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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!

BANNED...from Gay Pages....


Professional BS'r
Banned from the second forum (salmon crazy was the one that popped my cherry). Apparently some people can't handle a civilized debate or criticism. That's because the site is run by a bunch of socialists. The funny thing is, I never called anyone any names. I just debated things that people brought up using civilized tactics. Oh well, the moderators over there a one "sinktip" and "kush" are a couple of real lefty libtards (<--That's name calling by the way). But, what the heck do they know. They can't even legally carry a concealed handgun in their country.

What forum banned you?

The one run by those canucks. Speypages.....they say it's about the "sport". Count up their advertisers and look at what it costs to advertise and they make around $26,000 a year in advertising alone. That doesn't include the suckers they get to yuck up $40 for their "detailed" reports and articles.

OH well. There are some very sensitive people over there. As soon as you start pointing out something that is against what they believe they start yelling and screaming for the "moderators" saying that it is uncalled for and is not related to spey casting. A bunch of wankers for sure. :looser:
It looks like you weren't the only one. They had a ban party.

Why would you want to post there anyway?
It's not NEFF. It's just a bunch of guys who need to use both hands to hold a flyrod. :)

If you really want to argue with a Lefty Looney Liberal, (Progressive) Spotted Owl tongue kissing, Al Gore loving, Prius driving Greenie, PETA worshipping, Nancy Pelosi SF Voting, Obama supporting, weenie, freak, we have Beetle, and (for variety) GST has the neighbor.

If you really want to go back...
  • Make up a username and password that bear no resemblance to your old ones, (and no resemblance to why they banned you).

    Get a new e-mail address. Again not the same username or password.

    Register from a different computer, using a different ISP (like from a library in a different town).

    Lay low for long enough for the admins to check the account and relax.

    Before you start using your regular computer, change your IP address, and clear your cookies, including LSO cookies, and the Media Player supercookie.

    Don't "pull a beetle" or a "monsterbrown" by giving yourself away on your first post.

    DO NOT use one of those lame anonymous proxies that the kiddies try to fool their school nanny software with.
I'm always amazed at how easy it is to spot a duplicate registration or a spammer. The troll almost always, gets lazy, gets cute, or falls into old habits and gives himself away. The spammers are even dumber. You can spot most of them even before they post........Do it while you're sober!
Banned from the second forum (salmon crazy was the one that popped my cherry). Apparently some people can't handle a civilized debate or criticism. That's because the site is run by a bunch of socialists. The funny thing is, I never called anyone any names. I just debated things that people brought up using civilized tactics. Oh well, the moderators over there a one "sinktip" and "kush" are a couple of real lefty libtards (<--That's name calling by the way). But, what the heck do they know. They can't even legally carry a concealed handgun in their country.

View attachment 7769
lol..thats funny..u are a bully :blackeye:
It looks like you weren't the only one. They had a ban party.

Why would you want to post there anyway?
It's not NEFF. It's just a bunch of guys who need to use both hands to hold a flyrod. :)

If you really want to argue with a Lefty Looney Liberal, (Progressive) Spotted Owl tongue kissing, Al Gore loving, Prius driving Greenie, PETA worshipping, Nancy Pelosi SF Voting, Obama supporting, weenie, freak, we have Beetle, and (for variety) GST has the neighbor.

I don't really want to go back...but they do have a lot of great deals in their classifieds.

I was over there mostly because NEFF wasn't working on my gubberment computer for a long while. Now it works, so I spend most of my time lurking over here thwarting terrorism one post at a time.

The problem over there is there are so many people who think they are king ding a ling on penis hill...in reality..they are a bunch of suck asses who just tell everyone how great they are and pat each other on the ass over dumb things. That's why I like NEFF so much. There is none of this prancing around and patting on the ass. We tell it how it is around here, and people who don't like it or are thin skinned limp wrist faggots don't last long.
It looks like you weren't the only one. They had a ban party.

Why would you want to post there anyway?
It's not NEFF. It's just a bunch of guys who need to use both hands to hold a flyrod. :)

If you really want to argue with a Lefty Looney Liberal, (Progressive) Spotted Owl tongue kissing, Al Gore loving, Prius driving Greenie, PETA worshipping, Nancy Pelosi SF Voting, Obama supporting, weenie, freak, we have Beetle, and (for variety) GST has the neighbor.

