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Ticks and Bug ID


Tight Loins
Every time I go to a specific WTS I come back with ticks embedded on me. I was just wondering if you guys had any tricks or tips for preventing them. </SPAN>

Also, can anyone identify this bug? I was watching the stream and went to lean up against a tree and just as I was about to put my hand down I saw this cicada/cockroach crossbreed mutant. Nothing to do with fly fishing, but I have never seen one of these guys. </SPAN>

(I know I’ll get blasted for poor picture quality) </SPAN>

Are you using any type of insect repellent on your skin? I would suggest that for your clothes, use SAWYER insect repellent for clothing and gear, active ingredient is Permethrin. It is NOT used on the skin, but sprayed on your clothing. Directions are to hang the garments and spray to wet, allow to dry and then you can wear. It will require that you have a set of clothes that you spray and use for fishing. Although it states that it will last through a number of washings. It can be purchased at REI and other outdoor stores. On the skin I use and seem to have fairly good luck with any 100% DEET product.
When you check for ticks, check everything.
Often a tick will bypass the relatively tough skin on your lower leg, and crawl higher looking for something "tender".
Thanks guys! I generally tuck my pants into my boots (I'm very fashion conscious) so I've avoided them on my legs (or so I think.. as thrashers.wheat has pointed out I have a full body sweater that never comes off). It's my upper body that has been getting a ton of them. I almost thought about putting rubber bands around my sleeve so they couldn't crawl up but that sounded ridiculous. I'll definitely pick up some Sawyer insect repellent and something with a little more DEET. (Isn't DEET bad for fly line?)

FIN-ITE I did a google search and I think you are correct on it being a dragonfly nymph.
DEET is very bad for fly line.
Wash your hands thoroughly after applying, and learn to "live with" bug bites on your hands.

BTW: I found DEET to be very effective, but as soon as you touch a fish, you're a bug magnet again.
Stop rolling around in the woods!

Also, I would put the deet (or whatever repellent you use) around your wrists and a little way up your arms, as well as around your collar and neck. Most ticks drop off the leaves and on to you.
I would just....SUCK IT UP. We fish in the woods, we hunt in the woods, we bring our dogs to the woods...TICKS HAPPEN.

i've pulled 100's off of me the last 2 years, and even more off of my hunting dog. You can do everything you want to try and prevent it, just check yourself that night and over the next few days. I almost always feel them, I'll be sleeping and wake up and pull them off.

if you worry about ticks, you are living in the wrong state.
Should be very concerned about Tick Born illnesses. I had a friend that contracted Lyme disease he lived in Stockton , Hunterdon County ,NJ. this was when Lyme first became known, He died from complication six months after being diagnosed. Better to use your head than wind up being dead. I use 3M's Ultrathon 12 hour formula...
That is a freshy shucked 17 year cicada.....looks as if its wings are still tucked in

there should have been an empty shell nearby....

Sorry, no. There are no tails on a cicada in any of its life stages, be it early nymph, late nymph or adult.
I would just....SUCK IT UP. We fish in the woods, we hunt in the woods, we bring our dogs to the woods...TICKS HAPPEN.

i've pulled 100's off of me the last 2 years, and even more off of my hunting dog. You can do everything you want to try and prevent it, just check yourself that night and over the next few days. I almost always feel them, I'll be sleeping and wake up and pull them off.

if you worry about ticks, you are living in the wrong state.

Coming from the guy who wants to buy a parking permit at KLG - you sir are an explorer!
When you check for ticks, check everything.
Often a tick will bypass the relatively tough skin on your lower leg, and crawl higher looking for something "tender".

I usually feel them crawling on me, and I always check myself thoroughly several times. Unfortunately, I found a female deer tick (the only ones that actually transmit Lyme Disease) lodged in my dick a day after woodcock hunting a few years ago. Luckily my wife and kids were out of the house. The extraction was long and excruciating.
Coming from the guy who wants to buy a parking permit at KLG - you sir are an explorer!

Yes, because my not wanting to drive 30 minutes only to find out there is no parking, only to have to turn around and go elsewhere wasting an hour + on the road, as well as costly gas in a 8-10mpg truck go hand in hand with the comment.

