Rangeley trip planned for May 15-20

Heading up to the magnificent Rangeley fly waters to land some hungry monster Brooke's and land locks. Plan on hitting all the spots. Fish, beer, and sleep. I can't wait. I've heard the fishing is already picking up according to reports.

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I love that place. Most of my experience is on the Megalloway above the reservoir. Started going for the land locks but after some years we started to notice that the brookies kept getting bigger. We would camp at Charlies campsite then boat up to the river in the morning, come back for lunch, play around with a couple of the little streams that the smelt would run up or troll lake flies then go back to the river for the evening. Ended up getting back to camp after dark a few times. Also go lost in one of the cedar swamps the first time I went up. Sitting around the campfire telling lies while the loons call up and down the lake, doesn't get any better.

Steve it truly is an incredible place. I've never fished above the dam as I've always had such luck down below. I was wading the kennebago closer to Rangeley one evening and a huge bull moose just strolled across the river above me much further than fifty yards up. It was scary yet incredible all at the same time. The nymphing there is able to produce monsters but I've landed quite a few beauties on dries. Nothing like landing a big landlocked on a dry and getting to watch most of the show airborne!!!!

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That's funny since I have never fished below the dam. I hope to get back up to the area some day, so many more places to fish.

One might want to try the Kennebago above Little Kennebago Lake. Also Cupsuptic Pond has brook trout galore.

Brk Trt
So many places, so little time. One things for sure, we will make the best of it.

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Got most of my trout ammo ready to go. Before anyone comments my buddy is in the process of tying a couple dozen sucker egg patterns. He landed a 6lbs brookie during the sucker spawn on an egg pattern.

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Cant wait to see pictures from your trip.

You're not kidding. So far the extended forecast looks half and half. I personally have done really well in the rain. I love hooking into a salmon and watching him dance while it's pouring. You can't watch stuff like that, gotta live it!

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I was the King of the Suckers. Caught a lot crap from my buddies for it but I understood it for the obvious jealousy that it was. I mean anyone can catch the brookies and land locks. It takes a special fisherman to land a 2lb sucker.

We were on the kennebago one night. Black flies were so thick it made your skin crawl. Big fish were rising like crazy, hatches happening all over. My buddy hooks into a monster. 10 min later I'm in front of him with a net and I finally see this "trophy salmon" I was about to net. I said "promise not to be mad?" He says "no, it can't be, you're lying." As it got within a foot of us he knew. I netted this trophy sucker and never laughed so hard in my life. He was quick to throw his rod on the bank and light a fat cigar. Sat on the bank and stewed for a while with me still casting to rising fish. It was a classic story making night. Suckers are weird and hard to decipher from a distance because they look so much like a school of salmon. The flash they give during a fight looks just like em. But they don't jump. Steve, you and my buddy tom are very blessed. I've landed some 8"-12" suckers but never a trophy, and that is one stat I may be ok admitting to!

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Hung out with the folks today, headed to magallowy 4:30am. Sucker spawn is on. Will have pics tomorrow night. Tight lines all

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Went out to the magalloway early this morning. The suckers were so thick it was ridiculous. We all ended up landing a bunch of trophy suckers. This first is a pic of my buddy dan. He hooked on to the first fish which turned out to be a sucker.

Even though its hard to see (zoom in for better visual) this was my trophy 22" sucker. Damn thing took almost 15 min to get in. Fought what seemed like forever. No trout yet, were gonna head out again tomorrow morning to hopefully catch the trout slopping up left over eggs.


This place is called the Bathtub. Mainly because of the sudsy water the bubbles created from the water crashing down. You fish this by the back current. You feed your fly into the right side of the pool and the water pulls your fly in. Its hard because the water turbulence gives the impression of false hits. But I did lock into a little 12" brookie here. Didn't bother taking a pic since he didn't have much color and to be honest of that size fish is nothing to brag about. More pics to come

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Rangely, is that where the the big pipe that comes out of the dam ends up? I never noticed that place but as said before, I have only seen the lower river from the road, never fished it. Nice to know the suckers are still healthy.


Cool little damn we found while out scouting. It was really warm and we were swimming in our waders hot. No fish around it though, water was a bit low.

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Pic of me dry fly casting to small rising 6" brookies. Hitting like crazy when the sun went below the mountains on a standard #16 Adams. Fun as hell to watch em tear a dry apart from on top!

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So our next morning started out like this. Nothing like rigging up a tandem line with split shot and a thingamabobber and having this as a result.

Turns out there were so many suckers we had a competition to see who could catch the most. Its an embarrassing fact but we all did pretty well. The trout had not moved that far up stream yet and we believe it to be the result of very low flowing waters. (345cfm)

Went lower down stream and we were able to land a few small brookies in the 10-12" range. This was a picture I took of an older gentleman who knew the river quite well. He caught more fish than everyone else on the river combined.

Just a nice sunset.
Bottom line, we were a week early this year. The extreme cold weather and lack of rain this spring has low currents and cold water. Wish I had some pics of some mamouths.

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