mary Kay event, I had the same reaction.

Please, Simms, its us your talking to. We know you werent forced to go, you wanted to go.
Perhaps the poor innocent creature was just looking for tech support and became enraged when told he had to upgrade to the platinum service??

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Where's my damn beer? Been waiting for you to deliver it.

i dont deliver dude... gotta come to new windsor ny. we threw out a full 18 wheeler full of still good assorted micro brews a few days ago. come get some im serious. pm me if interested

and simms, eat a bag of dicks, you baby bitch.
How does one begin to eat a bag of dicks? Does one eat one dick at a time? or try to stuff the whole bag of cocks in one's mouth?

I hope you can attend the Wizard Sleeve Bash, buddy. It will be great. Tons of pills. Speaking of which, is that why your girlfriend called me last night? She said something about you running out of the blue pills?

i dont deliver dude... gotta come to new windsor ny. we threw out a full 18 wheeler full of still good assorted micro brews a few days ago. come get some im serious. pm me if interested

and simms, eat a bag of dicks, you baby bitch.
A guy gets killed and some people find it occasion to make ethnic/racial slurs about the victim.

The lowest of the lowlifes.
Joe, I don't discriminate. It just so happens that race was on the wrong end of the bear this time.
A guy gets killed and some people find it occasion to make ethnic/racial slurs about the victim.

The lowest of the lowlifes.

I spend enough time in the woods, see enough bears, that I'm not inviting that bad kharma onto me by making fun of this dude.
"They became frightened and attempted to flee the area," said West Milford police Lt. Keith Ricciardi in the release. "During the confusion the group became separated as they ran in different directions."

Just backs up the old saying... You don't have to outrun the bear...

Those five should have stuck together.

This is what happens when cidiots go into the woods.

Why would you split up?! That doesn't even begin to make sense. These young adults are clearly new to the woods.
How does one begin to eat a bag of dicks? Does one eat one dick at a time? or try to stuff the whole bag of cocks in one's mouth?

How can somebody be a eurotrash redneck? The worst of both worlds. Only in New Jersey.

Anyway, moving on:

This is what happens when cidiots go into the woods.

Why would you split up?! That doesn't even begin to make sense. These young adults are clearly new to the woods.
I guess they never watch nature shows. What happens when the herd splits up? The slow one gets eaten.....

Its a very unfortunate and sad situation only because it could have been avoided in many ways. A RU student too. :-/
It is a sad story if completely true. It is sad for many many reasons. There is a strong part of me that still thinks something else was going on.