Quite bluntly, people that are worrying about ticks so much as exhibited in this thread are pussies. If I worried about each and every tick that ends up crawling on me, I couldn't hunt, fish, camp, hike, or even mow my lawn in this state. Stop the madness. I understand that Lymes and other tick borne diseases such as anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis are far too real, and people are suffering and in extreme cases dying...but if I worried about everything that COULD kill me, I wouldn't want to live to begin with. So, I don't need to have a bunch of jack asses comparing apples to oranges using underhanded comments. Man the fuck up already.
Yes, because my not wanting to drive 30 minutes only to find out there is no parking, only to have to turn around and go elsewhere wasting an hour + on the road, as well as costly gas in a 8-10mpg truck go hand in hand with the comment.

Quite bluntly, people that are worrying about ticks so much as exhibited in this thread are pussies. If I worried about each and every tick that ends up crawling on me, I couldn't hunt, fish, camp, hike, or even mow my lawn in this state. Stop the madness. I understand that Lymes and other tick borne diseases such as anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis are far too real, and people are suffering and in extreme cases dying...but if I worried about everything that COULD kill me, I wouldn't want to live to begin with. So, I don't need to have a bunch of jack asses comparing apples to oranges using underhanded comments. Man the fuck up already.

Nice rant, and I agree with you. It takes a tick a minimum of 24 and often 48 hours to transfer the spirochete into your body that infects you with the various nasties they carry. I pull up to 20 or more off me every time I'm on my Sparta property expect during the dead of winter. Shower daily and check yourself and you won't have any problems.

As for the KLG, use the lower parking area where there is ample parking or park at Hoffman's Crossing and walk down if you have to fish that water. The best thing you can do is to fish the 20+ miles above the Gorge where the fishing is better and the crowds less:)
Yes, because my not wanting to drive 30 minutes only to find out there is no parking, only to have to turn around and go elsewhere wasting an hour + on the road, as well as costly gas in a 8-10mpg truck go hand in hand with the comment.

Quite bluntly, people that are worrying about ticks so much as exhibited in this thread are pussies. If I worried about each and every tick that ends up crawling on me, I couldn't hunt, fish, camp, hike, or even mow my lawn in this state. Stop the madness. I understand that Lymes and other tick borne diseases such as anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis are far too real, and people are suffering and in extreme cases dying...but if I worried about everything that COULD kill me, I wouldn't want to live to begin with. So, I don't need to have a bunch of jack asses comparing apples to oranges using underhanded comments. Man the fuck up already.

You say trying to be proactive to reduce the risk of lyme disease is being a pussy.
I say not wanting to hike a little to get away from other anglers is being a pussy.
To each his own.
Are you using any type of insect repellent on your skin? I would suggest that for your clothes, use SAWYER insect repellent for clothing and gear, active ingredient is Permethrin. It is NOT used on the skin, but sprayed on your clothing. Directions are to hang the garments and spray to wet, allow to dry and then you can wear. It will require that you have a set of clothes that you spray and use for fishing. Although it states that it will last through a number of washings. It can be purchased at REI and other outdoor stores. On the skin I use and seem to have fairly good luck with any 100% DEET product.

^This. Deet is absolutely useless against ticks. I live in the nj pine barrens where ticks are everywhere this time of year, and we all use Sawyer if heading into the woods. Be careful to follow directions and do not spray on skin and clothing must be pretreated, not sprayed on while wearing. This stuff will actually kill the ticks that come into contact with it. I'll sometimes spray on deet to keep no-see-ums and mosquitos away, but that stuff doesnt stop ticks, black flies, or chiggers at all.
Quite bluntly, people that are worrying about ticks so much as exhibited in this thread are pussies. If I worried about each and every tick that ends up crawling on me, I couldn't hunt, fish, camp, hike, or even mow my lawn in this state. Stop the madness. I understand that Lymes and other tick borne diseases such as anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis are far too real, and people are suffering and in extreme cases dying...but if I worried about everything that COULD kill me, I wouldn't want to live to begin with. So, I don't need to have a bunch of jack asses comparing apples to oranges using underhanded comments. Man the fuck up already.
This idiot should be banned. I think the original poster was looking for advice, not being called a p_ssy and to mant the f_ck up.
Yes, because my not wanting to drive 30 minutes only to find out there is no parking, only to have to turn around and go elsewhere wasting an hour + on the road, as well as costly gas in a 8-10mpg truck go hand in hand with the comment.

