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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!


Eagle Claw

Trout Hunter
Question, I know light hendricksons and red quills are the male and female hendrickson. What does the dark hendrickson represent ? Which is more effective the light or dark hendrickson ?
I always refer to a red quill as a dark hendrickson when using the common name. See this post, it was discussed in detail.


If you buy a fly and ask for a dark hendrickson, most times it will be a grey body. If you order a red quill, you will most times get a red quill body. If you want a dubbed bidy dark hendrickson (red quill) tie it or see the fly before ordering. If you see a mayfly with a drak greyish body on the river early season, could be a quill gordon depending on the water nutrients, can be greyish to greenish
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Most dark hendricksons will have that grayish dark body, while I've found that the red quill usually has a distinct rusty, reddish, even a little orangish color to it. Just check out the bugs and see what color is closer. The fly names can be confusing, especially if you order online (which I'd only recommend as a last option unless you've heard good things). I've ordered march browns before and got what i would call a gray fox, as well as some other interesting spin-offs. It's better to see them in person. Good luck.