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Turkey sure can humble the hunter

Rusty Spinner

Well-known member
Today was a "learning day" which is what we turkey hunters mean by getting :skunked:

We had one call from the roost, but he was far away and I knew many birds were around and just not gobbling on the roost. After a long walk, I hit my call again and I get an immediate response from what I figured was at least 100 yards away. I quickly spot a large rock to lean against, move to it, put my shotgun down to walk out and set out my two decoys, and BAM, he pops around a hedgerow at 40 yards and stares at me. I freeze, realize my gun should be in my hand instead of the decoys, and he slowly follows his hen off never to be seen again. That's turkey hunting....

I'll be back this week chasing old Tom. I talked to a second tom today, but he must have also been with a hen or two and never came in to check out the set up.
Happens to the best of us. At least you get to hunt turkeys. I need to get a moose and some caribou this year.
Last year I had three jakes called in. Wasnt shooting, just watching to see if Tommy boy would show up. From behind me a coyote came barrelling out of the woods and rolled one of the jakes 40 yards in front of me. One of the cooler things I've seen turkey hunting.
Last year I had three jakes called in. Wasnt shooting, just watching to see if Tommy boy would show up. From behind me a coyote came barrelling out of the woods and rolled one of the jakes 40 yards in front of me. One of the cooler things I've seen turkey hunting.

Did you shoot the coyote?!
Damned bird got the best of me for a second day today. Cagey old Tom Turkey. I set up in a power line cut where they come out to strut and he was gobbling from the roost again as normal. He flew down in the opposite direction and wouldn't ever leave those big woods. I walked to the edge and he kept talking to me as he slowly walked away and then he finally got silent. I think he has a hen or several he won't leave. Tomorrow is my last attempt, so I plan to get in earlier with this moon (although it might be foggy in the am) and to go deeper into that woodlot where they are flying down from the roost. Time will tell...
I have failed NEFF and will hang my head in proper shame. He flew off the roost in the other direction and never looked back this morning. I was unable to locate another bird this morning and left home to remove 2 ticks off my torso to add salt to the skunk-week wounds. However, I did see and film a bear walking by early this morning, but he was fairly small. Maybe 150 lbs at most. Spooked a 400+ on Tuesday morning out of its bed of leaves on the forest floor and he booked through the swamp afraid of Mr. Spinner (as he should be). :)