Too many streams too little time
Got out for the Saturday evening festivities. Reports were that bugs were heavy the previous evening and fish were looking up. Got to the stream around 6:45. Couple of boobs darted in ahead of me heading to the top of the section. I waited 15 min and waded up to about 75 yards downstream of them. Rises began sporadically on the far bank. Very few bugs coming off so started with an ISO which drew no interest. Slightly upstream were 2 or 3 risers so I turned and cast upstream to no avail. 3 steady risers but no takes. Switched to a Cahill size 14 and moved up to feed him the fly. Another 6 drifts no luck. I stopped and observed and finally saw a small orange colored sulphur get a solid eat. Quick switch out to put on my fly. 3 perfect drifts and friggin nothing. Ok 30-40 minutes of effort and nada. So I figured it’s me
Just kidding I swapped out my leader (too heavy). I then decided to put on a big size 10 Rusty Spinner. 2nd drift and bam this fish tomahawked the fly and was off to the races. Beautiful wild brown. Nice Father’s Day gift. Fished until 930 and brought several fish to the net. Great evening on the stream.

Just kidding I swapped out my leader (too heavy). I then decided to put on a big size 10 Rusty Spinner. 2nd drift and bam this fish tomahawked the fly and was off to the races. Beautiful wild brown. Nice Father’s Day gift. Fished until 930 and brought several fish to the net. Great evening on the stream.

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