Quite bluntly, people that are worrying about ticks so much as exhibited in this thread are pussies. If I worried about each and every tick that ends up crawling on me, I couldn't hunt, fish, camp, hike, or even mow my lawn in this state. Stop the madness. I understand that Lymes and other tick borne diseases such as anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis are far too real, and people are suffering and in extreme cases dying...but if I worried about everything that COULD kill me, I wouldn't want to live to begin with. So, I don't need to have a bunch of jack asses comparing apples to oranges using underhanded comments. Man the fuck up already.

Yeah. Man the fuck up! Just go naked and get Lyme disease!!

Guess you need a better truck. I get 24-28mpg in my 2500.

Head home because there is no parking? You sound like the little pussy because you're afraid to hurt your poor wittle feetsies doing some walking.
This idiot should be banned. I think the original poster was looking for advice, not being called a p_ssy and to mant the f_ck up.

I agree..this guy is a jackleg, but this is NEFF, and as far as I have seen, jacklegs are welcomed with open arms...for example..I am here....:)
I agree..this guy is a jackleg, but this is NEFF, and as far as I have seen, jacklegs are welcomed with open arms...for example..I am here....:)

What is with these new curse words you guys are inventing? Jackleg? CCM and his jackwagon? I can understand him not wanting to piss of his bible study group, but what's your excuse? Lord douchebag my ass. Someone needs to go back and study the 7 words.
leg<input title="Listen to the pronunciation of jackleg" class="au" type="button"> adjective \ˈjak-ˌleg, -ˌlāg\
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Definition of JACKLEG

a : characterized by unscrupulousness, dishonesty, or lack of professional standards <a <em="">jackleg lawyer>
b : lacking skill or training : amateur <a <em="">jackleg carpenter>

: designed as a temporary expedient : makeshift
jackleg noun

<style type="text/css">.example-sentences ol.collapsed-list li.hidden{ display: none;}li.more-sent-link{ background: none;}#content .definition div.d li.more-sent-link a.more-link,#content .definition div.d li.more-sent-link a.hide-link{ color: #717274; font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none;}#content .definition div.d li.more-sent-link a.more-link:hover .text,#content .definition div.d li.more-sent-link a.hide-link:hover .text{ text-decoration: underline;}.example-sentences ol.expanded-list a.more-link,.example-sentences ol.collapsed-list a.hide-link{ display: none;}#content .definition div.d li.more-sent-link span.icon{ padding-right: 2px;}</style>Examples of JACKLEG

  • jackleg carpenter who's capable of hitting a nail without smashing his thumb>
  • <he a="" such="" did="" <em="">jackleg installation of that door frame that now the door won't shut></he>

Origin of JACKLEG

[SUP]1[/SUP]jack + -leg (as in blackleg)First Known Use: 1850

Related to JACKLEG

<dl><dt>Synonyms</dt><dd><a any="" by="" built="" be="" can="" that="" toolshed="" <em="">amateur, backyard, avocational, nonprofessional, Sunday</dd></dl><dl><dt>Antonyms</dt><dd>ace, adept, consummate, crackerjack, expert, master, masterful, masterly, professional, virtuosic, virtuoso</dd></dl><dl><dt>Related Words</dt><dd>naive (or naïve), primitive, self-taught; amateurish, dilettante, inexperienced, inexpert, unprofessional, unskilled; uninitiated, unprepared, unqualified, unschooled, untaught, untrained, untutored; part-time, weekend</dd></dl><dl><dt>Near Antonyms</dt><dd>able, accomplished, capable, competent, dexterous (also dextrous), gifted, habile, handsome, proficient, skilled, skillful, talented; experienced, practiced (also practised), seasoned, veteran; educated, fitted, initiated, knowledgeable, prepared, qualified, schooled, taught, trained, tutored, versed; all-around (also all-round), ambidextrous, versatile, well-rounded; finished, polished, slick</dd></dl>

Rhymes with JACKLEG

blackleg, bootleg, bowleg, dogleg, foreleg, jake leg, JPEG, milk leg, MPEG, muskeg, nutmeg, peg leg, redleg, roughleg, Tuareg, unpeg

<style type="text/css">#spanish_reference .learn_more{ margin-bottom: 16px;}</style>Learn More About JACKLEG

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