First rod to build?

Mike Ridolfino

Wild trout stalker
So I scored a G. Loomis 8'6" 5wt. IMX blank really cheap this weekend. However, I don't have the slightest clue how to build a fly rod, it was just a deal that I couldn't easily pass up. I'd like to take the rod building class at DRO, but it doesn't appear that they have one starting anytime soon. So, would I be better off getting a book and trying to build this one on my own, or waiting til the next DRO class to build it. I'm not all that worried about having a perfect rod, since I paid next to nothing for the blank, but I'd like to have something that I can actually use. Any recommendations would be helpful.
Just buy a cpl videos and get creative. Build a jig and do it:D As hard as flyfishing is,I doubt you`d have a problem learning this part. Bill will sell you everything you need to put it together minus the rod jig. You can make that.
A word of warning: once you start building your own rods, you'll never look at a store-bought rod the same way. Before you start, plan on buying a rotater motor, to cure the epoxy- $40- 50 bucks at a fly shop, or $2 at a thrift shop for a rotisserie motor and figure out your own way of attaching the rod. The $2 one is what I use. it's lasted ok for 20-30 rods. epoxy takes 4-12 hours to dry, before it won't sag on you (the longer the better, for durability) All the information you need is available on the web- spend some time on research before you start.
Thanks for all the info guys, looks like I'll be starting this project sometime next month after I get back from the Smokies. I'll try to keep a log going with my progress.
I build my first rod about two years ago and agree that you won't want another store bought rod ever....I never had an experience with it besides watching my Grandfather do it as a young child. He's long gone and I decide to try it myself. I just bought a book and read it. I guess it was part of the adventure like looking for new waters to fish. I highly recommend "Fly Rod Building Made Easy" by Art Scheck. It's an excellent resource whether you're building it in a class or by yourself. (lots of pics and easy to read) Just remember to take your time and if you mess up the windings you can always try it again. As for the drying motor, I rigged a cordless drill with a rubber lacrosse stick buttend to hold and turn my rod to put on the epoxy finish. Good luck and enjoy the adventure.:)

I've done Bill's class. It's not expensive, and Bill is probably flexible. Though looking back in retrospect, it could be done by video aid, I'm glad I had the live help. There's enough little things you learn along the way from Bill that make it worthwhile, plus you get the use of their drying rotars.