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USGS notice of upgrade

Rusty Spinner

Well-known member
Many of us rely heavily on various USGS stream gauges for our work or fishing. I just got this email in case anyone is interested:

To the public: you are receiving this because you or someone at this email address subscribed to the USGS Water Data for the Nation notification list. If you are no longer interested in receiving system notifications, go to USGS User Input Message x and select the unsubscribe option.

Beginning Thursday, August 7, 2014 the USGS will begin deploying a release of the USGS Water Data for the Nation web site. There are many servers that need to be updated, so the process may take a couple of days. During this time period you may see an inconsistent user interface, as some servers are updated while others are not.

This release includes many important features and bug fixes. They are listed below. When the upgrade is completed, news will be made available on help.waterdata.usgs.gov.

USGS Water Data for the Nation (waterdata.usgs.gov)

+When selecting the option to display a summary of selected sites, the selection of a particular agency code is now honored. (PR 23683)
+Fixed a bug related to graphs of discrete groundwater data. The bug occurred when no activity occurred over the requested period. Now, no graph will appear when the following conditions were noted with the measurement and there are no other valid values to be plotted: frozen, dry, discontinued, obstructed, destroyed, no value is recorded or there is an instrumentation problem. (PR 26665)
+The column headers in HTML tables for field surface water measurements are now linked to their corresponding definition in the help system if there is a definition associated with the column. (PR 28020)
+Symbols used on graphs to show discrete groundwater levels will be larger or smaller depending on the density of data on the graphs. This is to make these measurements easier to see without obscuring other data on the graph. (PR 29911)
+Graphs of groundwater data include a note/disclaimer as follows: "Caution: When viewing a plot with multiple sites, it is important to understand the characteristics of data being plotted. For example, some parameters are measured from a reference point that varies from site to site, such as water-level depth below land surface datum for wells, and gage height for streams. Calculating the difference between values at sites with different altitudes would have limited meaning." (PR 29999)
+There is no longer a slow response when submitting feedback forms, such as "Questions about sites/data?" and "Feedback on this web site". The USGS +Answers system is now called directly. An optional field for organization is no longer captured since the USGS Answers system does not support it. (PR 30321)
+To accommodate a redesign of USGS Answers, the site number is now echoed on the USGS Answers page when users request feedback from a station page. This aids USGS water science center personnel in responding to queries. (PR 31243)
+Dynamic graphs no longer fail when two parameters are requested and the range of data includes February 29 of a leap year. (PR 30753)
+We fixed an issue that appeared only in the Chrome browser that caused column headers to partially obscure the first rows of data in a table on statewide streamflow tables. (PR 30893)
+Fixed issue that caused certain dynamic graphs not to render if there were quote characters in the station names. (PR 30899)
+Fixed issue for graphs of instantaneous data where in certain cases the period of record was misreported, due to a leap year issue. (PR 30911 & PR 30997)
+If there are no parameters selected for current condition sites, the option to show sites on a map will not work. (PR 30995)
+Fixed a problem with site name searching which failed if parentheses were used as search criteria. (PR 31015)
+Some links that incorrectly pointed to old and now removed tutorials for water quality now point to the new help system. (PR 31022)
+Daily, monthly and annual statistics buttons now line up correctly beneath the statistics button. (PR 31207)
+Reverted certain stylistic changes on station pages so that indentation of content was more traditional and HTML tables did not take up the full width of the screen. (PR 31210)
+Fixed issue with filterable tables. On certain tables, filters for a column were actually filtering for content on an adjacent column. (PR 31211)
+Fixed typo, missing space after the word "lakes," on the main page, in the description of water quality data. (PR 30703)
+The following real-time parameter can now be selected:

83554 - Nitrate plus nitrite, water, total, tons per day as nitrogen (PR 31245)
72205 - Bulk electrical conductance, soil, decisiemens per meter (PR 31293)
72125 - Atmospheric water vapor pressure, calculated, kilopascals (PR 31293)
72130 - Potential evapotranspiration (PET), calculated by Penman method, millimeters per hour (PR 31293)
72159 - Evapotranspiration, millimeters per day (PR 31293)
72173 - Wave period, Fourier transformation, seconds (PR 31293)
72243 - Discharge, cubic feet per day (PR 31293)
99237 - Acoustic Doppler Velocity Meter signal to noise ratio (PR 31293)
99238 - Location of Acoustic Doppler Velocity Meter cell end, feet (PR 31293)
99968 - Acoustic signal strength, units specified in data descriptor (PR 31293)
50292 - Gain control, AVM (PR 31296)
70309 - Compaction, sediment, feet (PR 30407)
99247 - Lower 90 percent prediction limit for SSC by regression (PCODE 99409), mg/l (PR 31411)
99246 - Upper 90 percent prediction limit for SSC by regression (PCODE 99409), mg/l (PR 31411)
31720 - Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), count of tagged fish per hour (PR 31434)
31725 - Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), count of unique tagged fish per hour
31722 - Hybrid asian carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobliis and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix hybrids), count of tagged fish per hour
31727 - Hybrid asian carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobliis and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix hybrids), count of unique tagged fish per hour
31724 - Shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus), count of tagged fish per hour
31729 - Shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus), count of unique tagged fish per hour
31721 - Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), count of tagged fish per hour
31726 - Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), count of unique tagged fish per hour
31723 - Sum of bighead, silver and hybrid carp, count of tagged fish per hour
31728 - Sum of bighead, silver and hybrid carp, count of unique tagged fish per hour

Water Web Services (waterservices.usgs.gov)
+The site service now offers a search by site name feature. The service will find sites matching the exact name provided, or a partial name provided. Site searches are case insensitive. You can request that matches be from the start of the site name field, or any part of the site name field. See the site service description for more details.
+The site service no longer accepts time as part of the startDt and endDt URL arguments. (PR 26660)
+Header comments embedded in tab-delimited (RDB) files for the site service now match equivalent queries in the USGS Water Data for the Nation site. (PR 25729)
+The instantaneous value service was not reporting the time zone with each instantaneous value. This has been fixed. (PR 30392)
Help System (help.waterdata.usgs.gov)
+New code definitions including district code, Landnet, altitude datum, altitude method, drainage basin, data reliability code and source of depth code. (PR 20490)
+You can now search for a particular statistics code by name or number, as well as get a list of all statistics codes. (PR 30603)
+The wording for data types has been updated to better define current conditions and recent data. (PR 27791)
Mapper (maps.waterdata.usgs.gov)
+Radio buttons that are disabled are less prominent, making it less likely that a user will try to select them. (PR 28119)
+If you search for a site by site number, an error will no longer occur if one or more of the selected sites are not associated with an agency code. (PR 29469) In addition, the selected site(s) are easily distinguished because it is surrounded by a yellow halo. (PR 29633)

Candice Bostwick
NWISWeb Operations Team Leader
Reston, VA 703-648-4878