You asked for it, now you've got it (and if you don't use it, I'm coming after you!).
I've changed the name to "Fly Tying Database" and now you'll see that only the newest are being shown. I've tested the uploads and all seems to be ok.
When you upload to the tying database, fill in as many items as you can and if a field is not there that you think should be, please let me know and I'll add it.
Fly titles... Very important. Give your upload a sensible meaning full name. Pretend you went into google or yahoo and did a search on your fly. What would you want to type into the google search box to find your fly?
Bad Example: Fly tied by xxxxxx.
Good Example: Ken Lockwood Gorge, Shrimp fly
Good Example: Delaware River CDC Klinkhammer special
Bad Example: fly tied by Bob
Bad Example: AK'S shit flies
Good Example: Baetis CDC Comparadun
You should include which rivers the flies have produced action for you in and maybe a little bit information about the fly. Fly history if known, fly creator, etc... (not necessarily in the title)...
Really the more information you include, the better chances you'll have with getting your fly picked up by google.