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Flat Brook and KLG new regs passed Council today

Rusty Spinner

Well-known member
The new regulations making the Ken Lockwood Gorge TCA and a 4.2 mile stretch of the Flat Brook passed into the 2014/14 Fish Code today. These two popular stretches of water will become 100% catch and release year round beginning Jan. 1st, 2014. The Flat Brook section will no longer be FFing only except the 9 day infamous "slaughter fest" beginning opening day and instead will be artificials only, C&R only, no bait. This eliminates even the taking of trout over 15". Good news for both stretches and these new regs bode well for additional changes on our TCA waters in the future after these areas can be evaluated under the new regulations.
The new regulations making the Ken Lockwood Gorge TCA and a 4.2 mile stretch of the Flat Brook passed into the 2014/14 Fish Code today. These two popular stretches of water will become 100% catch and release year round beginning Jan. 1st, 2014. The Flat Brook section will no longer be FFing only except the 9 day infamous "slaughter fest" beginning opening day and instead will be artificials only, C&R only, no bait. This eliminates even the taking of trout over 15". Good news for both stretches and these new regs bode well for additional changes on our TCA waters in the future after these areas can be evaluated under the new regulations.

NJPatbee deserves a huge amount of credit for this initiative. His efforts should be noted as he pushed his local chapter which in turn pushed the state council and the Division to support regulatory changes to the Flat Brook. In the end, science prevailed and that is a good thing for the resource.
The new regulations making the Ken Lockwood Gorge TCA and a 4.2 mile stretch of the Flat Brook passed into the 2014/14 Fish Code today. These two popular stretches of water will become 100% catch and release year round beginning Jan. 1st, 2014. The Flat Brook section will no longer be FFing only except the 9 day infamous "slaughter fest" beginning opening day and instead will be artificials only, C&R only, no bait. This eliminates even the taking of trout over 15". Good news for both stretches and these new regs bode well for additional changes on our TCA waters in the future after these areas can be evaluated under the new regulations.

YES! now for some warmwater kills signs in the gorge and we are good to go
Love it when the Good Guys win one! :punk:

Thanks Pat and everybody else that contributed.

Can only hope the rest of our TCA's go the same route in the future.
Love it when the Good Guys win one! :punk:

Thanks Pat and everybody else that contributed.

Can only hope the rest of our TCA's go the same route in the future.

That is the plan, but some in the Division want to see the effects of these changes first before supporting more on additional TCAs. But momentum is on the side of predominantly C&R anglers on certain NJ waters. Based on the Division's surveys online and via phone, more and more trout anglers, both spin and fly, consider themselves all or mostly catch and release anglers for trout in this state. I'm not a snob and support those that keep fish within legal limits provided they eat them, but many anglers now see the benefits to catching fish again and again instead of just once.
Music to my ears!! Thanks are due to many who supported the Flatbrook C&R program and kept it going for the past 40 years. A special thanks to NJTU and to many of the early members of North Jersey TU that hatched the idea and roped me in fresh out of college decades ago:

Fred Burroughs
Fritz Gerds
Chet Johnstone
Bob Mosher
Doc Liddy
Elmer Norman
Rudi Buenz
Fred Murray

and many others...

C&R on the KLG and "old" fly-fishing stretch on the Flatbrook - I can't wait until 2014 (hopefully it will rain by then)!
sounds like a huge win.. although aside from the 9 day slaughter fest following opening day, i rarely see, if any meat head catch and keep fisherman at klg. everyone seems relatively respectful and knowledgeable from what ive seen the last couple years. i cant speak for flat brook.

on the other hand i.e. the pequest tca gets absolutely PILLAGED on a weekly basis by said meatheads. ive watched the hatchery struggle month after month to keep numbers up in that stretch. unannounced stockings are no match for the hermanos filling up walmart bags with fish and the Portuguese dudes taking multiple 20"+ browns/bows daily via the stringers they hide up and down the banks.

i bet the state would actually turn a higher profit as a result of not having to restock that place so often vs. the loss in license sales from the resident poachers
sounds like a huge win.. although aside from the 9 day slaughter fest following opening day, i rarely see, if any meat head catch and keep fisherman at klg. everyone seems relatively respectful and knowledgeable from what ive seen the last couple years. i cant speak for flat brook.

on the other hand i.e. the pequest tca gets absolutely PILLAGED on a weekly basis by said meatheads. ive watched the hatchery struggle month after month to keep numbers up in that stretch. unannounced stockings are no match for the hermanos filling up walmart bags with fish and the Portuguese dudes taking multiple 20"+ browns/bows daily via the stringers they hide up and down the banks.

i bet the state would actually turn a higher profit as a result of not having to restock that place so often vs. the loss in license sales from the resident poachers

I have never seen a poacher with a license. ......

I don't know this lightenup character, but I think you might be onto something. Sounds like he hasn't been there in at least 2 years.
"i bet the state would actually turn a higher profit as a result of not having to restock that place so often vs. the loss in license sales from the resident poachers"

That! ^... and nice steelhead dude! That's a gorgeous fish.
For whatever reason, the fly-fishing stretch on the Flatbrook had quite a few fly fishers that would take a few fish each outing (as they were legally entitled to). There was a lot of voluntary C&R, but that stretch of water received heavy pressure right through the Summer and early Fall which contributed largely to the lower numbers of fish than expected based on the water quality (I am still waiting for a Blue Heron season). This observation was also made by the NJDF&W during their study of the Flatbrook and was a factor in the C&R designation.
"(I am still waiting for a Blue Heron season)"

The last time i fished KLG months ago I had one fish the same pool i was, it stood literally 10 feet from me and got wide-eye'd everytime i hooked a fish or snagged up. I haven't heard of one striking at a hooked fish yet but i imagine that's next. The flock of Heron in KLG has to be putting a hurt on the fish population there with the low waters now. They nest in the same spot every year and seem to thrive there. I wonder if the state will ever consider relocating a few of them.
@greg dont u remember that time at klg the heron flew off with the kids fish, rapala and line still attached. i think it ultimately spooled him..

those birds are huge
then you havent been to the pequest in the last 2 years.

I fish the Pequest sometimes...it is a half hour drive, so mostly if I need a fix in the heat of summer, and usually on weekdays, so I don't see many people....I usually fish the SBR and local WTS'.....or Pennsylvania(but not this year).....I see a lot of unlicensed fish killers on Spruce Run Reservoir...

The Pequest just isn't worth the drive.....