How can you buy American Made when your Government doesn't want you to!

A while back there was a heated debate about buying american vs foreign rods.

For those of you that complain that America doesn't make anything heres a story to let you know why. Our own government is more worried about protecting Indian trade laws, Indian workers and raiding a famed American guitar maker, than making India submit to fair trade. Its ok to import a fret board made in india but not the blank its made from? BULLSHIT.

So maybe the reason its hard to buy american is because our government is more interested in enforcing the internal laws of a foreign country than leveling the playing field.

Don't get me started on how it seems to be targeted enforcement (and this admin claims is business friendly?)/

Gibson Guitar Wails on Federal Raid -
This government is so ass backwards but would you want to live anywhere else in the world?

Anyway, I was reading the paper the other day and the story was about how New Jersey is losing countless millions because of tabaco smuggling! Yet, they want to raise the tax on cigarettes AGAIN! Now I don't think it takes a F'ng brain surgeon to figure this out but when you raise the price of something and I can drive a few miles to get it elsewhere for considerably cheaper or even better, order them online, guess what!

The government wants to keep smokers smoking, that's for damn sure.
Create an environment that is viable to send Jobs else were. And you can archive this.

An excerpt from Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky

There's another reason for working inside the system. Dostoevski said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution. To bring on this reformation requires that the organizer work inside the system, among not only the middle class but the 40 per cent of American families – more than seventy million people – whose income range from $5,000 to $10,000 a year [in 1971]. They cannot be dismissed by labeling them blue collar or hard hat. They will not continue to be relatively passive and slightly challenging. If we fail to communicate with them, if we don't encourage them to form alliances with us, they will move to the right. Maybe they will anyway, but let's not let it happen by default

But Saul made a tactical error. He Failed to realize that YOU CAN NEVER TAKE THE AMERICAN OUT OF THE AMERICAN that is an impossible task.
This is the police state of America. Just look at when the FED's raided those farms for selling raw milk. Don't worry though, it's all for your safety.
A while back there was a heated debate about buying american vs foreign rods.

For those of you that complain that America doesn't make anything heres a story to let you know why. Our own government is more worried about protecting Indian trade laws, Indian workers and raiding a famed American guitar maker, than making India submit to fair trade. Its ok to import a fret board made in india but not the blank its made from? BULLSHIT.

So maybe the reason its hard to buy american is because our government is more interested in enforcing the internal laws of a foreign country than leveling the playing field.

Don't get me started on how it seems to be targeted enforcement (and this admin claims is business friendly?)/

Gibson Guitar Wails on Federal Raid -

Brownout makes a great point, our government makes it very difiicult through departmental regulations made by various government empowered departments who are only accountable to themselves. As a result, big business gets frustrated and looks to move operations off shore to areas that don't put the same shackles and encumbrances on their business. Take China as an example, they have none of our labor, environmental, energy, zoning, etc... regulations. So it is no surprise why our businesses go there. I would be completely in favor of enforcing a duty or tarriff on all goods that come from china or any other country that would reflect the same cost that our own government imposes on businesses that operate domestically through its various regulatory bodies.
This government is so ass backwards but would you want to live anywhere else in the world.

I have stated in a previous post “We have essentially won the lottery by being born into this great nation. Our challenge is not to squander our winnings”