First, I'd like to thank Greg for sending a generous donation. If any others would like to donate, that would be great. Today, I spent some money on updating many features of the site. It looks like the Chat program that we were using has been discontinued which is why it's not longer working. Please!!!!!!!!!! If something doesn't work, say something, otherwise I may never know.
I purchased a new chat program to replace the one we currently have. I'll be setting that up soon. If any of you are interested, I can leave the old one somewhere that is accessible so you can see the old chats. Doesn't matter to me but, that is an option.
The software upgrade was $100.00, the Chat software was 40, Template updates were about $80. The hosting will be around $120.00 for the year. Your donations aren't for feeding my kids, I actually do perform routine updates on the site to keep it working. There are a few other updates that are coming down the pipe and they will cost money as well. I understand that not everyone has the money to donate, and that's okay too. The site will always be free to everyone (all 5 of you).
I purchased a new chat program to replace the one we currently have. I'll be setting that up soon. If any of you are interested, I can leave the old one somewhere that is accessible so you can see the old chats. Doesn't matter to me but, that is an option.
The software upgrade was $100.00, the Chat software was 40, Template updates were about $80. The hosting will be around $120.00 for the year. Your donations aren't for feeding my kids, I actually do perform routine updates on the site to keep it working. There are a few other updates that are coming down the pipe and they will cost money as well. I understand that not everyone has the money to donate, and that's okay too. The site will always be free to everyone (all 5 of you).