If you really want to go back...
  • Make up a username and password that bear no resemblance to your old ones, (and no resemblance to why they banned you).

    Get a new e-mail address. Again not the same username or password.

    Register from a different computer, using a different ISP (like from a library in a different town).

    Lay low for long enough for the admins to check the account and relax.

    Before you start using your regular computer, change your IP address, and clear your cookies, including LSO cookies, and the Media Player supercookie.

    Don't "pull a beetle" or a "monsterbrown" by giving yourself away on your first post.

    DO NOT use one of those lame anonymous proxies that the kiddies try to fool their school nanny software with.
I'm always amazed at how easy it is to spot a duplicate registration or a spammer. The troll almost always, gets lazy, gets cute, or falls into old habits and gives himself away. The spammers are even dumber. You can spot most of them even before they post........Do it while you're sober!
Look at Pete being so graceful with the NEFF INTEL. You trator! Now everyone will know what we look for when we ban people.
You guys ban people? I figured we just scared them off before it ever came to that point...you must have to really make you angry to get banned ehh?
There is not a person on the planet with a keyboard that could make me angry enough to ban them. Good luck trying.
You guys ban people? I figured we just scared them off before it ever came to that point...you must have to really make you angry to get banned ehh?
Currently, I ban spambots on sight. They're not actually "people".
I generally let DC torture live spammers,,,

Back before we relaxed the "rules", I took down a bunch of duplicate accounts created by trolls, but let Dennis deal with their primary account. He has some tricks that are worse than a mere ban..... Also took down some duplicate accounts that were obviously inadvertent..... but it's been a few years.

As to revealing any trade secrets - they're just common sense:
Trolls are too stupid, or angry, to use common sense.
Spammers, rely on mass marketing, they don't have time to cover their tracks.​
Back before we relaxed the "rules", I took down a bunch of duplicate accounts created by trolls, but let Dennis deal with their primary account. He has some tricks that are worse than a mere ban.....

I remember Hooligan Troutbum telling me about his short exile a couple years ago and one of Dennis' tricks. I think his direct quote was "I wanted to rip my eyeballs out of my head and stomp on them" after a certain redirection of NEFF on Hooli's computer...:):)
"LIBTARDS" is one of my favorite descriptions for them -- My Most Favorite on though is -- Drum Roll Please --- NAZI PELOSI -- She has got ot be the biggest fucking idiot bitch ever born -- She is also the biggest liar I have ever seen Bar None -- The best thing about her is that she is ALSO a BIGGOT Predjudice Bitch if your a White Working Man SHe hate us and wishes we would all just stop working so we can suck on the GOVT TEET and gain total control of all of us -- Then she can get VOTES and MORE POWER

Hey now....people on unemployment help boost the economy.

Actually WELFARE RECIPIENTS do more than the unemployed for the economy --- LMFAO -- Which is what the Fucking Libtards want -- Go Figure -- My question is where does this thinking come from -- It's really sad especially in this country that our Government WANTS WELFARE RESIPIENTS to get Votes -- What happened to this country -- What happened to the American Dream where a working guy could live his dream open a business work hard and become successful --- If yoy actually "LIVE THE DREAM" in this day and age you get punished and chastised by the LIBTARDS and the FUcking Worthless people that are more than capable of working BUT DONT WORK and actually live better than the poor guy who works his ass off (HONEST WORK) and still cant make ends meet because the Government want to take his Hard Earned money and give it to the Scumbag lazy P.O.S who cries to give him more.

Simms was banned from there about a year ago as well. While a fan of the 2-handed rod, I have never really found the site to be very useful for the same reasons you posted, they all think they know best, while frothing the water with their speypage buddies.

The site is good for one thing, their classified ads.

Last year when on Deschutes, while a sponsor for the site, John Hazel started in with his opinions of how pretty much everyone knows nothing on that site and the advise given is usually contributes more to developing bad casting habits than becoming an efficient caster and angler.

I agree with you, they are mostly a bunch of wankers over there and since I have all the gear I need, only visit the site about once a month for no longer than 2 minutes.