Fly tying database

You asked for it, now you've got it (and if you don't use it, I'm coming after you!).

I've changed the name to "Fly Tying Database" and now you'll see that only the newest are being shown. I've tested the uploads and all seems to be ok.

When you upload to the tying database, fill in as many items as you can and if a field is not there that you think should be, please let me know and I'll add it.

Fly titles... Very important. Give your upload a sensible meaning full name. Pretend you went into google or yahoo and did a search on your fly. What would you want to type into the google search box to find your fly?

Bad Example: Fly tied by xxxxxx.
Good Example: Ken Lockwood Gorge, Shrimp fly
Good Example: Delaware River CDC Klinkhammer special
Bad Example: fly tied by Bob
Bad Example: AK'S shit flies
Good Example: Baetis CDC Comparadun

You should include which rivers the flies have produced action for you in and maybe a little bit information about the fly. Fly history if known, fly creator, etc... (not necessarily in the title)...

Really the more information you include, the better chances you'll have with getting your fly picked up by google.

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I was given a copy of Peter Gathercole's The Fly Tying Bible in PDF format. I don't have much use for it, but this site might find it useful - as it has step-by-step photographs. If you can't host it on the site (space, copyright or whatever) I can give people a look via email if they want.

Let me know.
Dennis, this is really embarassing, but is there any way to delete my last post? I didn't understand that it was a database of flies one has tied... as opposed to what I thought, flies one has tied up...

Legal disclaimer:

No house flies were injured in the making of this photo.
Hmmm. How did you tie it up? Please give a detailed description.

WELL, Finding a housefly this time of year was the tricky part. Without going into TOO much detail, cluster flies will often appear on relatively warm winter days. They get fooled into thinking Spring has arrived and come out lookin' for love. This poor fella' awoke from his long winter slumber to find ME and NOT the object of his desire.

Other challenges arise once captured (they are a bit dopey when they first emerge making them slower, and thus, easier to catch) (Mr Miyagi, take note).

But, I start with about a six inch piece of three ply rose-grey alpaca yarn, spun from the blanket area of a full peruvian alpaca. I separate the plys and use the most flexible of the three. CAREFULLY, I tie ONE overhand knot, creating a loop. I then cajole the now less than dopey fly into crawling through the loop. THEN, I gently pull the ends of the yarn taut(one end is pinned between my palm and thumb of my left hand, while the other end is pulled with my right index finger and thumb). This then restricts the fly from moving THROUGH the loop. VOILA!

I just hope that this description helps anyone wishing to tie up a cluster fly(although this technique will work with just about any insect or arachnid one wishes to restrict the movements of). If anyone has ANY questions, feel free to ask.


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Thanks FF,

Did you use any thread and/or glue to hold the fly to the hook?

Sorry for all the questions,
Thanks FF,

Did you use any thread and/or glue to hold the fly to the hook?

Sorry for all the questions,

GOSH, I'm so glad you brought that up...

I was remiss in not mentioning that I start with a six inch piece of alpaca yarn so that I have enough to TIE the fly to the hook if I so choose.

I went to grade school with a some kids from Viet Nam that would tie thread to the legs of honey bees and fly them around like they were kites.....I don't know exactly how they captured the bees but I do remember that it was neat to watch!
I went to grade school with a some kids from Viet Nam that would tie thread to the legs of honey bees and fly them around like they were kites.....I don't know exactly how they captured the bees but I do remember that it was neat to watch!

ya' see? THIS is why we lost that one...
To anyone,

I have tried to take a few pictures of flies I have tied but my camera is crap and they look like pictures of dust bunnies(or maybe they do like like dust bunnies).
I don't know too much about digital cameras. What specs should I look for to take close-ups of flies?

i'm sure whatever answer you get from the comedian in residence, Future Fanatic, will be highly enlightening, as per usual! God forbid anyone inject their two cents into anything anymore.....effing people need lives!
To anyone,

I have tried to take a few pictures of flies I have tied but my camera is crap and they look like pictures of dust bunnies(or maybe they do like like dust bunnies).
I don't know too much about digital cameras. What specs should I look for to take close-ups of flies?

Most camera's (digital) have a little setting on them which looks like a flower. This is macro mode. Check to see if your camera has the macro mode icon. If so, ensure it's highlighted (or however your camera handles this feature). Ensure your flash is on and ensure you have plenty of lighting.

Macro mode will enable you to take your photo considerably closer to your subject (usually within an inch or so).

Let us know how you make out.
To anyone,

I have tried to take a few pictures of flies I have tied but my camera is crap and they look like pictures of dust bunnies(or maybe they do like like dust bunnies).
I don't know too much about digital cameras. What specs should I look for to take close-ups of flies?



Send me a dozen of each fly and I'll take the pics and upload them to the database for you.

You don't need alpaca yarn!

I used to do this with hairs from my head when I was a kid. We used to swing 'em around like lassos. You just need to find a willing donor with long-ish hair. :D

Next time we go fishing I'll remember that.

i'm sure whatever answer you get from the comedian in residence, Future Fanatic, will be highly enlightening, as per usual! God forbid anyone inject their two cents into anything anymore.....effing people need lives!



The OWNER of this very site asked me to do something. Of course, I'm obligated to comply with his wishes. He even said "please"...

Hmmm. This might be one of the only additions. We just might find this little guy in the database. How did you tie it up? Please give a detailed description.
Dc tried to post a few more fly's and I get a message stating there is already and item with this name listed and won't allow me list it.

Thanks for the tip, found it. Now I have to get tying.


Just give me your address and I'll drive a few over. I've never been to a photo shoot, maybe we can hire a few models and do a location shoot on the BFB. :foto:Just floss and feathers!