We were on the kennebago one night. Black flies were so thick it made your skin crawl. Big fish were rising like crazy, hatches happening all over. My buddy hooks into a monster. 10 min later I'm in front of him with a net and I finally see this "trophy salmon" I was about to net. I said "promise not to be mad?" He says "no, it can't be, you're lying." As it got within a foot of us he knew. I netted this trophy sucker and never laughed so hard in my life. He was quick to throw his rod on the bank and light a fat cigar. Sat on the bank and stewed for a while with me still casting to rising fish. It was a classic story making night. Suckers are weird and hard to decipher from a distance because they look so much like a school of salmon. The flash they give during a fight looks just like em. But they don't jump. Steve, you and my buddy tom are very blessed. I've landed some 8"-12" suckers but never a trophy, and that is one stat I may be ok admitting to!
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