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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!

Letter from Craig Findley...FUDR

BB... Thanks for posting that.

A few things learned here (some important, some not)...

Don't read too far into things you find on the internet. There are two sides to every story. The best way to really get the answers is to get all involved parties in a room, lock the door, and ask all the questions you want. Then you get the info directly from the person trying to relay it. I've tried following these threads and feel like I'm on a seesaw. Who's lying vs. who's telling the truth. On another note though, I'm sure we'll reach a conclussion to this mess after some time. I'm happy this forum has been a hosting place for good open dialogue. Even the info provided to this site by FUDR, Jim Serio, and others, is better than learning nothing. This at least gives us some sort of gateway to the area we cannot be in as often as we like.

The only horse I have in thia race is the fish and the rivers
I'm with you on this one BB.

FF - I had no clue you were buddies with Jim. When did you guys become drinking buddies? <being facetious>:dizzy:

The name of this site is 'North Eastern Fly Fishing', not 'New Jersey Fly Fishing'.