Black bear kills a man in NJ

I have encountered a few bears while fishing the Flatbrook. I always play by the rule, "be aware of what is going on around you at all times". You have to when you are in bear country. I always hold my ground and look right at them. That usually stops them in their tracks. I have never had one come at me. I can see why this bear was embolden. He was not challenged. The second mistake was they ran. Predators can smell fear and if you give the notion to the bear that you are prey. He is going to treat you like prey,
Sounds like a neocon conservative talking point of Obama with regards to his stance on the terrorists.
Sounds like a neocon conservative talking point of Obama with regards to his stance on the terrorists.

His stance on terrorists is inviting them to dinner at the white house. Also; the war on terror ended a few years back, ISIS/ ISIL (or whatever they are this week) is not islam, the FT. Hood shooting was work place violence, and Bowe Bergdahl is a war hero.
His stance on terrorists is inviting them to dinner at the white house. Also; the war on terror ended a few years back, ISIS/ ISIL (or whatever they are this week) is not islam, the FT. Hood shooting was work place violence, and Bowe Bergdahl is a war hero.

This comment made me laugh as it reminded me of the scene where they dump Donny's ashes in the Big Lebowski, when Walter starts to speak of Vietnam during his eulogy speech. The Dude cuts him off and says "what the fuck has anything to do with Vietnam? I don't see any connection to Vietnam, Walter."

Kind of like how this bear attack can be connected to Obama. Not that I disagree with your post but I don't see any connection to the bear attack, Tobias.
This comment made me laugh as it reminded me of the scene where they dump Donny's ashes in the Big Lebowski, when Walter starts to speak of Vietnam during his eulogy speech. The Dude cuts him off and says "what the fuck has anything to do with Vietnam? I don't see any connection to Vietnam, Walter."

Kind of like how this bear attack can be connected to Obama. Not that I disagree with your post but I don't see any connection to the bear attack, Tobias.

I was just replying to what Fin said. But we know it's all George Bush's fault anyways.
I found out this morning. I live directly north in warwick. There has been ALOT of bear activity in my town alone. Lots of people hitting bears.
I saw two instances alone this summer where someone clipped a bear by the creek going up to the creamery, and at least three more dead on the side of union valley road in the past two months. It seems its getting a little crazy in our highlands section. I've always enjoyed the presence of the bear in the area, so I don't really know how to feel about it. My wife hit one two years ago and it was scary, but really, I end up feeling like: if you live in the woods these are the things you WANT to deal with right?
Rant follows:

IMHO, by allowing the "antis" to influence their decisions, the politicians created a situation that's not easily remedied.
It's not just Sussex County anymore....

The NJ bear population was allowed to grow until it got to the point where many bears were forced to establish territories in populated areas. A bear season in the 80s and 90s might have done some good.

Now we have bears, who don't have any reason to fear humans, thriving in areas too densely populated to hunt.
They're not being controlled by the hunt.

In Oakland, we had a boar, that fed at a dumpster behind a K-5 school cafeteria, who refused to be chased away.
After the DFW finally relocated him, he came back (or possibly one just like him took over).
At another K-5 school, the custodians started leaving the gate to the dumpster open, so the bear would stop tearing it down.
The principal can "lockdown" a school, but the police aren't allowed to do much unless the animal is menacing someone.