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Does Finite tie flies?


A fan of Boobery
Let's see something from you please...
Or do you not want to embarrass Greg and I with your fly tying prowess...
I get the feeling he's a very well mannered individual and his grandmother taught him to never intentionally show others up.
I was an avid tyer at one time, but a couple of years ago I was the mark of an unscrupulous host of a fly swap. I spent countless hours tying a nice bunch of beautiful Tommy Lynch Drunk and Disorderly streamers, only to have the host abscond with my beautifully tied creations, never to be heard from again. That horrible event has left me scarred and I can no longer sit, looking at my vise as it dredges up such hurtful memories.
I was an avid tyer at one time, but a couple of years ago I was the mark of an unscrupulous host of a fly swap. I spent countless hours tying a nice bunch of beautiful Tommy Lynch Drunk and Disorderly streamers, only to have the host abscond with my beautifully tied creations, never to be heard from again. That horrible event has left me scarred and I can no longer sit, looking at my vise as it dredges up such hurtful memories.
I also was duped by Tomfly....get back on the horse boob!!!
Thanks very much for this! I look forward to hitting the SBR with those midges, and Tulpehocken Creek, which I haven't been to in a couple of years but is a midge haven. I just may make up a few Trans-Hends for you!

On another note, I hope Finite's emotional scarring heals. I'm thinking he needs some real tacos.......
Ok, so I thought I would start with some of the big stuff first.


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Absolutely you get extra points. Those are some really nice streamers. I have been stuck in on various marabou muddlers and black ghosts for too long. I got hungry when I looked at them for some fish and chips.
By the way Finite, I cold part with some real cdc for you if you think you are up to it........
Gerg, thank you for the generous offer but your cdc would be wasted on me. You see, I'm a 99% tight line nymph guy, and most of the cdc I use is on collars of my nymph patterns. And the bags of cdc I presently have work fine for this type of usage. Your good stuff for floating would be wasted for what I tie.
I'm one of those guys that continues to nymph in the middle of a Hendo hatch :LOL:.


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This is one of my all time favorite and most productive flies-a green caddis pupae. I have always caught more fish on this fly when it has wing buds than when it doesn't. This is definitely a go to for me.


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Where is lightenup? He is remiss in posting flies. I am in distress.
I tie for a while, and then don't for a while. The pressure to perform may push my to the vise....we will see how busy I am. I must admit though, I have been throwing some clay. Started 9 weeks ago, it is almost as addicting as fly fishing...IMG_20240301_131752_214.jpg
That's a nice piece. And spring is right around the corner, and like the clay goes around on the wheel, the thread goes around the hook. So from that perspective, it is a similar activity, and you get something useful when you are done. But I don't think you can cast that on a 5 weight. And I have some feathers and a few flies I will be sending you, both of which will open a whole new perspective on life as you know it.
Not Peter's Valley, but Old Brough Hall Pottery in High Bridge...by no means is flyfishing taking a back seat, but fly tying may for a while. Greg, don't you think you sent me enough?, I mean that real stuff cdc changed my perspective on ducks asses already.;) Looking forward to seeing your work in person.
No, I meant one of those types. Tree hugging, green energy, pot smoking. free spirit types.
There is a lot to digest here. People should discuss these topics more often when fishing. Yoga poses on a blowdown. Fashion show at the foot of a riffle. Doobie around the fire. Windmill on the car. Lots of great ideas here.
While Greg was picking feathers out of a ducks ass and LU was practicing his downward dog, I went fishing yesterday morning. Visited one of my favorite PA WTS for a few hours before the heavy rain moved in.
The plan was for some dry/dropper which didn't disappoint. Finished up with better than a dozen, with two sucking up the dry and the rest on the dropper.
If you'll notice in the pic, the dry is tied on a #8 jig hook. I've been experimenting with a few patterns tied on jig hooks and I have been impressed with the hooking ability of that hook.
The fish that did take the dry did nothing less than inhale it. Guess they are ready for some real bug action. FYI, the spring peepers have started.
Great report, great looking fish. I just wish I had enough hair on my head to have my own DA. That's why I go around picking dead ducks. I think that's why anyway. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. Still too cold for me, but I'm a candy ass anyway.

I like your idea of the jig hook. Never would have thought of that. But different style hooks definitely do make a difference in their ability to hook fish. I had bought some older Norway made Mustad hooks last fall that I found in the styles I liked, and bought one box of a style I had never used but figured they were close enough. I tied a few flies with them, and used them soon after a couple of time. I found I was getting strikes but not hooking fish. Finally figured out the difference between that particular hook and the old 3906B was the length of the point, which in these hooks was a little longer. I threw that box of hooks out.

Maybe I'll buy some jog hooks and give that a shot.
I think LU fancies himself as the next Patrick Swayze and is looking for his Demi Moore at pottery class...Ain't gonna happen LU.