An actual fishing report. While you boobs opine about too many drift boats and whethe


Too many streams too little time
Got out for the Saturday evening festivities. Reports were that bugs were heavy the previous evening and fish were looking up. Got to the stream around 6:45. Couple of boobs darted in ahead of me heading to the top of the section. I waited 15 min and waded up to about 75 yards downstream of them. Rises began sporadically on the far bank. Very few bugs coming off so started with an ISO which drew no interest. Slightly upstream were 2 or 3 risers so I turned and cast upstream to no avail. 3 steady risers but no takes. Switched to a Cahill size 14 and moved up to feed him the fly. Another 6 drifts no luck. I stopped and observed and finally saw a small orange colored sulphur get a solid eat. Quick switch out to put on my fly. 3 perfect drifts and friggin nothing. Ok 30-40 minutes of effort and nada. So I figured it’s me:)

Just kidding I swapped out my leader (too heavy). I then decided to put on a big size 10 Rusty Spinner. 2nd drift and bam this fish tomahawked the fly and was off to the races. Beautiful wild brown. Nice Father’s Day gift. Fished until 930 and brought several fish to the net. Great evening on the stream.
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Im sorry i was not there to help guide you as you senselessly changed from one fly to another. You should have called. On second thought no, as i was up in Woodstock and you would have harsed my mellow.
Im sorry i was not there to help guide you as you senselessly changed from one fly to another. You should have called. On second thought no, as i was up in Woodstock and you would have harsed my mellow.

You would have had me put on a squirmy you worm dunking boob
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Looks like a nice night out Macfly but tell us the real story... The person taking the photo caught the fish for you so you could come back with some cockeyed story about how you had an unbelievable evening.
Looks like a nice night out Macfly but tell us the real story... The person taking the photo caught the fish for you so you could come back with some cockeyed story about how you had an unbelievable evening.

I think it’s an old picture. No one wears 1990’s Simms vests anymore
with curved brim hats. None of the cool kids would be caught dead
without a sling purse and a flat brimmed trucker hat hammering streamers to the bank in their new stealthcraft drift boat. Definitely an
old picture, nice try Mac! Did you photo shop the neck buff in ?lol!

Just kidding... nice report and fish....
I thought you sold all your fishing gear?

Nice fish, you boob. I'll be up terrorizing the wild browns this coming Friday - Sunday. That's why it is currently pouring rain, in case you were wondering.....:crap:
Macfly, Great looking fish. It had to be on the B’kill. I was up there the first week in June and had a ball. I only fished a March Brown and could not keep the trout off the fly. If I caught one I had to catch at least 30 trout in 4 days of fishing. Every one was a Brown and very healthy looking and fat. The water was clear and around 350 cfs. Bill the mailman
Great looking trout! And for the record I still use my shorty Leonard's vest from the early 80's.
Great looking trout! And for the record I still use my shorty Leonard's vest from the early 80's.

Lol! I’m usually a vest guy too, if I’m wading. . I have a whole collection from the 80’s
Till now. I’ll sometimes use a chest pack , but could never see myself
With a sling purse. They might be practical to a degree, but it’s too
Hipster for me. If a vest was good enough for lefty Kreh , Charlie Brooks
and it’s inventor Lee Wulff it’s good enough for me.
Great thing about Mac is that he publishes a fine fishing report every time he goes out and actually catches a fish.

Bad thing is we have to wait nearly 5 years between reports.
Looks like a nice night out Macfly but tell us the real story... The person taking the photo caught the fish for you so you could come back with some cockeyed story about how you had an unbelievable evening.

Your envy saddens me
I think it’s an old picture. No one wears 1990’s Simms vests anymore
with curved brim hats. None of the cool kids would be caught dead
without a sling purse and a flat brimmed trucker hat hammering streamers to the bank in their new stealthcraft drift boat. Definitely an
old picture, nice try Mac! Did you photo shop the neck buff in ?lol!

Just kidding... nice report and fish....

It was my ode to Ernie Schweibert
Great thing about Mac is that he publishes a fine fishing report every time he goes out and actually catches a fish.

Bad thing is we have to wait nearly 5 years between reports.
You haven't skipped a beat. lol.

Please repost "King of the Monkeys". That's a classic.
and a rusty spinner was the fourth fly you tried? what a boob...


It's not just my silly online screen name......always the go-to fly when they are eating in the film and you can't see whatever it is that they are eating. Even if they are on something else, they will eat a rusty spinner most every time.
It's not just my silly online screen name......always the go-to fly when they are eating in the film and you can't see whatever it is that they are eating. Even if they are on something else, they will eat a rusty spinner most every time.
Mine must be laced with poison or something. They want nothing to do with my rusty's.
The day was Sunday.

Drake duns were floating past.

I was catching more and larger fish than Macfly.

It's not just my silly online screen name......always the go-to fly when they are eating in the film and you can't see whatever it is that they are eating. Even if they are on something else, they will eat a rusty spinner most every time.

Imagine smoking a giant spliff and then being hit hard on the head with a piece of firewood. Then imagine that most of the burritos in your life had wings or tails and could either fly or swim away. Then imagine that you found a burrito that magically could not fly away. You would eat it too.
Imagine smoking a giant spliff and then being hit hard on the head with a piece of firewood. Then imagine that most of the burritos in your life had wings or tails and could either fly or swim away. Then imagine that you found a burrito that magically could not fly away. You would eat it too.

It's 2019, nobody smokes giant spliffs anymore. It's all cartridges and gummies. Get with the times! :):):)
And in case anyone here was wondering why the flows are shooting up through the roof again, it's because I'm going up tomorrow for the long weekend. Mother Nature is pissed at me for complaining for 9 long years about a lack of rain......
And in case anyone here was wondering why the flows are shooting up through the roof again, it's because I'm going up tomorrow for the long weekend. Mother Nature is pissed at me for complaining for 9 long years about a lack of rain......

I take it you don't have a boat? Flows are not through the roof, just a bit high for wading. Try the lower BKill above East Branch tomorrow. By the weekend more water should open up, especially high on the tailwaters, if/when the reservoirs stop spilling. I'd guess by Saturday night you'll find plenty of wadeable water, especially if you're willing to go off the beaten trail.
And in case anyone here was wondering why the flows are shooting up through the roof again, it's because I'm going up tomorrow for the long weekend. Mother Nature is pissed at me for complaining for 9 long years about a lack of rain......

Well, apologize already so that this madness can end. If I wanted to be wet all year, I'd move to Seattle and live among the depressed snowflakes out there.
I take it you don't have a boat? Flows are not through the roof, just a bit high for wading. Try the lower BKill above East Branch tomorrow. By the weekend more water should open up, especially high on the tailwaters, if/when the reservoirs stop spilling. I'd guess by Saturday night you'll find plenty of wadeable water, especially if you're willing to go off the beaten trail.

Luckily I do have a boat to borrow. His Hyde is at Delaware River Club. But I so love wading the West and just haven't been able to do much the last 2 straight years except float. When flows have been low enough to wade, I've been too busy to get up. Now I have time but the flows suck....but at least it gives me something to wake up and complain about each day. Beats not getting up and not having anything to bitch about.
Well, apologize already so that this madness can end. If I wanted to be wet all year, I'd move to Seattle and live among the depressed snowflakes out there.

Might as well move then. 70% increase in precipitation during major rainfalls in the last 50 years in the northeast. The wettest year on record since the 1800s. Something tells me Rusty apologizing isn't going to make a difference. A drought/deluge cycle (more rain than not) seems to be the new norm. At least the reservoirs are full.